Not as good as the first one, but still enjoyable.

Really good fun, especially with a friend.

It didn't hit quite as hard as the first one did for me, but it's still a damn good game.

A solid 3D-platformer that is WAY better than any licensed title has any right to be.

It's, uh... more Cold Steel, I guess. The music is absolutely fantastic, though.

Basically Castlevania in a paper-thin disguise. Both really janky and really fun to play.

This game means more to me than I can put into words. Game gud.

Not the best Ys in this style, but absolutely my favorite. It has a lot of flaws and weird kinks, but at the same time it has great music, a fantastic setting, and brought a lot of good L O R E to the table.

One of the most interesting games I've ever played.

Falcom peaked with this game.

It's okay for what it is, but it really shouldn't have been a Castlevania game.