there is def some stuff to like here but the combat is so slow that regular enemy encounters become something you dread. i wish wild encounters werent a thing and instead you only fought other real teams or something, idk.

its ugly, misogynistic, janky, and not particularly fun. not really sure why this one took off.

fun puzzley bosses. love the gimmick. my big gripe is the boss runbacks... i have no idea why such a thing would be present in a game like this. extremely odd decision. the game is short and isnt particularly difficult so it doesnt end up being a huge deal, but annoying nonetheless. also this game should not be 15 dollars lol

seems promising at first, but you quickly realize that all of the content here is poorly written/designed. there is nothing "new", really, and the dungeons can barely even be qualified as such. mostly just rooms where you Do A Thing. the rare times there are genuine puzzles, they are ridiculously simple, and many of them are tedious to boot. the "bad" ending is funny though lol

i want to like it more, but there are too many minor issues. the biggest is probably that the game has TOO MUCH content. it endlessly recycles the same stuff over and over and over again, and if you care about completing everything it is a massive chore. the "my fairy" system ruined the game for me, personally. not only does it feel unnecessary, it is overly complicated and EXTREMELY overpowered. using the system properly makes you use the fairy all the time and it just feels like, unfun? idk. it is really nice being able to play as so many of these characters, but the new ones created for this game are just weird and imo should never have existed. a weird move in a game that exists purely to be fanservice. the game is very repetitive and easy to master. the level 4 weapons are not even close to element-balanced, which makes me feel like little thought were put into them. some of the recolors for the level 4 weapons are UGLY. the later added characters clearly have much less effort put into their movesets, they feel very lazy. i could go on but itd just be more nitpicks. i really, really wish the whole thing was more refined.


pleasant art, occasionally decent music. but the whole thing is so much of a slog that it doesnt matter. i dont know how anyone can bear these tedious, simple, ridiculously easy fights over and over and over again. the plot isnt good and the writing is often atrocious. one of those things i wish i had just watched a video of instead of investing time and money.

interesting for like 15 mins

i really want to like it more. i LOVE the combat. unfortunately, theres a lot else i dont like. as someone who likes to collect everything, the game is far too grindy for my taste. capturing monsters feels so incredibly lame and clunky compared to just fighting them normally, and you are heavily incentivized and even required to capture them for some things. female versions of armor are usually sexist garbage. most of my nitpicks are not game-breaking, but theres so many more i could list. more than anything, i just think everything outside of the actual fights is overcomplicated.

better than tnt. in fact, i somewhat enjoyed my time with it until the last 10 levels or so. before then, i was pleasantly surprised that the game seemed to keep in mind pistol starting much more than doom II did. it also was much better about health pickups, something that tnt struggled with a lot for whatever reason. however, the last 10 levels or so just seem like these thrown together long levels without the care put into the earlier ones, both gameplay-wise and visually. i also cant say i loved the difficulty of the earlier levels. i dont save mid-level, so having to do 10 mins of stuff ive already done a million times all over again bc of some stupid trap at the very end is annoying. i wish the levels were a little more bite-sized. i did LOVE hunted though.

they somehow managed to make a set of levels even worse than doom IIs. every flaw that can be in a level is represented somewhere here. obnoxious hitscanner spam, overly long levels, too little health pickups, switches that dont properly convey what they do, custom music that is annoying or not at the right volume... each new level brings a new kind of stupid thing to make your experience unfun. the people who claim to enjoy evilution seem to mostly be people who save constantly and dont pistol start, which must make it a lot easier to ignore the constant issues. metal, administration center, and mount pain in particular are some of the least fun ive had in doom period. the ONE positive thing i can give it is that the levels are visually pleasing and aesthetically more interesting than doom IIs and its not even close.

super mario 64 esque freedom of movement, only with a lot more crazy tools. best movement of any game ive ever played. unfortunately the design of the playable character is misogynistic as hell. the option was added to have her wear pants but like. come on. the ending was also really anticlimactic. really good game otherwise though.

at times a little TOO chaotic, but very fun nonetheless. surprising amount of synergy and variety between spells. one of the more satisfying to get good at games ive played in a while.

unnecessarily grindy, the duels are slow as hell, and the cardpool is pathetically shallow. there is no reason to ever play this.