Pure fun incarnate; this is what video games are all about. It's the Mario game I had been dreaming about since Sunshine but never thought I would get. The pinnacle of the series.

The definitive way to play one of the best trilogies of the last 20 years.

Another trilogy I waited far too long to play.

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Enough about my racist past.

Let's discuss my racist future.

Doesn't quite shock (pun intended) in the same way as the original but it's a solid follow-up nonetheless that builds upon the gameplay of the first.

Can't believe it took me this long to finally experience this masterpiece.

A potentially great action RPG marred by some of the most boring, repetitive world traversal I've ever experienced. You want me to run back and forth across this massive map with nothing going on, outside of fighting the same, annoying enemies every time? Maybe at some point I would've unlocked a mount or fast travel but the game wasn't incentivising me to keep going. I like the character creation and the combat certainly gave me Monster Hunter vibes, but beyond that....nothing of value.

People are saying this is a Japanese development team making a better western RPG than western devs? Am I missing something? Western RPGs have worlds with things in them; this does not.

It's far from perfect, but way back in 2011 this game was a miracle. It's definitely popular to hate these days but I can't deny the fact that there isn't a single other game I've poured more hours of my life into. Ten years later and I'm still playing.

I feel much better about this game now thanks to the new quality of life improvements, pacing improvements, and the option to play without motion controls. It still does suffer from some repetition (namely the boss fights) but I appreciate it far more now in a post-BOTW world for how well it shook up the formula while still adhering to the classic Zelda structure. The whole world is one, big dungeon and there's very little downtime once you're passed the intro sequence. The dungeons have great puzzles without feeling too complex and the combat has a fair level of challenge that keeps things interesting.