It's kind of a huge mess but I still sunk over 100 hours into it. As a fan of the series that must count for something.

How can a game that's so wacky also contain some of the most dry, overlong cutscenes I've ever sat through?

A masterful balance of fun and mind-numbingly boring that I have not seen before or since.

A ton of missed potential but a solid western RPG nonetheless.

Ehhhh....the opening didn't give me much hope. Maybe I'll come back to it one day.

My first, and so far only foray into the MGS series. Plenty of fun to be had in the stealth sandbox...but the plot? Good god.

Had a lot of potential but the console version was terribly optimized or rather, not optimized at all.

Huge guilty pleasure for sure.

It may not be my personal favourite Zelda, but between the top tier collection of dungeons, bosses, and the greatest companion the series has yet's arguably one of the very best. It may have received a reputation over the years for perhaps being too similar to Ocarina of Time, but I think it sets itself apart in many meaningful ways. And when you compare the similarities I don't think there's a single thing that Twilight Princess doesn't do better.

Still like it more than the Galaxy games. Sorry, but sandbox Mario is simply more fun to me and before Odyssey this was the tightest he ever controlled. That stuff matters to me more than 100% completion, which is something I've never bothered to do with this game.

And I really don't understand how people are so bad at the chuckster level.

Still waiting for a 3D Sonic to top this one.

Knuckles, after being hit in the face: "Oh no."

My favourite JRPG of all time. If only there wasn't so much backtracking...