This game whips ass. How the hell was there not a sequel on the 360? The only flaw is the weak feeling guns and lack of coop.

This game whips ass. How the hell was there not a sequel on the 360? The only flaw is the weak feeling guns and lack of coop.

The actual stealth gameplay is fine. Its a nicely streamlined version of MGS3. But the overall storytelling, pacing, and level design is easily the worst for the series.

Easily the best written rockstar game. Shame that there are no gameplay innovations whatsoever.

I hate when game's hide important plot behind new game plus, but I loved this game's style and

Please dear god I hope this game gets finished.

This game is juvenile and racist in a way that could really only happen in the early 2000s. However it plays like a trashy Deus Ex and is legitimately fun sometimes.

Game's aren't built to last like this anymore. I played on LAN for the first time with 3 friends and had the time of my life. You'll never get that experience with Apex or Fortnite.

GBA version of the game. It doesn't have a fucking win screen. 0/10

Should have bought it on my phone.

There were a few moments that really worked for me but I can't say it was most of the game.

The GBA version of this game is actually sick as hell.

Makes the first game look like a beta test or something

Crazy how short this game is with save states

Dunkey said it best. The gunplay can't hold a candle to the RE4 remake, but the RE4 remake doesn't have a musical number.