Why the hell did I spend 5 dollars on this? Why did I complete the single player. I guess it was a little fun to do some combos with Harley

They gave it away for free which is why I played it.

Too simple to hold my attention.

This review was written before the game released

This game really fell off and I guess I'm a statistic in that.

This review was written before the game released

Fun with friends, would never play alone.

I hate that this is what Bungie chose to do next.

Got obsessed with this for a few months.


If you asked me to design a game where you play as cat, this isn't the setting or story I would have chosen.

Its hard to buy the general concept of the game; Kratos chilling out. But it works for the most part I just hate the RPG elements.

The most fun game in the series. But damn does it feel nasty and stupid.

Very impressive for a PS2 game. Story has no redeeming value.

The best game of the original series. Not in terms of thrills and spectical, but in pacing and narrative.

A very funny game, but has a strong core.


Just doesn't have the same magic is Journey. I think that's mostly due to subject matter. Still very well made though.