Dev's made the classic mistake of basing the difficulty on what they personally thought was difficult. If you think of it as more a "master levels" expansion than a sequel it works better.

Nothing puts me in a trance like this game.

Don't tell my wife I bought this.

I'm a complete fanboy. I love this game.

Succeeds in basic story telling in ways so many other FPS games miss.

Not a fan of all the changes, but the stealth is so much better.

The weakest of the three. Just play the remaster its slightly better.


The best immersive sim I will fight you.

Some people don't like this style of horror game, but I had a great time. Easy recommend for anyone wanting to be scared around Halloween.

I was enjoying it well enough then my laptop died.

Tried a bit of the first episode, just wasn't hooked enough to buy the rest.

I guess this game was a bit ahead of its time for the boomer shooter craze.

Without the fun of ramming cars into things, rockstar's game design really leaves a lot to be desired. Played the shit out of a the poker mini game though.