It was kind of fun to play this game right as it was released before hearing anything about it. But ultimately it was a boring gimmick.

Completed the Marine campaign. It was okay, wasn't a fan of the level design.

The fucking goat. Still playing it too this day.

Played the sequel first. Really miss sprint but in atmosphere ships are cool.

Don't care much for photography, but I do care for meditating on the end of the world.

Fuck the haters. Love this game. I love just exploring someones else and learning things about them by going through their shit.

Has a major tone problem that no one talks about.

Lots of really creative ideas. Just wish the dialogue had any sort of spark.

Really wish this game wasn't a roguelike. Still kicks ass.

Mostly enjoy it for the atmosphere and mindless Dungeon Crawling. Good game to listen to a podcast with.

Not as interesting as Morrowind nor as accessible as Skyrim

Skyrim is more fun on a surface level. But I never felt as invested in the world as with Morrowind.

If anyone tells you this is the best Elder Scrolls they are lying or crazy. The crazy big world and freedom the game offers is interesting, but its a real mess of a game and is often not very fun.