divine light severed, you are a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters

Haven't really played a lot of Battlefield games to compare it to. But its at least better than EA's Battlefront games.

Don't think we need a Portal 3. I think this game pretty much explored every possibility.

Liked it well enough before I was tired of Roguelikes


Best modern Boomer shooter ever made.


Makes Quake 2 and Doom 3 seem like the most exciting games ever made.

I thought the combat more than Uncharted, but not the story.

Loved the gamefeel. Almost finished it, just couldn't beat the final boss then I forgot about it.

Maybe I should replay this game and learn what its actually about.

Pretty much the same as the first game, despite the graphical improvements.

A very interesting game, but I just can't deal with team members having no AI. Would have kept playing but the 5th level glitched out. Ultimately I liked Doorkickers better.