Heavy Rain 2010

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Who keeps giving David Cage the money to make these.

Im kind of in complete awe of just how bad this game is. Indigo prophecy was also awful but it continually wrapped back around to being funny, Heavy Rain replaces all of these moments with complete confusion. Ranging from completely inconstant characterization, a plot-point that really does not make much sense, Or how David Cage really likes to treat women in these games. And yet its so fucking captivating

Im sitting on the edge of my seat playing this game with popcorn in hand when the shitty uncanny valley face jumpscare loading transition comes and than the scene happens and when something fucking awful happens I throw all my popcorn into the air and go "YES! DAVID CAGE YOU GENIUS WHERE YOU TAKE SOMETHING KIND OF INTERESTING AND TURN IT INTO THE WORST SHIT IVE EVER SEEN!" I am completely enamored by david cages wild ride.