How much does a footstep weigh? Could you pay a debt in miles wandered, loves lost, and feelings felt? Fiscal deficit peels off of people until all that remains are workable bones. The hungry, self-subsuming organ of the state argues that for the consolidation of an archaic greater good, we must build a highway directly through your house. Just fifty dollars and we'll be out of your hair. Just an arm and you'll be debt free. Though of course, you know that the road will be haunted - by the house, by its neighbours, by you. The debt state does not mind, however, having consolidated away any need to remember a ghost long ago, and those of us who remain are left to build cities in graveyards.

And I can't feel at home in this world anymore

Gorgeous, full of love, snark and chalky working-class pessimism, the afterlife which Grim Fandango illustrates is a gorgeous dance, seeped in a love for sepia-noir and Mexico's Día de los Muertos. Everything from the voicework to the expectedly golden Doublefine-touch in the art and writing makes Grim Fandango an absolute pleasure from start to finish. Fans of their contemporary titles - see: Psychonauts 2, and its original; are sure to love this kitchy, art-deco, jazzy romp through both the grime and the good times in the underworld.

Not a moment of gameplay is left without the insightful, funny, wise-cracking commentary from the phenomenal character that is Tony Plana's Manuel 'Manny' Calavera, best travel agent in the Ninth underworld. Rest assured - you'll be both entering, and with any luck; leaving the afterlife with a big dumb smile on your face.

One of the most beautiful-looking and insane games of 2022.
More akin to learning an unknown language construed of colors and flashes of light than a game, Hyper Demon is unlike anything else.

The warmth of holding someone's hand.

Outer wilds invites you to look directly into the uncertainty of the future and to embrace it with open arms. Through that leap, you'll find that you're met with a warm hug.

What if life goes to waste? Is nothing worth it? Will anyone remember me in the future at all? Outer Wilds is unrivalled in beauty, heart and growth, asking of you to re-evaluate what you think happens after death. Through the clever archeological framing of the end of the world, the future seems less like a fading cry for help, and more a warm and loving goodbye. That to me; is Outer Wilds. An outstanding love for the world, the past, the present and the future. A sweet serenade and a kiss goodnight as the world shuts its eyes and fades away. It is the collection of every human lifetime focused into a faint "Hi, I existed here. Remember me, if you will!".

The first time you hear the music of the universe in Outer wilds will stick with you for a lifetime. And the last time, I am certain will stick with me and my own through generations. I would have not had it any other way than to have met with Outer Wilds in such a difficult and trying time in my life. As the 20 hours of play and story left me a happier, and braver person, I implore that you try Outer Wilds for yourself, as words alone cannot convey the importance of experiencing this world on your own. Musically, visually, and thematically, Outer Wilds rivals the greatest of the great, and is haunting, heartbreaking and tear-jerkingly joyous in electrical fanfare as you dance on the ridge of the apocalypse.