I don't have Future Connected so go fuck off.

Everyone has Future Connected dipshit, it came free with your fucking Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition.

I didn't get it, I have the oldest Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition known to man.

No you don't, I bought mine on day one.

Well, mine didn't have it.


(played this 1.5 years after beating XCDE and I learned it existed 10 hours into XC2. It's pretty good.)

I'm so Balatro-pilled it's not even funny. It's an extremely creative premise and one of the greatest roguelikes ever, it tickles my brain in just the right way.

This visual novel has incredible vibes. Each character is really memorable and well-written, I really enjoyed seeing how Jill interacted with each of the bar's customers. The soundtrack is incredible, and it's really cool how you get to pick the playlist for each day. I had my favorites by the end but at the beginning I would always mix it up to see which tracks I liked best. The artwork is also great. This pixel art style brings each character to life and paints a lively background. This was the perfect evening relaxation game

Actually one of the best games ever made. Amazing narrative and a beautiful conclusion to the series.

This statement was fact-checked by REAL Kevesi Patriots

Some of the best use of sound and color I've ever seen in a game. Turns some gaming tropes on their heads to create a really unique, funny, and endearing experience.

This game was fascinating. The strongest part was the platforming. Sybil feels great to control and mastering each of her abilities was really fun. The level design is excellent, encouraging you to use your movement abilities in unconventional ways to access new areas. I love trying to get to areas I "shouldn't" go in 3D platformers, and the level design rewards you for seeking out those places.

The artwork is great, I love the early 3D art design. Paired with the somber music and cryptic and sparse storytelling, this makes for an extremely haunting experience in the best possible way. It's a pretty lonely journey, but it's nice. The ending was really touching, and realizing what Sybil's goal is was kind of bittersweet. As a side note, some of the areas (Underbelly in particular) reminded me of Pac Man World 3, which was one of my favorite games as a kid.

About 25% of my playtime was the same stretch that I was stuck on before I realized you could backflip out of the long jump, and I did a ton of needless backtracking before I realized this. I wish they were more clear about that and made you figure it out in the tutorial area for that ability. I'm glad I played after the map update though, I don't think I would've finished without it. At first I wished the map was more detailed, but now I don't really think so. It gives you enough to go on, and the areas are interconnected enough that it's not too hard to do a quick comb and see what you missed. I do wish you could view the map for every area at once, not just the one you're in.

Overall this is a really fun and compelling experience, definitely recommend checking it out especially for the price.

I go in and out of Minecraft phases, but I always come back for more and I don't think I'll ever stop. I bought this game in 6th grade and now I have a master's degree. Time is weird.

After playing this I fully understand why it's a first ballot JRPG hall of famer. The storytelling is fantastic and tightly-woven, combat is incredibly fun and offers the chance for so many possible strategies, and the music/artwork heightens the already great experience into an amazing one. The fact that they were doing this shit in 1995 makes this even crazier. How it took everyone else so long to have bench leveling and remove random encounters in their JRPGs is beyond me. There's absolutely no padding to this game, each part of the game is fun and meaningful.

The story is killer. I love each of the characters so much that I'm not sure I could pick a favorite. Their personalities show in the writing and the spritework and it made the adventure that much more charming. Doing all the side quests right before the end was some of the most fun I've had in an RPG ever. This is really where the interaction between party members stood out. I didn't use Robo or Lucca too much until late game but after seeing them take the spotlight in some of these side quests, I used them way more often and really appreciate their characters way more. I wish the whole game had that level of party interaction, but it's just fine without it. At the present I have not gone for all of the alternate endings, but if I find myself wanting to return to the game, I think I will.

Getting to explore the world and uncover all its secrets was also very cool. The way the time-traveling storyline wove together the different maps and different characters was awesome. There were big, obvious connections, but also small, hidden ones that you only found if you looked. Every detail was meticulously planned out, which I admire a ton

Since there was no need to grind, and bench characters gained xp, I was trying all sorts of party combinations to tackle different problems. The Tech system is so sick, and it was cool to see what each character combination's Dual and Triple Techs would do. I loved how the combat was conscious of space too, and rewarded you for choosing attacks that beat certain enemy formations.

In terms of old games, it doesn't get much better than this- and it's better than a lot of newer stuff too. If you're even considering playing this game, I highly recommend trying it.

Got back into this game recently and I forgot how much it rocks. Nothing is funnier than placing a single piece with such a catastrophic effect on the level and watching your friends realize how fucked you all are because of it. It's silly and chaotic in such a great way. This is the perfect stupid game to play with your platformer-enjoying friends

What a beautiful coda to this amazing trilogy of games. It tied together all three games in such a satisfying way, and showed that the ties between each entry run deeper than I could've imagined. On top of the fantastic story, the systems are great as well. My goat Collectopedia is back along with several other new ways to explore and interact with the world. Absolutely loved every second of this DLC, what a perfect farewell to the series as it stands

Played this as a kid but didn't finish it until now. Whole thing holds up really well, and Glados is still funny 17 years later- unlike some other cringe robots (looking at you Claptrap!!!)

This review contains spoilers

One of the greatest games ever. Improved upon the already very good original in every sense- better puzzles and funnier dialogue, and a longer game to enjoy it over. I absolutely loved the old Aperture Science levels in chapters 6-7, the condemned testing sites were a vibe and Cave Johnson is so fucking funny. It was also cool to learn who Glados actually is. The co-op mode is also fantastic. Not much else you could ask for from this game

This game is brilliant but so fucking difficult. The strategies are really deep and each character is unique and fun to play. Makes you aware of your stupid feeble brain 90% of the time but the 10% where you get to feel smart rips so hard.

Really wanted to like this game but couldn't get into it. Pretty funny to watch your character get put through a Rube Goldberg death machine every time you fuck up though. I understand the appeal to this game, just isn't for me.

Don't think there will ever be an old game that stands the test of time better than this. Exciting gameplay from start to finish, and some of the best environmental storytelling in gaming