The most contribution this game has made on society are some funny Markiplier moments

I've never played this game but I just learned about it and leaving a 1/10 review is just really funny to me considering there's no way to even play it now

This game has given me Stockholm Syndrome every time I bring up how amazing some of the writing is like with Adachi or Kanji I get reminded about moments where characters just become unlikable for 10 minutes straight for the sake of #relatable moments

genuinely a game this good shouldn't exist


Really fucking excellent story with mid as hell gameplay. So to start off, Off is an excellent commentary on player choice, chosen one archetypes, NPCs in video games, as well as just what it means to beat a game. Though on the same time the game itself is... iffey with how it's designed. Like, the combat is kinda sluggish, the puzzles can be a bit of a chore, but despite all that though i can't reccommend the game enough because of just how amazing it's story is. It even influenced Undertale if that helps you consider your decision.

Thinks it's the best game in the series
Also thinks it contains the most genuinely insulting end to a character arc I've ever seen in a piece of media

I have a toxic relationship with this series

Reminds me of Off with how it's actual gameplay is eh while the story is excellent. And if I'm comparing a stupid shitpost mod to Off that's gotta mean something

Honestly you might think this game sucks but it's kind of a perfect adaptation for what was a really terrible creepypasta made by a weirdo.
Plus idk I just find it genuinely respectable with the idea that the person who made this game was like "eh, why not, I'll make a game based on this random creepypasta I found, could be cool"
It's less so the game and more so just the source material that sucks, even if the game itself still does suck

Idk though at some point I wanna see an interpretation of "Sonic murders all of his friends" that's unironically good as hell

CW: Suicide/Depression

"I hope you keep going anyway. Always keep going. Don't give up like me. You never know how much more time you have."

What you get out of this game is very dependent on you as a person. For some, it is misery, for others, it could be a sign to never lose hope and keep going.
I personally got the later. Even if, it was a depressing ending, with a sad way for everything to end, in the end of the day, it's a cautionary tale. It's a direct letter from the dev of this game, begging us not to go down the same path he did, even if he didn't realize it at the time. While life is sad and depressing, and there are many moments for us to be miserable about, there will always be people we care about, and music to leave us happy in the fleeting moments, and despite everything, we need to remain hopeful
Of course, this isn't to invalidate the negative experience someone may have with this game, cause I understand, it's a horribly depressing experience. However, this is what I personally got out of it, but on the same time, I perfectly understand why you wouldn't want to touch it as a piece of work.
I just hope you all stay safe, and stay in touch with your loved ones

Ik this is a shitpost game but this game is unironically like 10 times more fun to play gameplay wise than something like Ban Ban is

Nagito is one of the most interesting concepts in this entire franchise and I will never forgive them for wasting him

The more time that passes the more I think I dislike this game.
Boring gameplay
Bizarre story
Annoying characters
Genuinely gross fan service
The best thing about this game is the evil bastard villain ironically enough and maybe the MC

The prequel anime keeps it from being the worst thing in the franchise

Honestly I actually enjoy playing the first Daganronpa

But that doesn't stop me from thinking that it sucks lol

Was gonna give a 6/10 but the credits showing the devs favorite food made me boost it to a 7

What kind of dick eats their pet shrimp on the day that they are gonna kill themselves?

Idk it's fine. I gave it a positive review on Steam initially but I just wish it either gave us more people's lives to look at, gave us more of the character that we are playing as, or made it less depressing by at least letting us choose to better our lives instead of just ending it.
After all it's a god damn video game, and if it's not fun then it should at the very least give us a narrative that's able to be interacted with