"Guys! Is this the Snail Man!?" I say, as the jaws of a snail creature puncture into my body. "Guys, If we get 100,000 likes I'll challenge him to a boxing match!" echoes my voice, as my illuminated "uwu" face fades further into the darkness.

History time with wreith! One of the contestants was a 17 year old girl who was legally incapable of giving consent, meaning The Guy Game legitimately distributed child pornography! When she was rightfully granted an injunction to discontinue the games distribution after suing Topheavy Studios; their actual response on their website was "the Man has decided that our fun and hilarious presentation of spring break revelry just wasn't appropriate for the world of gaming. Maybe we should have blown some sh!@ up?". How pathetic!

This felt like I was playing Getting Over It: but instead of climbing, I was pulling my own teeth out with a pair of rusty pliers; and instead of falling, each tooth I failed to yank out would instantly regrow all my other teeth back, forcing me to start all over again.

I have gutted this machine like a fishmonger does a fish. If Sony could see what I've done to their precious machine, then they'd see me as nothing less than a technomantic Dr. Frankenstein, whose scavenged the discarded limbs from Sony's electronic graveyard to create a monster of emulation far beyond their worst fears.

Guessing the Minecraft prompt on the first picture made me ascend to the astral planes.

Main character: Battered, physically and mentally broken, bordering on insanity, begging for some reason in this never-ending nightmare.

Me, spying yet another whispering tome bound in human skin from across the room: "Time to increase your Occultism stat by +3% >:)"

head so good I call her Brain Lord yuh

I've always seen John Romero as the Icarus of gaming, with his wax wings made from his ego, and the Sun being every single day after Daikatana was released.

goddamn they REALLY wanted us to play mahjong with that cover, didn't they...

For better or worse, I've found myself to be someone more willing than most to give games with extremely controversial or taboo subject matters a chance. This isn't to be some smug contrarian, but more so because I don't want to be swayed away from a game because of an incorrect initial reaction from the public that would label it as degenerate filth, while the game itself is actually a nuanced and interesting perspective on those subject matters that would otherwise be buried under an avalanche of controversy and dismissal.

With that said, having this game on my PC feels like it actively revokes my entry into Heaven. This is a disgusting game made by disgusting people, who I hope find some salvation through extensive therapy, or more preferably, extensively memorising the cracks and stains on each of the four walls of their cramp jail cell.

Kirby fits firmly into the "games you buy a younger relative and then secretly complete yourself while they're asleep" type game.

CRPG developers, D&D GM's, crime novelists, screenwriters, and Christopher Nolan all fall asleep and dream of making something like Disco Elysium.

It feels like they were trying to make the "Come and See" of video games, which I can respect, but they missed and made "The Last Jedi" of video games instead.