i think this was a bit of a fever dream, intro music was v cool.

this game is so fucking sick LMAO i love the narrator’s voice and artwork for the different skills.

u might not like this if u don’t like politics or reading a lot thoooo

this was my first jungle survival esc game. loved making the fire lol

i had a big fat crush on him lmfao

art style and music def rly awesome

i asked my dad to buy me this when i was in middle school n he frl was like 🤨

plumbus but makes me motion sick lol

idk how to explain it, other than this was a gateway. a gateway to somethin i can’t tell u what word i’m thinking of tbh

i remembered making his fake name tag n calling him reginald every time i replayed it lol


this is the first video game i ever got 100% lol

i was grinding this before i played undertale

and then i never returned cause i felt bad fighting monsters LMFAOOOO