really cool art, cant say i’d replay though

it’s like if ur a delivery man who decided to be in a christopher nolan movie

LITERALLY SO GOOD. card game was super fun and challenging and the storyline was a cool twist along with the uhh post game game. although the story may not be super original it was executed well.

def want to find all the secrets eventually and replay it one day.

it’s definitely a fun new ghost hunting game if ur into the genre!!!

i am disgustingly addicted to this game please save me

beware of jebaiters n poison goblins in chat lol

i had a gameshark and i put a code to make my puppy fuckin huge so it would clip outside of the entire room LMAOOO

i wish i was better at bullet hell games and didn’t have gamer rage LMAOOOO

style is amazing, but u already knew that

did y’all use a proxy to play this in school? hahahahah same

literally the main story made me cry and every other side story is so melancholic.

i’ll play this game in bursts of a couple months, stop, and return because the welcome back rewards are so good lol. the crossover collabs are cool and i’m just a huge sucker for gatcha games tbh. graphics and music are beautiful even as a mobile game.

if u don’t like grinding dis ain’t it lol

i remember this being too hard for me and scary????


i want to note i played on the switch, but there’s no option for it.

fun n spooky VN. i love the art and characters in this game and the spirit hunter series in general!!! very excited for the 3rd installment.

the stories were entertaining for the most part, i put it on the “scariest” mode and screamed at the jump scares every time even if i knew they were gonna happen lol

thought it was interesting they seemed to take heavy inspo from P5 regarding the menu/ dialog box system.

also i was trying to get the good end but i guess i fucked up somewhere along the way even though i had replayed it and so i annoyed at that and gave up but still finished with 2 other endings.

This was my first FPS game and BR i’ve played and i was honestly addicted for a few months, i have over 400hrs playtime but ive taken a break since my adhd has made me switch my hyper-focus onto other things.