for people who smoke, or people who drink

like if you drink beer and you get drunk, or if you smoke weed and you get high.

the atari 400/800 home computer port is best
after the guy waves you on saying "come on!", spend your first 3 bullets (no more, no less) on the first 3 humans that show up in the first area. wait a moment, and enjoy <3
**with gsrand and the squad
aint got no point to the game you just walk around jumpin on shit
got my best score in pacifist mode (best "herding" game next to llamasoft's space giraffe) while listening to carcass' reek of putrefaction like the good little blood-based food avoider i am
digging a shallow cave for 7 hours, just do die in 2 hits to a spider
mario in a suit with his hair dyed orange and a tie on

1 Comment

4 months ago

played braid high asf much better experience

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