First off: this game is really really good. BUT: it is less good than God of War 2018 for reasons I find hard to articulate. Is it just because 2018 was such a surprise and set a high watermark for this game? I think in the end, the story of 2018 is just a little more compelling and even though the combat in this bad boy feels slightly better - you're still getting the same satisfaction in the previous one with a stronger emotional core. I dunno, maybe I'm rambling. You should play this game though.

Easily my least favourite FromSoftware Soulsborne game. But, as it turns out, even the worst FromSoftware game in this genre they've created is better than most other games so... yeah. I guess I'm a giant FromSoftware shill. I will say that it is an absolute delight to be playing a From game with next-gen graphics, this game looks and feels stunning.

Really got hooked wink on this one for a week. Love the atmosphere, love the story, love the loop of selling fish to upgrade your boat to get more fish. It's a cookie-clicker-like loop that seems to draw me in like nothing else.

My favourite indie of 2023 and for now on my top 5 of that year (we'll see if Alan Wake 2 bumps it when I eventually finish that).

I should boot this back up and see what the dlc is like.

If someone said to me "Elden Ring is the best game ever made" I'd be like "...yeah, probably". Which is wild because it has flaws. But the positives are SO. DAMN. POSITIVE. that I feel every critical thought in my head floating away like dead albinaurics in Lake Liurnia.

Still chugging through playthrough #2 so that I'm ready for Shadow of the Erdtree

God, I really really really really really hope they remake Dead Space 2 now. Please EA, don't be a jerk

I couldn't get past 2 boss cells when I first played this 3 years ago and I still can't do it now 😭😭😭

*yeah I think I'm done. I don't have time to git gud and go further. I do highly enjoy this game though and wouldn't be surprised if I start another save file in 3 years

They said it couldn't be done. They said you couldn't improve Breath of the Wild. They said Nintendo was full of madmen who had never made a game in their lives. Well they were all wrong and Nintendo: you done did the do

I borrowed this from my brother while home for Christmas. He told me he found it a bit of a slog in the back half. I got up to Monstro Town and was really enjoying the game ready to be like "ayyy whatreyatalkinabout?" And then I got to Bowser's Castle.

The final two areas of the game took about as long as the whole rest of the game combined and they really were a slog. Left me with a sour taste in my mouth for a game I had been enjoying well enough to that point.

Overall, the game is silly and charming and I'm a fan of the active combat mechanics. But I probably did it a disservice by cranking out the final third/half in one sitting and thinking I was closer to the end than I really was.

Also: with all the Geno love - where's the respect for my boy Mallow? Proud new member of Mallow Naysh over here

I think I've got what I want from this an hour or so in. I weirdly found it stressful which seems to be the opposite of the game's intention, woops lol. But I can see the appeal

I had this wishlisted on Switch but am extremely happy I was clued in on the Netflix mobile version, this game feels like it was made for mobile. I might've felt a bit shortsold if I'd picked it up on console due to length / simple mechanics.

But all that to say I really enjoyed it. It was a quick Christmas holiday diversion between halftimes in sports games and waiting for food to cook. A great dip in dip out game that makes you feel like a genius when you work it out.

I've recently banged my head up against Baba Is You as a puzzle game where if I can't get the answer I just CANNOT GET THE ANSWER. Same issue with Snakebird. I really wanted to like those games but I'm too impatient and dumb. I did not have the same issue with this game. When I got stuck, I came back an hour later and it all became clear.

I don't want to get into the discussion of whether this is too close a copy of FromSoftware (because it really might be). I am however stoked to have another game in the Soulslike genre that pulls it off as well as FromSoftware does. Fuck it, if From don't want to rexplore Bloodborne, give me Pinocchio in Yharnam, why not.

Huge fan of this, can't wait to see what the team make next

Can't believe this was free. Really enjoyed it. Really interesting template for a Sony Games high budget roguelite