I fucking love Megumin but this was mid as hell!

Crash clone but for kids. It's not offensive, but offers little beyond a dull copy of it's influences.

Some great levels and a great core movement set to explore these levels in. Sadly the bosses are all rather lackluster, the core game is a bit longwinded with mandatory revisits to stages (even if they are changed up it still feels a tad cheap) and a few of the abilities just did not mesh well with me. On a whole though one of the most promising platformers in recent memory.

It is unbelievably dull, and the levels only get interesting towards the end. Worth playing the first world but for me it never excelled at anything in particular so.

Most interesting Crash game by far. Some gimmicks might overstay their welcome but the level design keeps things fresh enough,

One of the finest N64 outings, a game that rewards mastery so well. It's frustrating at first, and is certainly not for everyone but between it's tongue-in-cheek nature and the fluidity of levels once you learn the mechanics it's one of the most entrancing gaming experiences period. Some levels still are a bit too rigid in the way you're meant to play them but a lot of them are very free if you understand what you're doing.

An ambitious title that sadly is littered with bugs making the experience near unplayable. When it does work however, it shows a fair bit of promise, but it feels to be a bit too bloated in what you can customize.

I haven't played like any other 2d Zeldas but this one holds a special place in my heart. Very charming!


Fun silly game but for personal reasons I will never look back on it that fondly desu ne

It's a good game but by the last third of the game I just don't really care for most of these characters besides Clem which is a huge issue when the story REVOLVES around them. Also tarnishes one of the better characters of the first season.

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Maya would NEVER.

More Lethal League, I never got too deep into this game because of how it's much less snappy than it's predecessor. There is certainly a layer of depth with how much weightier your actions feel but as a casual player the first is still more interesting and fun to play. Still well worth your time I probably just got filtered iunno.

Graphic fidelity aside this 'remake' has less content than the original. An already underwhelming game made even more lackluster is impressive, great job guys!

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Excited for when this is out of Early Access, as the core gameplay is there. Only a handful of the levels really stand out or wowed me though, and as much as I love Monkey Ball that game is large-in-part carried by the level design. Hopefully by the time the full game comes out there'll be more interesting levels and better use of mechanics but for now this is a very fun romp. Support the devs and pick this up if you have any interest in these style of games because Iunno if we're gonna get anything better anytime soon.