There is not a single flaws in this game,its a masterpiece,every characters is different from each other their physical abilities,moods,reaction to events. map is so filled,every map feels unique with some of them have a different variations. with Final Cut there are 3 new stories I really don't like first one but last 2 are is just hits different

I love this game every week there was multiple events also iconic moments concept was gold

A really good COD game I honestly think this is the best COD of 2010s

Unbelievable game, story,characters,shocking moments, graphics the list goes on and on specially gameplay, it could be the best gameplay ever on a video game

Iconic but lets be honest its never been a masterpiece

It's a pretty good dlc, it helped a lot with Ellies backstory

Its a shame that this terrible game is most popular game on planet

Its really good the fact that you can play as a plane and boat makes this game much much better also map is so big and comfortable for drive

Disgraceful, worst football game ever made

A fine Nba live game and nothing more

One of the best superhero games oat gameplay is very good ı think only major flaw is last hours being repetitive

Its one of the better cods, gameplay and story wise its really good also graphics are on another level

Its a solid game open world is kinda bad and story is mediocre at best but hacking and gameplay are really fun

A really fine game but ı think Its one of the most overrated games of all time