262 Reviews liked by yupz

Very out the blue binge but it’s simply just comforting while being minimal in everything it does

Garoad’s vision for the soundtrack carries this game so far in its limited 10 hour runtime but that’s perfect sonde Jill’s small talk with every character that steps in the bar is so fucking fun man.

Time to mix drinks and change lives.

THIS. This is the kiseki I wanted back in my life….rean schwarzer, unisuga, kondo slop, the cliffhangers its all right here

This was such a needed pallet cleanse. new whole setting that starts the second half of the series with such a banger with the best arc starting game by a mile
it hits all the right notes and really makes me have hope for the future of the series. this is how arcs should start

this game is beautiful, it looks real good with the new engine and the combat is super fun it CLEARS everything that was in former games. the move to make it a mix of action/turn based hybrid was an unexpected but wholly welcomed change and it makes it 10x more fun

I ADORE the new cast all hits no misses in just one game a lot of them have become up there with some of my favorite characters in the whole series.
i really can't wait to see what they develop into with this new arc
Thank you Van Arkride

my only complaints would be
1. the music direction, not the music itself i think the music is generally great but god the placements of some songs just ruins a lot of the scenes that would've been fantastic with better choices
2. some unneeded padding here and there

It's been ages that a game had had me smiling like an idiot and actually clapping my hands at the ending but this one of those hall of fame games that genuinely touches your soul
RGG how do you make it seem so easy i owe my life to this studio
This game made me realize how much i love the detective/murder mystery unfolding stories. the way this game laid out its narrative was fucking PERFECT they cooked so fucking well on the first game of a spin off duology from a yakuza series which is the literal opposite of this
Just goes to show how absolutely fantastic the writing is for these games that they did the boldest move ever and switched it all up and somehow made an almost perfect game
i fucking love the cast to death, They made the perfect cast to a story like this i cannot describe it
Kaito and Yagami are my favorite RGG duo by miles from just one game and i genuinely cannot wait to see how Lost Judgement takes the blueprint to an even higher level
my only major issues with the game are some egregious padding examples and the combat is slow at first

I remember when this game was revealed as project eve and I took an interest in it all the way since then. Despite the years worth of expectations and all the controversy this game lived up for me. Some of the most fun and satisfying combat I’ve experienced in a game

As one story ends another begins. This is what brings us to Crossbell. A city state sandwiched between two political superpowers seemingly hanging on by a thread to stay afloat of outside influences. However not everything is what it seems on the surface. Crossbell is corrupt and is very limited on what it can do to fix its own issues. And only the SSS can change Crossbell's wrongdoings from within.

I love the SSS man. Every member is so fun to see and their interactions are priceless. The squad is so diverse in personality and yet they mesh so well. Even their battle styles are different. Seeing the SSS slowly get the recognition they deserve is such a payoff. They aren't just a copy of the bracer guild and made their own identity.

I find the setting of Crossbell to be very engaging especially since the state is small enough to where you are able to get to know every character including the npcs and really connect with the characters when shit hits the fan. It also isn't small to the point where you get tired of the same locations. This can also be implied due to how well this game uses its map. Like it just makes sense that you have to go all over Crossbell to retrieve an overdue book or partake in a fishing contest at the sandbar.

As always Trails and of course Falcom delivers on its soundtrack. Like every time this track played I was on the edge of my seat because I knew I had to lock in. Another great soundtrack that the music is all it takes to change your mood in an instant.

Can't talk about Zero without a certain character's journey that has spanned over 3 games now. Definetly one of the best character journeys I have seen in a video game. Every time they are on screen I always get emotional. There is just something about how its handled that it's truly special.

From what this game concludes off of, I really wonder how Azure will start off because Zero had a pretty conclusive ending but definetly has questions that needs to be answered. Just like us as the player, the SSS still doesn't know all of the answers on the why of how Crossbell functions but if we just get over the barrier only then we can seek the truth and justice be served.

"But what we need right now is the experience of overcoming these kinds of obstacles. Think about it, clear the small barriers one by one… If we do that, then someday, we’ll have the power to get over the taller barriers, too. "

The five stages of Yakuza 3:
Denial: "No, I refuse to accept that this game is bad as it seems"
Anger: "This game is bullshit. I'm 4 chapters in and we are still doing orphanage missions and no real story progression."
Bargaining: "Well, maybe the game is not so bad. The story seems kinda interesting."
Depression: "What the hell! Another orphanage sequence, and a goddamn 45 minute-infodumping. This is COMPLETE BULLSHIT"
Acceptance: "Well, at least the last chapter is good and the last couple fights are not a pain in the ass."

either you hum unisuga or you muh unisuga

When you start something ironically and get addicted

"That brief hesitation was all it took to spawn a great evil. It crawled through the fields, ran through the hills, and spread disaster in the skies above. Book of Ezer, Verse 2, 'Disaster Unleashed.'"

An epilogue to a finale. The bridge which leads to the next story arc for this legendary series as well as one that is filled with context of the past, present, and future of this story.

Trails in the Sky the 3rd is massively different from its predecessors and ones that follow it. A dungeon crawler with Visual Novelesque side stories that are apart of its own door system. There is a requirement for every door and whoever fulfills it gets granted a flashback to the past. On how this is handled it is easily one of the best side story concepts I have seen in a video game. I am definitely going to miss doors like Moon Door 4, Star Door 8, and Star Door 15. Obviously there are more but those are ones that stood out to me or are the most memorable.

Although I have seen people who dislike the gameplay in this game, I personally love it. I think it was a very different change of pace considering how you're done with Estelle and Joshua's magnificent journey, and Kevin motherfuckin Graham takes over.

Kevin Graham's story is something that will stick with me for a LONG time. I thought Estelle would never be topped or let alone matched when it comes to a main character standpoint in this series and it did not take long for my expectations to be shattered. Now I don't know where I stand in the comparison between the two, but I can confidently say I love them both.

The soundtrack is somehow on par or arguably better than the last. I really don't know how this is even possible but man it is something special. When I first started the game and this track was the first thing I heard I knew we were in for something special.

Unlike SC, this game had me invested from beginning to end. There were several times where I just audibly said "wow." At this point I can just say that this is one of the best video game trilogies ever. Like each game of this trilogy just sets a high bar for the rest of the genre after experiencing it.

The Trails in the Sky trilogy has truly been an emotional and special journey and I just can't wait what future games has in store waiting for me.

Lastly although I was absolutely loving this game while playing, there was a line by Kevin himself that really stuck with me and solidified this game as an all timer.

"It's why it gave me the strength to move forward, even knowing how many hardships awaited. Because for every hardship, there'll be just as much joy waiting for me."

I don't know how to start this. But I will say this took WAY longer than I expected it would take me.

After finishing FC I pretty much just kept on going at the pace I was at since I got to chapter 3 or so. SC prologue really tugs the heartstrings after the ending of FC and you just NEED answers man. Then after that the game really gets... repetitive.

The time period from when I completed the first half versus literally the rest of the game is INSANE. Took me about 2 months for the first half and the second half took me a business week. I don't mind the first half as I do think there were great moments interspersed. But god that was mind-numbing. Repeating the same sequences for a good portion of the game was a turn off. But don't let this fool you. The moment you get on The Glorious EVERYTHING changes.

The story picks up tremendously and it just builds and builds until the finale.
This is when I started to realize "yea this may be one of the greatest video games ever made."

The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky SC is the definition of a sequel in every sense of the word. Every facet gets improved. And the stakes are higher than the last. This was essentially a 70 hour long JRPG finale. And I love it for everything it stands for.

This may sound conflicting as you have two opposing opinions for each half but let me assure you that the highest of highs overshadows the lowest of lows.

Trails in the Sky SC is truly one of the best JRPG games there is and even with its flawed and monotonous first half, on the other hand you have one of the most legendary second halves to a video game. In the end I will cherish it all the same.

Oh and this soundtrack is cool.

You know, I wasn't originally going to get into this series so soon with me having several games I wanted to get into beforehand, but I had this sudden craving for an adventure story and just couldn't help myself. I have heard massive amounts of praise about this game and franchise, and then one day I was just convinced to give this game a try. This as I look back on it after finishing this game for a little over a week now, may have been one of the best and worst decisions I have made in a long time. Best because I got to experience one of the most comfiest adventures I've had the pleasure to witness. On the other hand, worst because well I started this game during a time when I was supposed to be studying for my Finals that were coming up, but I instead decided to spend a little over 50 hours of my time on this game.

When you think of games that fall under the title the quintessential adventure video game, you may think of games such as: Final Fantasy X, Shadow of the Colossus, Death Stranding, or maybe just any Zelda game.

Well, what if I told you this game, The Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky FC, rivals those aforementioned.

It has everything you could ask for in a JRPG with minimal flaws that is left to be desired. I mean this from the story, world-building, OSTs, gameplay, characters, and most especially the dialogue.

The attention to detail and love that is poured into this game is astounding. The amount of text in here is mind-boggling. NPC dialogue refreshes after EVERY story event and treasure chests have a pun or just a line of dialogue after you open it.

The world-building is one of the game's strong suits without a doubt. Since this game is what I would like to call an "intro game", due to it being not only the first Trails game, but also it being the introduction to a world that is now at about 11 games long with Kuro no Kiseki II: Crimson Sin getting its English translation relatively soon and the recent announcement of the 13th game, Kai no Kiseki - Farewell, O Zemuria.

Each chapter you travel to each region of the country of Liberl, and you're introduced to the cast as you progress effortlessly. It's impressive at how effortlessly brilliant this game can be.

The character interactions are also one of my favorite aspects of this game as each character has their quirks and how their personality changes towards one another. This aspect gives the game its unique charm and just makes the game feel more vibrant and alive.

Every game has a hooking point and it may be different for everyone, but I believe during Chapter 2 or 3 of this game was where I was like, "Yeah it's over I'm invested now." Especially whenever you fight a certain someone and THIS SOUNDTRACK STARTS PLAYING I was for sure invested until the end credits.

The length may be something that catches your eye because this franchise has a trend of having its games go easily up to 50+ hours. Luckily those hours fly by playing this game, however.

If you want a comfy adventure to experience or just to start on a legendary franchise such as this, I cannot recommend it enough. Trails in the Sky is a worthy investment.