Zen was the only likable one in SOME aspects. I'm still haunted by having to wake up at 3 am for a rich man who locks you in his apartment and a man who is so mean to you for no reason like i get it you're having a crisis but please. AND YOOSUNG IS UGLY!

stay mad!!! this game slayed! zack looks hot and thats all that matters! ppl who hate aerith are misogynistic!!!!

4.1 is too low this game was so fun

minako carried! except for when it came to ken

square pls keep vincent and sephiroth flying in the remake

this game was SO fun only sexy ppl played this game

it was fun doesnt give me motion sickness

leon is ridiculous in this game and i hope it stays that way in the remake. also this game is so camp!

this game was fine but leon was an idiot

i will literally defend this gam3 with my life i will defend tidus with my life i literally llve tidus sm you guys just hate cheerful ppl

i forgot what happened in this game