Zero 2 is literally a fallen angel.

Play this game with friends is so much fun it’s better than playing it on single player.

Also I just wanna say the copy combinations are incredible that’s all.

A good game gameplay wise but the story was okay all I wish Suda 51 was more involved more with the game.

This is Hideki best game but no my favorite

Sin City with hack and slash elements makes a good game.

Hard hack and slash that I love

A hard game sequel but better

Dante and Virgil are one of the greatest rivals in general.

This is Suda 51 magnum opus period

This is by far one of my favorite spider man I media in general the soundtrack fucking incredible. The gameplay great. When you’re fighting or even swinging it feels like you’re swinging like Spider-Man. The story feels like a spider man story in the comics or like the shows and the movies all I’m going to say if you have a ps5 or pc please play this game you won’t regret it.


Playing with six friends is fun as fuck

A bad ripoff of souls like game also I’m glad Suda left gung-ho.

Story wise okay love James Gunn. Gameplay wise feels mediocre