55 Reviews liked by zeltrodite

put down valorant and play this masterpiece instead

Second best Naruto game next to The Broken Bond.

You had it all: justu clashes, diverse roster for Part 1, and just an overall fun arcade style Naruto game. Why they abandoned the style? Beats me.

Even the substitutions worked better than Ninja Storm. I don't know man-- Ultimate Ninja series needs a remake. This game was fun.

The idea had potential-- I always wanted a Naruto Xenoverse-esque game. What we got? A slow.. clunky feeling game where DLC basically gives you the advantage. The fact that this game is still supported and played pisses me off.

It isn't good.

I remember people hyped this up as the best Storm game (justu clashes and wall walking being a big reason). Even I did as a kid.

No, this game was overrated and was a boring playthrough. Open World was cool-- but it was clear that The Broken Bond did that ten times better. Fighting was alright, but this is the most barebones Storm Games out (at least storywise).

You click a menu, play small missions, and fight four bosses. That's it. No quick time events, barely any interesting fights (Sasuke versus Itachi? Naruto vs Sasuke hospital? Sound Four? HOW DO YOU MISS TWO WHOLE ARCS?)

This game is wack. The half star (2.5) is for the justu clashes and wall running.

This one was my personal favorite.

It expanded on the way the Storm Series was played in innovative ways (Substitution Bar from Generations, fighting multiple people as a bosses at one time, Hero/Legend selection that gives you different cutscenes and boost replayability)

The fact that you start from Minato vs The Masked Man, then the Nine Tails attack is sick. Then you continue through The Five Kage Summit and The Fourth Great Ninja War (which arguably, the game did better than the anime and manga with having a Naruto v Sasuke fight).

Storm 3 might not be the best Storm game in many people's eyes, but it was the best damn one to me. If not, it's at least tied with 2.

This game had potential, and if the developers did not outright abandon it or kept balancing the game-- this game would be the best battle royale. It was unique, fun, and original.

In the Spring of 2018, when the beta was out, I played this game and invested in getting better. I had such fond memories with it, and it was truly the last game in modern gaming that I felt the need to be competitive. I WANTED to be sweaty at this game. I wanted to reach the skill ceiling that everyone else was at.

However, this game lacked the consistency and care that every other battle royale did. That's why it failed.

Most of the gauntlets were broken and the game became stale. You could barely find anyone in matchmaking after a while.

There's still a fan community that hosts their own server to keep the game alive. That's the only spark of life Spellbreak has. Otherwise, the studios/devs have fully abandoned this game.

I haven't really enjoyed modern Tekken games, but Tekken 8 seems to be the exception to this rule. It's definitely fun.

Mechanic wise and even graphic wise, this game feels nice to play. The game is sleek, each character does feel distinct and unique (Asuka/Jun was surprisingly different) and the game itself does actually feel balance. I don't even feel that any character is cheap or the combat is unfair (Even Eddy whose annoying to play against isn't too much of a problem)

The story is pretty basic and predictable, but it serves it's purpose of continuing the Mishima storyline. Certain characters involvement feels forced and out of place just to have you play as specific fighters.

Character stories on the other hand, feel redundant. Five fights in the same arena? It would have been better to just put the rewards and goodies you get into arcade mode. Customization in Tekken never fails-- though, I do wish they had more items that you can unlock instead of the microtransactions.

The reason I can't give this game five stars is simply because of presentation. Yes, the game is great-- but I don't think it really has a soul. For a franchise, I think that's important. The game takes on a minimalistic approach (standard for video game industry) and because of that, it just doesn't feel any different from any other modern fighting game. Tekken 6-8 all LOOK like the same game.

Tekken 8 lacks identity as a game-- only carried by its namesake.

One of the few games that fun to play with friends, especially when you just turn off your brain and play it. No effort needed. Barebones Fallout honestly.

I really enjoyed this game. It just sucks that it doesn't have a bigger playerbase. The idea has potential for sure.

I don't know. The game if handled correctly and not made by degenerate pervert could have been at the very least "okay"

But add all this extra stuff about panty shots and buying panties and the dev not finishing the game, and it's just an awful mess.

The ending of this game feels lackluster.

The open-world, vaporwave soundtrack, lore and worldbuilding is top notch. Unraveling the mystery of the game feels amazing. I remember I was stuck on a clue, then discovered more about that clue and was shocked at how many answers I found.

Great game, the ending just felt empty.

Ass game but I would be lying if I didn’t say I had a blast


This was what you and your friends (who had tolerable tastes in games) played when you didn’t have the same game

This game is Satan. It's like getting the death penalty in Hell. The controls are awful.. and the soundtrack sounds like it was composed in Mario Paint without any idea of how to use the program. All of the bad puns make me wanna PAW my hair out. I can't stand this game, and I would rate it zero stars if I could.

All the levels look like test levels, and the enemies are placed right in your butthole in case you wanna avoid them. On top of that, the camera really sucks. Two player mode is not redeeming whatsoever.

Oh, by the way-- no matter if you get the good ending or the bad ending, you literally meet the same fate. Don't even finish the game. The "Game Over" screen is the true good ending.

I loved this game, and have millions of memories playing this with my family. 3/4ths of the minigames are fun. It's Mario Party without the board, and it's pretty damn fun