1998! what a year...

according to north american release dates i.e. when i played (most of) these. that said, release dates for older games on this site and elsewhere on the internet are all goofed up because localizations generally took longer, so even though shadow tower is listed as a 1998 game (which it was... in japan) it came out here over a year later, in october 1999. otherwise, you can bet it'd be on this list. meanwhile, for example kartia for ps1 does list the na release on this site — albeit with the exact date incorrect. so that's what we're dealing with. but anyway...

plz enjoy my fairly predictable top 10 of 1998

Thief: The Dark Project
Thief: The Dark Project
Shining Force III
Shining Force III
Resident Evil 2
Resident Evil 2
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Panzer Dragoon Saga
Metal Gear Solid
Metal Gear Solid
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy Tactics
Baldur's Gate
Baldur's Gate


10 months ago

Informing @FallenGrace that the Panzer Dragoon Saga disrespect is continuing.

Very good picks, though. I never played Xenogears or Thief but from what I know about them, they could easily have made mine.

10 months ago

If anything I think Thief got low-balled here, it is THAT good.

10 months ago

Accidently put the best game in 2nd there zn0. An easy mistake to make. Not hard to edit 👀

10 months ago

@weatherby: narc!!

xenogears is a game i'd be hesitant to recommend to anyone past maybe their early twenties, though i think it is still very much an excellent (while flawed and sometimes problematic) jrpg worth appreciating as one of those from square as they were rising to the height of their powers. thief, though, is a game that should be played by anyone.

@gruel: you're right. honestly, i was pretty torn about this, but having sat on it for a day, now, i do feel like it should rightfully sit above mgs.

@fallengrace: i promise, it's a very tough call! that top 3 is all apex-level vidsoft.

10 months ago

@gruel is a huge Thief-head, but he also put me up to paying not one but two Gex games

10 months ago

thief is great! quality game to rep hard.

10 months ago

To be fair you have Shining Force 3 in here to boot so I can forgive you :P

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