every single time i think about defending this game and arguing it's more crafted than its reputation suggests i remember that they also made a companion who is heavily implied to be a sa survivor record a he didn't tell me doctor was his actual name until after the physical exam joke. so

didn't actually get to play this bc i didn't have a pc/console/pspv as a kid but watched playthroughs and naoto changed my life at 13

would have been such a cool game if it had a point

better combat system and overall a more consistent game, but im not sure i just liked the story from the first one better. kind of mad abt how pallegina's character feels so one-note here, even after reading josh sawyer's notes on that issue. if nothing else, interesting concepts and nice throwback to isometric style games. found the dlc more compelling than the main game; forgotten sanctum is a must imo that's when poe is at its best.

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im sorry but in what world does that look like an bird's talon

tbh one of the best narrative-based mobile games of the early 2010s

sorry im a pacthesis defender

slightly insane she made a good chunk of these when she was 15 or so

this seven year old game is still bugged btw

also a defender of this game sorry. NOT a fan about all the choices... made in this game but toko and komaru's dynamic is my favorite out of the entire danganropa series and smth i wish was more fleshed out throughout the franchise

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objectevly worse than the second game but idk man theres so many little things i love more in this game than the second. also still mad abt how nerfed pallegina feels character-wise in the second game compared to this one but it feels like thats something that bothers me personally more than it does others