best vr game ive played, super good combat

love this game with friends, hate the fact anybody can lynch you for any reason they want. if you get a good lobby this games really good tho

its not relaxing. its boring. stop lying to yourself

games pretty good with friends but if you queue into random games and actually have fun i wish the worst for you

games good until you start facing good opponents then its bad (entirely a skill issue)

probably the best swat-like game but it gets kinda repetitive. its really challenging which i like. the AI react quickly and realistically, hearing a door open and immediately swinging their muzzle to it and spraying everywhere

bad game. hate the hud, dont like the shooting/killing physics, dont like the ai, dont rly like anything about it (yacht heist on top)

the fact this game is infinite is crazy to me, the exploration and the material farming is unmatched, love this game so much

game sucks not much else to say

This review was written before the game released

game was rly good until i started getting to a higher level then i got absolutely thrown around like it was nothing in every single game i got into. definitely a skill issue but idgaf this game sucks

prob the best parkour physics you're gonna find, still bad

love this game so much, probably one of my favorite games of all time. the combat is so good, the swinging is so good, everything about this game is just so so good. i only give it 4 because miles blows it out of the water but its still such a good game

this might be one of the buggiest games ive ever played and i honestly love it. so fun to mess around with friends on, i have so many clips of me and my friend laughing so hard at anything in this game. boring asf alone but love it with friends

great with friends but its god awfully boring alone, love just messing around in this game with a squad of friends

playing this on school computers is fun asf but at home its boring asf