Reviews from

in the past

Starts as a fun resource gathering game but becomes shallow quickly once you realize the depth of the game. Co-op certainly does help though.

fun sandbox, endgame gets repetitive

-0.5 stars for suddenly getting hit with a unfixed multiplayer bug from 2016 that makes the save go full memory leak and drop forever to 5 fps

wowie wonder what those lil snail lil dudes do...

wait what do you mean I'm immortal now

Very fun with friends for the first 2-3 hours, but there's not enough uniquity on the planets to excuse the boring repetitive gameplay loop. Might finish the game at some point but nothing is reeling me in currently.

This is a complicated one

On the surface it's amazing. Adorable graphics with outstanding presentation, easy multiplayer fun, stress-free alternative to the oversaturated base-building genre. Astroneer nails the feeling of having your own little space colony, with vehicles you build the way you want, terraforming tools to shape caves and build roads, planned out rocket trips to efficiently pack your stuff. It's fun. It's enjoyable, but...

As we dig deeper, things start to get a bit mixed. For starters, there's hardly much of a gameplay loop, yet the game asks you for so much that it overstays its welcome by a lot. It's way too much content for not a lot of variety in it so while it doesn't take long at all to unlock and build the more advanced types of buildings and tools, it's followed by dozens of hours of just mindlessly completing boring chores across the different planets for either unlocks that rarely help or sidegrades that are rarely worth it.

Speaking of such, the game is adamant on never giving you actual permanent upgrades, your inventory is limited enough as is (by design of course, it's the main advantage of bringing vehicles to your explorations) and yet with every upgrade you unlock the more stuff either permanently occupy your slots or has to be left behind. The satisfaction of unlocking an upgrade is immediately confronted with the downside of its backpack cost. Take the oxygenator for example, it's crafted with most advanced material in the game, there is nothing beyond it, by the time you're able to craft an oxygen generator you'd think "gee, i've been dealing with oxygen for so long, i've finally earned the solution to it" and then... not only does it occupy an inventory slot, its energy cost requires you to bring an energy generator with you if you want to actually keep it on at all times. I know this might sound like a nitpick, or that maybe i'm just bad at inventory management, but asking me to constantly reconsider which of my own stuff i'm actually able to have is, quite simply, not fun.

And that's the thing, that lack of convenience permeates through the entire experience. The game opts for a diegetic UI wherever it can, meaning its UI elements are for the most part, in-universe. Of course, this isn't a bad thing at all, it's a clever way to immerse you in the experience. But unfortunately they leaned so heavily into it that it gets in the way of gameplay. A lot. Crafting items without a proper menu means constantly scrolling, organizing your inventory has to be manually dealt with every 5 minutes, resource canisters are unreasonably inconvenient with the way they were implemented to use no menus. Base building as a whole is honestly made absurdly challenging.

It's a base building game. A space base building game. Above all else we're supposed to visit these planets and set up our colonies. And yet in this visually stunning universe it's extremely impractical to properly build a presentable base. Allignment tools are inexistant, even with the adequate tool mods the terraforming isn't functional enough for large scale bases, the "painting" tool is laughable, there's essentially no fine-tuning of anything. I like to keep my bases tidy, i like to have them look presentable. But Astroneer seemingly tries to get so much in my way of doing so that after a couple planets of putting in effort, in most locations my bases ended up being just "here's all the stuff i need in roughly a line".

And that's the thing though. Despite all that, despite all the frustrations, despite all the questionable design choices, my friends and I were still having fun. The game is fun! It controls nicely, the fantasy of exploring space is right up my alley, and despite its lack of automation (there's some elements of it but they're kinda terrible) it still scratched a similar itch to something like Satisfactory. Despite all the problems i listed, i'd honestly still give it a positive review and recommend it for it's uniqueness and ambition and genuine success in most of what it tried to achieve. Unfortunately... my final complaint is what really tips the scale for me.

As of 2023, Astroneer has a cash shop and pseudo live-service FOMO events for limited time cosmetics. Let's tackle these one at a time.

I, personally, don't mind cash shops depending on implementation. Yes it's a paid game but i understand they have costs to keep it going and whatnot, and this is indeed a case of "it's just cosmetics!". My problem is that "it's just cosmetics" comes with a big caveat in my eyes, and that is what's my power of customization in the base game itself. Astroneer cash's shop cosmetics not only outnumber the extremely limited selection of base-game cosmetics by an order of magnitude, it's also on a completely different level of quality. Yes it's just cosmetics but cosmetics are part of a game's experience. I enjoy working towards unlocking visuals and having the actual customization be paywalled is a huge bummer. Even the basic visor colors are paid. Cheap, yes, but paid. This removes experimentation, this diminishes the reward of being gifted an achievement cosmetic when they're still so low-effort compared to the cash shop. What's more, the cash shop is the first option in the game's menu, with a little sparkle attached to it as well so you're always going to look at it whenever you open up your menu.

Then comes the limited-time events. It really saddens me to see this kind of thing becoming common even in indie games. This isn't an MMO, this isn't a competitive multiplayer game, this game has little to gain from trying to inflate its player retention through such a cheap tactic. I'm not against bringing new events to a game, ofc. Halloween, Christmas, Anniversary events, sure, bring the content! Please stop making them actual limited time in your singleplayer (or in this case, small group co-op) games, let me change my own calendar date. Whatever Fear Of Missing Out effect you want from me during the duration of your event will turn into a terrible feeling of "I Missed Out" afterwards. That just makes me not want to play a game, specially when without said events the cosmetics are so limited outside of the cash shop.

Individually i might have been able to look past these factors, but both together, and added with the frustrations described prior, turn Astroneer into a game i might reccomend trying out if you can, but not playing to its fullest, and certainly not buying it.

Rigolo mais à un moment je m'endors j'avoue

Pretty atmospheric but the control composition is annoying

solid survival base builder. the automation is kinda funky but it's not really needed. the lore is better than I was expecting it to be. very interesting and unique inventory system. decent amount of content but it could have a little more, however I doubt that development is over. cosmetics are a little expensive for a base 45AUD game but it doesn't affect gameplay at all so it's not that big of an issue. good game to pick up and play with friends, buy it if it's on sale

The only thing keeping me from giving this game a half star is how fun it is with friends. Aside from that the developers have proceeded to add update after update that make the game less user friendly, forcing players to now pay for servers to be able to play with their friends and earn achievements, as well as adding microtransactions and skins.

A super cute little survival crafting game, but in a very relaxing form. No need to worry about micro-managing your resources. Just find stuff, build stuff, research stuff. Very fun.

Fun for a while but after completing one planet you realize that the gameplay loop repeats for all the other planets, without changing in very engaging ways.

Fun game with friends
That's about it

Played it for 2 minutes with cringe people. I'm no longer friends with them (they preferred my ex over me). probably a good game idk

Realmente é muito difícil ser um astronauta

Queria conseguir gostar ou melhor, até mesmo jogar, pois simplesmente não consegui. Ele não é intuitivo e possui uma péssima UI, é angustiante não saber o que fazer ou como fazer e ter controles que não ajudam nem um pouco. A atmosfera parece legal, ele é bonitinho, mas não consegui jogar e me recuso ter que ir atrás de tutoriais.

Very pretty game but not for me. Sometimes I really click with sandbox base-builders, but not here. Probably too much on the grind-to-win side and not enough plot-driven elements for me. Plus, I found the gravity and space-themed movement mechanics annoying.

Um dos melhores jogos que eu tive o prazer de jogar esse ano, o negocio me viciou a nivel de virar o dia e noite jogando, e completar esse jogo me e uma puta satisfação.
Foi um bom tempo até de fato eu começar a engrenar de fato e o jogo me fisgar de vez, mas esse ano foi e adorei o jogo,
simplesmente fantastico!

Such a great concept and idea, but it gets overly complicated and the gimmicks are only fun for 30min before it becomes limiting. This could've been a great sandbox game, it certainly has some fun visuals and concepts, but it falls short in all areas. I appreciate everything it tries to do, but it's just not all there. I can't say I recommend it unfortunately unless you're really into all of the mechanics that it shows.

it's short and repetitive
nice UI tho

Espace, vaiseau, espace, truc mignon, espace, plantes, creuser, truc mignon

O espetáculo da fantástica UI diegética acaba cedo, dando caminho a um ciclo dolorosamente repetitivo e mundos vazios de maravilha - pouco diferencia um planeta do outro, ou o subterrâneo da superfície. Lindinho de doer, porém!

I catch myself going back to it ever so often. The core gameplay is fun, but there's a point where you feel like you've done everything unique to be done and the rest is the same but in another color planet. Of course, the main game loop IS a lot of fun, so I got a ton of enjoyment out of it. The constant updates are nice even if it's nothing that dramatically increases the lifespan of the game.

I'm not a fun of this exploring and surviving games, but this one has some nice ideas, even though, pretty boring

very fun game while it lasts, if your a bit skilled, you will finish the game quite quickly and probably wont touch the game again, it has pretty much no replayability

It's a peaceful and laid-back kind of industry/crafting/management/whatever game. The crafting UX is one of the worst I've ever seen and the exploration aspect is extremely limited for a "space exploration" game. Once you fully explore one planet you've basically seen all of them. The only thing that changes is the terrain generation itself, which does give every planet a unique visual feel and a somewhat unique way to be traversed. But in terms of what you're actually doing, which is collecting resources and building a factory, every planet is exactly the same. The only thing that changes is the color and name of whatever resource is semi-unique to that planet.
I'm still giving it a 3/5 because that one thing you do is very fun and all the little toys you get to build along the way are fun to play with too. It's a shame that they're basically useless outside of some fetch-quest.

I'm gonna go ahead and say that I completed it even though my brother blew up our very important item storage and may or may not have bricked our save, shortly before stranding us somewhere else by clipping our ship into the void.
I don't get why people say this game is good with friends. Maybe we were playing it wrong, but to me it feels like it would be the perfect game to play while listening to a podcast or music or some random 3 hour long video essay.

Tried playing through this game many times, but I just get tired after a while. The game feels a bit aimless even when they added objectives. There's not really a sense of urgency or mystery and that quickly saps away any desire to explore.

It can be pretty fun, though, and if you have Gamepass or another subscription with it, I'd definitely give it a shot. It's not bad, just not my thing, really.

First time played at its launch and it was very buggy. Launched the game 2 years later with a friend and we had a great time. Good game mechanics, and graphics. Liked exploring and completing stuff as a team. It was fun!

3☆ - Pretty fun game but I didn't play it for long, maybe I'll come back to it because it was pretty fun I just didn't have the motivation to play it longer than I did.