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fucked up this is probably the closest call of duty has ever gotten to being like a real game with stuff to do, with occasional puzzles and dialogue choices and shit. i guess it's kinda dumb to praise a game for finally including unique concepts, but it's fun enough, the only problem is the campaign is really stupid (which is kinda a plus because it's to be expected from cod), but also really short.

there are a lot of things to like about this game but its like modern warfare 2019 with absolutely none of the things that made modern warfare 2019 good.

guns have some of the slowest handling speeds in the entire series + characters themselves have some of the fastest movement speeds in the entire series, it just is so awkward, not to mention its using the shitty Black Ops 4 weapon spray instead of the new Modern Warfare spray system.

O melhor COD moderno em aspectos gerais.
Um belo multiplayer rápido e cadenciado como COD tem que ter.
Um jogo que não te penaliza por jogar do seu jeito, pode rushar, pode ficar que nem um cone, a escolha é sua, com cada modo de jogar tendo seus pontos fortes e fracos ao contrário da fiasqueira que é os multiplayers lentos e que te forçam a jogar que nem um cone de trânsito dos MW atuais.

They want to draft military... POOOO!!! Not playing a game like this EVER!!

Campaign was really good. okayish multiplayer

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Bad Ending >>>>>>>

Rating Call of Duty games is hard because if you just play multiplayer or just the campaign or just zombies, you're only getting a fraction of the experience, yet whatever mode you play is probably the one you care most about.

For me, I decided to play the campaign, because I just wanted a more or less mindless shooter to play and my dad already owned this. It did the job, and a bit more than I expected. Without giving anything away, it does some cool stuff that I really didn't expect and that's different than what I was anticipating for a Call of Duty campaign, and it did it while also being a really pretty game - I know, I know, realistic graphics are a dime a dozen these days, but to me, Call of Duty is one of the leading series in that approach and continue to look really good.

Basically, this is a standard shooter at the end of the day, and if that's all you want, then it's a good time, with maybe a few surprises thrown in.

I enjoyed the campaign, as I always do in this franchise. It was short but fun to play, until (CLASSIFIED).

Surprisingly fun game. Nothing too serious but not too stupid. Ranging from the 6-6.5 range

Shooty Shooty Gun Man Part 17!

I would probably put this in the middle of the pack of the series. It's not necessarily bad but considering we've had so many games I expect more innovation at this point. While the graphics and gameplay are good, the soundtrack is great and the voice acting is above average the story left a lot to be desired. For starters, it's incredibly short and easy. The ending is also very underwhelming and the lack of gibbing like in some earlier CoD games is sorely missed. I'm also tired of these war games really feeling neutered by not letting the player commit war crimes and having some sort of morality system that challenges the player's actions. I did however enjoy the Zombies mode.

Side note: Man! I really missed Sam Worthington as Mason. Despite the fact that he didn't even attempt an American accent he at least added more emotion to the character. This version of Mason was bland and forgettable.

+Great, albeit short campaign
+Great villain
+Good Zombies mode

-Terrible multiplayer experience and matchmaking
-Serious microstuttering issues on PC
-Easy to manipulate system to improve your stats and XP, therefore killing the competitive nature of the game
-Zombies had only one map on launch

I’m not sure what to say about this other than that it’s just a solid COD game. It has some annoying things like not being the same engine as Modern Warfare and for some reason not including save-able blueprints, but I still grinded this for multiple in-game days as usual. If COD continues to keep up the quality from this and the last game, I’m excited for the future of the series (not that I’ll stop buying them if they become trash. COD has my wallet in an iron grip at this point).

the treyarch writers finally played stanley parable

Probably my favorite campaign and a decently solid multiplayer

Short & sweet. CoD campaigns are always what you expect, fun, flashy & very cinematic. The story & characters are fine, with a few predictable twists & turns. It might not be the reason you buy the game but it's a nice addition that's short enough to give a go. The sections that have you do actual detective work were a nice change of pace & makes sense based on the character you are playing as.

This is exclusively my opinion formed around the early days of the game and around season 1 so it might be worth revisiting nowadays and if I do the following will be edited.

Didn't played the campaign yet, the multiplayer was disappointing in a lot of ways even if it tried to be more like a traditional call of duty it had several technical and mechanical flaws that really crippled its full potential which were never changed even though the fully arcade and cartoony philosophy of Treyarch is appreciated for what it is.

Zombies, however. Is something that at first would sound like a terrible idea but the execution was done in such a way that made it work, even though the progression on every single match might feel repetitive if you want to advance to high rounds it gave more purpose to the moment to moment gameplay giving it more usage to your resources instead of just sitting with a high amount of points on higher rounds.

Cold War is this unfortunate half baked rushed product of a greedy company that can't settle themselves to take a year off. I have nothing but respect for Treyarch for what they were able to accomplish in the midst of a worldwide pandemic even if it wasn't a title I enjoyed much. Zombies was a very pleasant new experience but I can't say the same of the rest of the package.

Would I recommend it? If you're a diehard zombies fan it's more than likely that you already have it but even then I'd still recommend it solely for that, the multiplayer is not my preference given what I pointed out but if you are looking for that arcade style formula then go for it, unfortunately this time it didn't sit well for me.


- Having not played a Call of Duty game properly in around 3 years, it was undeniably great fun to return to the familiar and still incredibly reliable gunplay and the over-the-top gung-ho spectacle of the proceedings.
- Multiple dialogue options and gameplay affecting choices are welcome (though not as effective as in Black Ops II). Substantial time spent in the hub/base area to learn more about the characters.
- A couple of genuinely great missions. Most notably 'Brick in the Wall'.

- Though most likely due to COVID interference, there is a sense of some cut corners and ideas that never fully materialised e.g. the two Operation side missions.
- Even with the couple of standout missions and reliably solid gameplay, the campaign certainly isn't one of the franchise's best.
- Actual dialogue for the protagonist would have made the multiple dialogue options more immersive and it would have been nice to have seen Sam Worthington return to the role of Mason.

The supposed return to form for the Treyarch line of Call of Duty games, Cold War didn't exactly need to do a whole lot, since the insultingly barebones Black Ops 4 didn't feature any single player content whatsoever , so just showing up with a campaign was already an improvement.

That said, for all the effort they put in to go above and beyond by offering yet another mindfuck plot, moral choices, sidequests, multiple endings, Goldeneye-style espionage segments and even puzzles (you read that right: puzzles in a CoD game), and succeeding in most of these endeavours, Cold War stumbles on what you'd expect to be the easiest part for a series that's been going for as long as it has: the gameplay is botched and dull, with downgraded physics, AI and detail, and incredibly easy on top of that, even on Veteran or Realism, which is just Veteran verbatim without most of the HUD, despite the medacious claims of the difficulty selection screen.

Enemies are dumb, taking cover behind nothing and standing out in the open like it's Operation Wolf. Furthermore it's not very satisfying to shoot them, as their reactions to bullet impact are delayed and uninteresting. It will be easy to mow them down in their hundreds, especially since ammunition is now dropped by every enemy in generic ammo satchels which replenish whatever weapons you are carrying, instead of you picking up ammunition for the specific weapons you found. This means ammo is de facto unlimited, so grab the best weapon you can find, no matter how uncommon its resupplies, and spray away.

Just about the only times you will die are unfun scripted encounters with enemy juggernauts, who laser aim onto you, cutting you down the moment you peek your nose out of cover, or one of several awful turret segments which will test your patience. There is also a Vietnam level in a rice field, in which you are given no cover and cannot go prone, leading to frustration. All of this feels like artificial difficulty and is usually quickly dealt with anyway. At no point you will feel overwhelmed to the point of not knowing how you're supposed to make progress. While that's not a great feeling, that's what makes these campaigns fun to play on Veteran: to find a way past odds that seem impossible, and there's none of that here.

There is also no gore whatsoever. Considering Treyarch has always been the edgelord of CoD developers, with the absolute brutality seen in Black Ops 1 and 2, where enemies could be blown to bits by shotguns and explosions, Cold WAr doesn't even have blood puffs and only occasionally features blood pools under bodies. This extends to the cutscenes, which don't feature any of Treyarch's trademark disturbing violence.

So the puzzles: three times over the course of the campaign you are offered to engage with optional objectives, one of which is a simple numeric padlock whose combination is hidden in documents around your base of operations and twice you will have to review intel gatherd in the missions to piece together who the members of a spy network are. They are fairly simple logic puzzles but considering we are talking about a CoD game, these feel out of place, and in a good way. They are randomized too, so you can't just google their solutions. It's a shame that the two missions they unlock aren't particularly good, being brief combat scenario on expanded multiplayer maps, similar to Spec Ops missions from old Modern Warfare games, though not even remotely as fun.

The espionage levels grind the action to a halt while you sneak around collecting evidence and stealing data from some Russian base or the KGB headquarters. they are cool, and add a sprinkle of Goldeneye or Perfect Dark to the game, but ultimately feel like they are stalling for time, to stretch out a very short campaign.

The story is alright, despite expecting you to really care about characters you will barely be aware of, it delivers some good moments, though it's not enough to prop up the easy campaign.

Dull, dull dull. It would be much better if it weren't so incredibly forgiving.

Best cod since BO3 & still MILES better then Vanguard and MWII. It's got the best and funnest zombies mode hands down (sorry BO3) & campaign is the best cod campaign since BO1. Multiplayer was meh at launch but has gotten a lot better.

Campaign: 8/10
Multiplayer: 5/10 at launch, 7/10 now
Zombies: 7/10 at launch (just because there was only 1 map), 9/10 now.
Overall: 8/10

I was looking for a kinda mindless FPS game in which I didn't have to think and just had fun gunning down enemies, and Cold War offers exactly that.

There is a plot-twist and some attempt to serious storytelling but its hard to take anything serious where all your enemies do is stand before you waiting to be shot at.

Still, I enjoyed the game for what it is, and loved the Cold War aspect of the narrative.

Uma ótima história viu, eu gostei bastante por mais de confusa a narrativa

falando especificamente da campanha, tá longe de ser o melhor black ops. as missões stealth e a análise de evidências foram de longe minha parte favorita dessa campanha, ela não é excepcional mas cumpre bem o trabalho dela. gráficos bonitos e combate divertido também, mas nada demais

1 estrela a mais pela park pq ela é mt linda

Everything about the lead up to this game was disappointing. They had a great formula with Modern Warfare only to hold it ransom in the last season and abandon it like a bad prom date for a new supposed cash cow.

Game play in the new Black Ops is horrible it’s seems so slow and campy.

I may be biased as I have a more rush/close combat to mid-range gameplay style but even saying that you can hear the frustration in most game chat.

Skill based match making needs to be fixed and a better lobby offering for different game styles.

As much as people pissed and moaned about Modern Warfare at least it had me engaged for 4 solid seasons of gameplay.

The only redeemable part of this game was Campaign and Zombies however there needs to be more incentive for co-op play as well too may people pulling out of games or farming.