Reviews from

in the past

like everyone else, i got this game to play the halo 3 multiplayer beta. surprisingly enough the game was actually really good too

pretty slow to start, but once your core abilities hit like level 3 the game really pops off
running fast and jumping over buildings and throwing cars at shit is a blast
a shame they only ever made one! that’s crazy!

There's a reason it's called Crackdown coz collecting all those damn Orbs is like Crack, Gotta catch 'em all!

I love this game. The fact it blends essentially a superhero game with the gritty aesthetic of a GTA title in a sandbox open-world environment makes this an extremely unique experience.

If you're going into this for a deep story or characterizations your not getting that but what you do get is just a fun time. The combat and platforming are extremely fun and addictive and there are plenty of side activities and collectibles to keep you entertained.

In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated games ever and is easily one of my favourites of all time.

Got it free on xbox live one time. Fun game but it got old fast.

For my money, maybe the most... sandboxy sandbox. Not necessarily good but I've still completed it twice.

Extremely bland and boring. Shallow and repetitive. Discount store GTA.

omfg thank you to my brother for buying this on arcade and just allowing me to play this

Took me 3 or 4 times restarting this game to finally sit all the way through it. It ended up being a memorable experience absolutely though.

Crackdown isn't really much of anything special aside from it's super powers, the feeling it's open world brings to the table isn't anything that wasn't already done with the early 3D GTA games at the start of the previous generation. It also harkens back to some of the Spider Man games of that prior era in giving new approaches to getting around the world. But in turn it lacks some of the unique identity both those series had in their stories and worlds. There's nothing very unique or alive or remotely interesting about the crime addled world Crackdown just throws you in to. The hardware advances of PS3/360 era really saw a rush of games centered on superpowers and open worlds and Crackdown probably lacks the most individual identity in this entire genre.

With that said, there doesn't much need to be. What Crackdown lacks in identity and tone, it makes up for in the fun of actually playing it and the honestly astonishingly good sense of player progression it has. Crackdown isn't some nuanced super power story, nor does it have any kind of unique gimmick to be had in it's approach to it's power system. It is really just a straightforward generic sandbox filled with enemies for you to kill and obstacles to surmount so you can get stronger and better at the game at your leisure.

Rarely in a game, especially in that era, have I enjoyed the sense of climbing buildings to get some collectable. But in Crackdown those collectables were tied to the progression of making your character better at climbing and jumping. Eventually running faster than a supercar and leaping to the tops of buildings in a single jump is it's own reward. Effortlessly throwing semi trucks makes all the effort of drop kicking endless boring goons over and over worth it.

It would almost be one of the more forgettable games I've ever experienced, but there really was just a sense of fun there that I eventually latched on to that gives me pretty great memories of playing it back then despite it's generic shortcomings.

Not a fan of the crackdown series

When Crackdown first released it was an interesting take on the 3rd-person shooter with platforming and rpg mechanics. Now it feels like at one of the earlier attempts of a 3D rogue-lite with the ability to go take on whatever boss you want in whatever order with you learning more and more with each attempt. The leveling-up system for your guns, driving and platforming are really cool and running and jumping around the large city was entertaining back when we still didn't have a lot of open-world superhero games, but the lack of any realy plot or characters can make the game feel mildly entertaining at the best of times and dull and tedious at its worst.

It's fun game you can kick cars, drive cars, destroy shit, upgrade your stats its amazing

Open world sandbox with a good degree of freedom, you're able to head straight for the final boss in the first 5 minutes if you want, though you'll probably get destroyed. Progression system is good, defeating minibosses weakens higher bosses while allowing you to level up the skills that you use the most. Decent variety of weapons but the same cannot be said for vehicles. Unfortunately the game is also very short and once completed there isn't anything else left to do. Good twist ending though.

This game isn't good, it felt dated even when it first came out

come for the Halo 3 beta, stay for one more green orb

I still hate that XBOX fanboy in Gamespot forums in 2012 who assured me this was a great game.

One thing that will always stick out about this game to me is that to show that a neighborhood was getting safer, they change its name from "La Mugre" to "Green Bay".... wow! Harsh!

Why does my character gets old and ugly as i level up.

You can throw a car across the city after a few hours

I played this game for the first time, although I had heard about it before, it’s similar to GTA and saints row, but it’s not even close to them, how dull and boring this game turned out to be, killing bosses just choked me, all the actions are essentially the same, It also forces you to go through races and collect some badges on the roof, without this you won’t get new tasks, terrible shooting, the aim is very awkward, the controls in the car are also not convenient, in general the game is very disappointing. I tried to give it a chance, I wanted to pass it, but it’s really stuffy, it also has unstable FPS, the game is from 2007 and the FPS jumps from 30 to 20, well, it’s kind of weird

Crackdown is a fun playthrough. Terrain traversal and green orb collection is an addicting grind and the ability to choose how you take down a criminal org is pretty engaging. Michael McConnohie's role as the head of the agency is iconic. Gunplay's a little boring and melee's a little whatever (stick to explosives they're much more fun). Overall fun game would recommend.

Explosive power trip with scoopy cars and cheats. Nostalgia is almost definitely winning me over on this one, and I don't wanna play it now and face the reality that it probably hasn't held up super well.

Progressively gaining the ability to jump higher and run faster is especially fun when you can storm a heavily fortified base and b-line directly to kick the head boss off a building that used to seem impossible. HOWEVER, that's not enough to save this from being an overall tedious experience. If you've played a sandbox game with cheats you've played a better version of this, simply slapping a cel shader on everything doesn't hide how bland this world and characters are. The limited arsenal also feels like a missed opportunity. This only started being fun literally at the very end when I was all powered up, meanwhile most of the game is spent trying to find a way onto a building and looking for orbs to hopefully make the game more fun.

como alguém joga isso e acha bom???


Deadset better than crackdown 3