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in the past

Ninja Theory really claimed they'd be making a story to match film and literature, and then had a scene where a pregnant woman is aborted via sniper rifle. This was also after they called the female protags of the series' past "hookers with guns", by the way.

A decent base for action gameplay, which was solely due to the involvement of DMC3 and 4's director, Itsuno, having to take time off of the then in development Dragon's Dogma. Imagine having to fly out to the UK to tell the dev team who made other action games, "Hey, if you're gonna design an enemy with blades on them, make them use the blades", or, "Attacks should have windup animations." Beyond the satisfying ability to swap weapons at specific points mid-combo, any fun you can glean still gets held back by godawful control scheme decisions (lock-on discarded for TWO dedicated dodge buttons, jump+gun for alternate firearm attacks), walk-n-talk sections, 30 FPS on consoles, the damnation-worthy sin of colour coded enemies and Zelda ass bosses rather than the fun, fast and frenetic punchups in simple arenas of prior games.

Add in some of the worst writing and characters you'll ever see in gaming, and you've got a game that almost killed a series that set standards for excellence, yet was fellated by game journos because this was the 7th gen hellscape where the "Gamers(TM) are bad and wrong for expecting better", and will still try to rewrite the narrative to make it all about the fact they changed Dante's hair colour. The embodiment of Capcom's nightmarish dance with the "need" to westernise all their beloved IPs, and one that would be almost certainly forgotten if it didn't have a name as prestigious as Devil May Cry stapled upon it.

I really regret that I only got acquainted with the game in 2022. This is an exemplary and interesting handmade slasher film.
Combat at the highest level. The plot is banal for “good and evil”, but interesting moments are present and seasoned with youth humor. I still liked the platformer in the game (many people criticize it), since the character feels great and dilutes the mess on the screen.
The only negative is the graphics. It’s very striking in our time, but you adequately understand that the game is already 10 years old

This review contains spoilers

Tristemente injustiçado

Mesmo sem lock-on
Mesmo sem o dante original
Mesmo sem uma luta boa do Vergil

O gamedesign é solido, a história é boa e os personagens (tirando o dante no inicio) são bem legais de fato

A gameplay é divertida e as armas aqui são muito boas de usar e balancear em cada combo, so fico triste que tenham algumas armas que ficaram meio paia (cof cof foice e a arminha final cof cof)

E cara, esse Mundus da de 10x0 na timeline original. Ele é um ditador demoniaco, mas alem disso é um pai e um esposo, um personagem bem mais profundo que o original

Enfim, um bom jogo, e muito injustiçado

Wow, can't believe I just spent 12 hours playing a game that doesn't exist...

God, what a fucking slog this was. Edgy 2013 writing, a dull and unoriginal story and Vergil wears a fucking fedora. At least the gameplay is decent.

Anyway, isn't DMC5 fantastic?

I play this game and think “man, people were way too harsh on this game, this is really fun” but then a cutscene starts and I begin thinking people weren’t harsh enough.

At least DMC2 didn’t remove the lock-on for TWO dodge buttons
At least DMC2 didn’t ruin (somehow) a VERGIL boss fight
At least DMC2 doesn’t allow you to fall off stages OVER AND OVER again to avoid enemies
At least DMC2 had a good dante outfit
This and DMC2 only came out 10 years apart so I’m glad we’re not getting a DMC game this year because I can’t imagine it getting worse than this

É um jogo subestimado por portar o título da franquia que é pai dos Hack n' Slash.
É um jogo que tem várias qualidades e tem alguns detalhes que eu não curto.
Ainda vou revisitá-lo novamente para ter uma opinião mais sólida a respeito, e faço uma review mais consistente no futuro.
Eu recomendo darem uma chance para DMC: Devil May Cry

Screw the haters. This game rules.

Yeah the protag is an emo fuckboi. Who cares? It's fun as all hell and extremely rewarding on the higher difficulties.

hateado pq vcs são cuzões que querem a mesma porra de jogo punheta pra sempre. vão tomar no cu, o jogo é dahora e o dante é diferente, foda-se.

o combate é divertido, plot foda-se, grafico fodase e o dante é full edgy e tudo bem.

A mediocre hack n' slash game with a really awful story & characters.

Cara, eu acho que merece uma revisitação por parte do público. Não acho que esse reboot seja ruim, mas é inegável que falta muita personalidade para ele. Se não tivesse "Devil May Cry" no título, eu diria que é apenas mais um hack and slash genérico. Outra ressalva que tenho são as armas; acho que tem muita coisa que não precisava e tenho a sensação de que a Ninja Theory as incluiu só para encher de "conteúdo". Existem dois ganchos, um para ir até o inimigo e outro para puxá-lo. Tipo, não existe nada que justifique ter duas funções específicas para essas duas "armas".

Falando da gameplay, acho que ela flui bem, os combos são divertidos e fáceis de fazer, mas como eu disse antes, acho que esse jogo tem muitos problemas com os comandos, você precisa apertar dois botões ao mesmo tempo só para usar outra arma.

Particularmente, acho esse visual do jogo mais bonito, com várias cores explodindo pelo mapa, como se um unicórnio tivesse vomitado. Também gosto bastante dessas pinturas que aparecem no jogo ou no loading, dão uma atmosfera mais densa ao jogo.

Quanto à história, gosto de como o jogo mostra mais sobre a história de Eva e Sparda, coisa que o original menciona poucas vezes, mas, de resto, acho bem genérico e algumas coisas não fazem absolutamente nenhum sentido, por exemplo, a batalha final entre Vergil e Dante.

Ainda assim, acho um "bom" jogo para se divertir e fazer combos. É uma experiência gratificante, se você jogar sem pensar que isso era para ser uma nova franquia. Claro, acho desnecessário ainda existir tanto ódio em relação a esse jogo, uma vez que "DMC 5" já está aí.

This has been my first DMC game, so I wasn't really biased by the main Devil May Cry lore at any point in the game.
Fun, fluid, Dante is cool af. The story wasn't all that great. NOISIA's soundtrack was among the best I've heard on a videogame.

i find it very sad how this game didn't get the love it deserved because it dared to differ from the mainline games. in my eyes, it will always be a prime example of how a reboot can abandon the rules and principles of its roots, but still retain their spirit and shine in its new colors.

I'll have to agree with all the Spanish and Portuguese speaking people here on this one

This game gets FAR too much hate from the DMC fanbase for what it actually is, understandable considering the conditions of how it came to be. With the future of the franchise in question, the move to have Ninja Theory, a Western studio, develop a reboot of the franchise is already a red flag for dedicated long-time fans. The result is a game that ends up being a VERY bad representation of the original franchise, leading to many to dismiss it on that basis alone, without appreciating it's strengths. For me, this was my introduction to the franchise, so the context was lacking for me at first, and there's a reason I have played the whole franchise since playing this game. This game made me a DMC fan, and I still hold it up as one of the better entries in the series, even if it only loosely relates to the others.

The visual aesthetic of this game is just fantastic, superior to any of the other DMC games in my book. The design of Limbo is just otherworldly, and combined with the vibrant colours and hard outlines, really sell the idea of this parallel world better than many other games. The character designs aren't as great, and the writing of those characters is arguably the game's worst offence; these are nothing at all like the original characters. The writing is very edge for the sake of edge, and the dialog makes these characters rather unlikable. The actual story being told here is nothing fantastic, but has potential, it's just a shame it is run through the filter of a teenage edgelord.

The gameplay is definitely a step down in complexity from the absolute insanity that was DMC 4, there is no doubt about that, but when taken out of the context of the high bar set by that game, it is still a great system unto itself, one that mixes well with the world design. The weapons each fill a niche, and it's only by combining all of them that the true depth of the gameplay can be achieved to maximize the combo meter for those all important style points. The bosses in the game are, for the most part, lackluster, but there are a couple of standouts that elevate the experience as a whole. Overall, the gameplay isn't quite what DMC offered, but it excels on its own merits, with a great variety of enemies to keep things interesting.

This game is extremely divisive. If the characters and dialog are too annoying for you, it really can harm the whole experience. If you can look past that, there is an excellent action game here, framed within a beautifully distorted world. Love it or hate it, it did leave the franchise on a rough footing, and it would take a while until DMC returned, and when it did, this game would be left behind. I do think that is a shame, because I really like this game, and I do hope that something could take up the torch of the unique experience it created.

Definitivamente o melhor DMC que já joguei, a gameplay dele é muito gostosa, e fluida, e o combate é provavelmente o melhor da franquia toda, foi uma diversão a outro nível jogar esse jogo, virei a noite pra zerar essa merda. NOTA 10

If someone were to say that this is the worst game ever i'd disagree because yes the story and characters are shit but the graphics look cool especially in Limbo which is the demon world where you fight the demons and it looks colorful and the gameplay feels good.

DmC's gameplay is pretty similar to the previous Devil May Cry games like exploring linear levels, killing hordes and more hordes of demons and earning orbs to purchase upgrades but the combat feels different than it's previous games and example being that there is no lock on and you can dodge using the shoulder button instead of having to lock on an enemy then dodge much like its previous games, you also can send either Dante or the enemy or both up in the air with just a single tap or holding the launch button instead of having to lock-on then launch.
As for the weapons you get variations such as the Angel and Demon weapons and a hook which can be used for traversal or pulling an enemy towards you or pulling you towards the enemy similar to Nero's Devil Bringer in 4. The game's combat has a lot of button delay combos and can also be finished by other weapons which i think is unique and different from the original DMC games so when you try to perform a combo and you wait for a split second, a glimmer of light will appear on your weapon as a visual cue to finish your combo. Guns feel underwhelming at the start but they start to deal more damage to ground forces the more you upgrade them and speaking of underwhelming. Devil Trigger in this game is visually boring and extremely underwhelming, instead of becoming an actual demon your jacket turns red and hair turns white and enemies started floating for some reason allowing you to start doing air combos which isn't really all that great considering DT doesn't last that long.

The enemies in this game look cool and one of my problems with the enemies are the ones that are color coded like Frost and Hell Knights, Blood and Ghost Rage which is a pain to kill as they can only be staggered and damaged with Angel and Demon weapons and not your guns or the Rebellion sword and it just kills the flow of combat.

Story in this game is absolute nonsense and they try putting in social commentary like the government controlling the masses but there is just no contrast and the tone of the game instead of being dark it's just comically edgy with a lot of swearing to the point where it gets annoying.

Beside the controversy around the redesign, the combat was actually good and i have to give credits about that.

O jogo sofreu muito hate e com razão, por mudar totalmente a história, mas eu particularmente curti muito o jogo. Não sou muito fã da saga então não liguei muito para o aspecto da história em si, mas a gameplay é espetacularmente gostosa. Recomendo a todos que gostam de Hack N Slash.

If you look past the blatant disrespect to what the series is supposed to be the gameplay is actually alright

Has the exact same finale as Naruto Shippuden

Worth playing with the El Donte mod.

In my time Online, I've gathered that most Devil May Cry fans hate DmC: DmC.

This is a little unfair - the game isn't bad, per se.
It's just not good, either.

Mario Kart simplifies racing controls by removing the idea of a transmission.
Racing sim-lites like Forza encourage manual transmission and good gear selection - some corners are impossible to take properly without good gear management.
Applying Mario Kart's controls to a racing sim would be Bad. While the controls are more intuitive to pick up, removing the ability to shift would leave players inadequately equipped for higher-level play.

The lack of lock-on, the simplification of combos, and the de-emphasization of directional inputs does make DmC: DmC more accessible, but on higher difficulties it feels like the player controls are mismatched with the game's complexity.

This is especially true in the Vergil DLC - I'm not much of a Vocal Gamer, but there were quite a few "Oh, Come on!!"s shouted on my couch due to camera lock-on issues.

There are lots of other things that are irritating - linearization of combat due to red/white enemy types, trigger-holding for weapon swaps, simplification of weapon rhythmn, lack of enemy variety, difficult-to-read color palettes - but I find myself still reticent to call DmC outright Bad.

It's just that, with the possible exception of Devil May Cry 2, it's leagues worse than any other Devil May Cry game.

great combat, forgettable bosses though.
Dialogue is either amazing or cringe, no in-between

Completely and utterly incompetent. Combat approaches mediocrity but then awful bosses and some awful enemies ruin it entirely. Revolting in every other possible aspect, especially the abundance of unscripted walking sections and constant cutscenes that either show the next ten seconds of gameplay or zoom in on Dante’s ugly ass face so we know his reaction to every situation

Hear me out.

Writing as someone who played this as their first Devil May Cry, this game fucks.

DmC: Devil May Cry had colossal boots to fill. Admittedly, the choice to simplify the gameplay in a series known for its deep, complex combat system, set an edgy tone to characters beloved for their goofiness and coolness alike, and reduce freedom of choice in approaching smoking sexy style may not have been the best move. But I loved every bit of it.

The DMC reboot had a major objective for Ninja Theory set by Capcom; to package the Devil May Cry experience for a western audience. In my case, the game was incredibly effective at this.

I enjoyed the now-plain combat system, allowing me to feel like a badass with moderate amounts of effort. I never felt the effects of the lesser options to taking on enemies (due to being a new player). Finally, through not taking the story and characters too seriously, I actually starting loving them. (edit: holy smokes the soundtrack).

There are a few other fronts where the game especially shines. The level design, for one, is a completely new approach for Devil May Cry. Environments shift and morph as you progress through each stage, and, it's all wrapped in a unique art style with endearing colour palettes. The enemies, particularly the bosses, are incredible and are a blast to fight against.

My biggest problem with this title is actually something I love it for. The simplicity. There are a few parts where the handholding feels a bit extreme and the game can become a little "western devvy." Objects in the environment flashing a certain colour, enemies only being able to be defeated using certain weapons, all of these come together to make it feel like I am a kid putting shapes in holes rather than a cool ass demon half-breed.

To sum up, DmC: Devil May Cry depends largely on the mindset it is approached with. If you see it on sale and enjoy the hack-n-slash genre, give it a go.

this game is so fucking awesome

spoilers below
- Dante proves to the world that Mountain Dew is bad for you because a demonic version of the Futurama Slurm alien is making it
- Dante literally kills Bill O'Reilly, like its just Bill O'Reilly
- Vergil performs an abortion trickshot, killing EDM Baby
- after Dante reveals to the world that Mountain Dew is bad for you and Fox News is biased, the world wakes up and everyone instantly rushes to Twitter to post about it
- After you finally infiltrate the evil demon CEOs lair and Dante makes fun of his baby getting trickshotted, Dante and Vergil end up realizing that they disagree on politics, and Dante is an anarchist, while Vergil is more of an authoritarian, they fight to the death over this
- Dante wins the fight against Vergil, and Vergil opens a portal and steps into it, game ends, its over. but in the DLC for some fucking reason vergil steps through the portal and just dies lol, the DLC is disgustingly bad also, dont play it
- they patched vergils hat out of the game because people made fun of it too much
- Alex Garland somehow worked on this? have no clue how, but thats awesome, watch Devs.

Serious reasons:
- the game legitimately has the coolest soundtrack, Combichrist and Noisia were amazing picks for this, they perfectly encompass the edgy digital hardcore aesthetic here
- actually good gameplay, it might honestly be the most consistent DMC game (CONSISTENT, not BEST). it doesnt have any massive glaring flaw that i can really point out aside from "simplified" gameplay which is still great and the bosses are mostly just fine, not bad but not really good either

Sou procurado por demônios
Já to acostumado, não me impressiono
Eu nem sei o que sou, mas to pronto pro confronto
Agora é nova historia, começa tudo de novo

E eu detono, qualquer demônio, não perdoo
Destruo o inferno, saio dos escombros
Tranquilo, tiro a poeira dos meus ombros
Com o meu poder de fogo o diabo vai cair do trono

Marcante, vejo uma foto na estante
Agora eu já sei, o que houve antes
De anjo e demônio, eu nasci de um romance
E junto comigo, Vergil, irmão de sangue

Mundus veio aqui, deixou tudo degradante
Na TV, nos jornais, e até refrigerante
Mas eu caço como um "hunter"
Nasci com este dom, o meu nome é Dante!

Filho de anjo e demônio
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Diante de mim, o diabo vai chorar
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Filho de anjo e demônio
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Diante de mim, o diabo vai chorar
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry

Vou confiante
Como um gigante
Sempre avante
Demônio em pane
Não há chance
Porque sou Dante

Sente a Ebony
E a Ivory
Infinita munição, nada sobrevive
Espada Rebellion faz parte do arsenal
Pronto pra missão, minha força é brutal

Por causa de Mundus, o mundo está imundo
Mas eu vou mandá-lo de volta pro submundo
Porque eu caço como um "hunter"
Nasci com este dom, o meu nome é dante!

Filho de anjo e demônio
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Diante de mim, o diabo vai chorar
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Filho de anjo e demônio
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry
Diante de mim, o diabo vai chorar
Devil May Cry
Devil May Cry

Ok agora pra review mesmo

DmC é um jogo estranho, ele meio que cospe no legado da franquia e tenta ser algo novo, oque na minha opinião deu bastante certo, é bem legal ver como o dante e todo o conceito em geral de devil may cry fica de um jeito mais "moderno" e americano, o limbo foi uma baita ideia foda, fazendo level designs interessantes e cenários de se admirar, seja por beleza ou pelo caos que é.

O combate é até que mais simplificado mas você ainda consegue fazer combos incríveis se tiver a habilidade para isso, a variedade de armas também é pequena mas continua legal.

Em geral eu recomendo você jogar esse jogo sem pensar nos devil may cry antigo e receber ele como se fosse algo próprio, acredite, faz a experiência ser muito mais agradável.