Reviews from

in the past

This is a weird read in 2019. It seems to be an argument in favor of social media oversharing and the sacrifice of privacy that comes with it. It reaches that conclusion by placing a whole lot of trust in the people in power to act in good faith. From a 2019 perspective that's almost quaint, like a nostalgic throwback to how social media used to be before it was all about SEO and disinformation.

But combine that with the fact that every communication between characters has been run through a 4chan-circa-2010 filter (f-slurs abound). It's possible that's a stylistic decision. But it seems more likely that the author just didn't understand social media at the time deeply enough to conceive of a future for it.

Not even gonna touch the teacher/student romance route. Ick.

I like Christine Love's work quite a bit and I liked this one at the time too but it's been largely forgotten for a reason - the central setup/mechanics are solid but it leads to some pretty uncomfortable character dynamics and the conclusions it reaches vis a vis The Youths and privacy are just kinda thrown out there without much consideration or grounding in anything real.

I thought highly of this game in high school and have about zero interest in replaying now to see how I actually feel about it, but what I do remember tarnishes it (and would tarnish it more or less depending on how intentional the discomfort is, but again, I'm not replaying the game, so).

i really liked this game when i was 14 but looking at it now... whys there a student/teacher route... i never played said route but it skeeves me out even more now

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mmm dating your student mmm grossest kissing CG I've ever seen mmm

mmm "I'm not gay but he's attractive it would be a waste not to date him" mmmm what a het thing to say my guy

This was decent. I like the concept of being able to spy on the students texts and inferring certain relationships and gaining knowledge to help your students out. The characters feel pretty real and the situations seem very high school drama. I don't really feel right that our 30 something teacher is getting involved with a 17 year old high school student. That whole plotline felt like it was written by a 16 year old high school girl with a crush on her gym teacher and the only way to healthy get that out of her system was to include it in a visual novel, so I am docking some points for that, but overall it's fine.
