Reviews from

in the past

The game is fine, but I can never hear it's title without thinking of the Smash Bros announcer saying "Duh Cunt"

While I normally played the Super Mario Bros part of the Super Mario Duck Hunt cartridge, plugging in the Zapper and shooting those little ducks and clay targets was a good diversion from the norm. It ended up giving us a pretty likable Smash Bros character too, which is funny considering that dog was anything but likable in the game he came from.

Você atirou

Você atirou no cachorro

Eu tenho certeza de que você já atirou nele

Você não tem vergonha em atirar em um pobre animal indefeso??

Peça desculpas agora

Everyone hates the dog, and you know what? I also hate the dog. This game is a fun classic. It holds up as being super accessible. If you have an old TV that can handle the zapper, this is a real fun toy for kids and a nostalgic conversation piece for adults.

Shoot the ducks, thats all there is to it (Insert unfunny joke about the dog and how much I hate him). There is also a clay pigeon mode which is something. This game gets old in 5 minutes.

I played this game when I was a 5 year old and I barely remember it but I think it was fun!

Interesting minigame. Makes great use of the NES Zapper.

This is one of the first games that amazed as a child, mainly because of the technology behind it. It showed me what gaming could be. The gameplay is quite simple, but very fun. It's one of those classic games we can still play nowadays and have fun, but its arcady nature makes it so it's hard to play for more than a dozen minutes.

I fucking hate birds, so this game is perfect for me

Super fun with a real light gun! Makes me want to get more zapper games

Pro tip, put the gun right up on the screen

It's a weird thought that I got to play this on actual hardware as a kid in the 2000's because it's probably rare for anyone my age to have had the chance to play it that way. Our NES stopped working not long after then too.

This has no reason to work as well as it does

You shoot ducks (or clay pigeons) with a gun, that's all there is to it. It's still fun, but it's not a lot on offer. This must have been impressive in the 80s but nowadays even Wii Play offers a better rendition, even if the Zapper is much more of a gun.

its duck hunt idk what you want me to say. it's probably more fun if you're actually using a zapper or a Wii remote and not just clicking with your mouse but I can't imagine its THAT much better

As far as mode A is the most known, it seems to me that mode C is the most pleasant, since the curves of the clay plateaus are completely predictable. In contrast, mode B is particularly erratic with very dry movements. There is a slight delay in the hitscan (the screen turns black and a white rectangle verifies that the shot hits). Besides, if the technology is particularly innovative for the video game of this time, a sad repetition quickly sets in and we can regret the absence of elements in the background that would give life to the title.

I haven't played this since I was, like, five, but I get the feeling my opinion won't really sway if I tried it again.

Icônico e nostálgico para muitos, mas não acho que envelheceu bem.

Aos brasileiros lendo isso... Eu sei que você jogou isso no polystation que nem eu <3

I liked playing it cause I had the game gun but other than that annoying ass game, wanted to punch that dog laughing at me.

Smash Bros character is cute but outside of the cool visuals for Game C this is easily the worst black box light gun game. Very boring and without the challenge you'd see in a Hogan's Alley let alone a Gumshoe.

My younger self was so amazed by this technology

very responsive and shockingly cool on real hardware with a crt

Barely functional as it was, it was also revolutionary. I'm still gonna put that dog in a blender though.

I have more memories playing with the light gun more than playing with Duck Hunt. Kids are weird man.

When I was a kid I’d just put the gun right up in front of the screen so it was touching the glass. Why fuck around? Every duck I miss is another laugh at my expense from my smartass dog and another meal I can’t feed to my starving family

Fun, especially when you play the game on a CRT.