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Surprisingly good, infinitely better than the last game. This is how you make a sequel.

Sadly, some parts go on for a bit too long, but not enough to spoil it.

This review contains spoilers

Evoland traz uma proposta mt daora e criativa de misturar vários tipos de gameplay (beat'em up, guitar hero, rpg, plataforma, Shoot 'em up, hack slash, luta, etc) e além dos graficos tbm desde 8 bits até o 3D em um único jogo. Diferente do 1º jogo aqui eles elaboraram melhor a história, dando até um enredo pra troca de gráficos ( que é a viagem no tempo quanto mais no passado mais antigo é o grafico(como a de gameboy) e no futuro é o 3D), logo a história é até que boa e por se tratar de viagem no tempo traz elementos de descobrir a história do mundo e dos npcs de forma bem mais interessante, tendo uma narrativa boa com bastante sarcasmo e referência a diversas obras geek (harry poter, zelda, tomb raider, capitão américa, FF, etc) o q torna bem divertido. Contudo os pontos negativo desse jogo é a jogabilidade, por se tratar de diversos tipos de gameplay acredito q a jogabilidade principalmente em 3D é fraca (melhor msm é quando está no 'presente') e na minha opinião é um jogo mt mais extenso do que deveria ser. Enfim, proposta mt boa, execução mediana e historia boa com buff na narrativa por causa da viagem no tempo.

I enjoyed my time with this even if the beginning is slow and has some very tedious portions. It does well on its homages but I found the story to be forgettable but not bad. The gameplay really saved this game for me as I enjoyed the random breakaways from the regular gameplay by experimenting with different genres.

Apesar de Evoland 2 ser um ótimo jogo que com certeza a maior parte dos fãs do primeiro irão adorá-lo pelo nível de carinho e comprometimento da parte dos desenvolvedores em desenvolver algo bem mais aprofundado aqui (seja da sua Trama até as suas demais diferenças de Gameplay ao avançarmos no game), eu pessoalmente senti que o jogo se esticou demais ao ponto de deixar toda essa jornada monótona e cansativa que consequentemente me deixa com um pé atrás de jogá-lo de novo, além disso, o que mais me frustra de jogá-lo de novo é sem dúvidas o seu nível exagerado de Puzzles que não eram visto dessa maneira tão expressiva antes, direto você terá que parar para ou resolver algum quebra-cabeça ou tentar achar uma solução para uma questão estilo Enem da vida que realmente prejudicou muito a minha experiência de jogo por ser extensivamente chato e parado, mas claro, para aqueles que adoram esse estilo que obviamente não explica muito e que é lotado de Puzzles então é sem dúvidas uma boa pedida!

“It was the best of times, it was the worst of times,”

I went in completely blind (didn’t know the franchise, much less the premise) and Evoland 2 blew me completely away. It is an JRPG-style adventure game where you tackle an ancient evil, with the unique twist that you warp between gaming eras using powerful magi monoliths. Not only do you move through time, but you sample a medley of mechanics from video games, such as Chrono Trigger, Runner games, shoot ‘em ups, Bejeweled (Match 3), and Professor Layton. As others point out, you might not like each segment, and some of the more elongated scenes can get downright frustrating, but I know of no other game that have done a concept like this and kept it going throughout the game.

You will certainly get your money’s worth, it took me 23 hours to complete – over the span of nearly two weeks.

Evoland 2 isn’t a flawless game, the writing is inane at times, which actively harms the game’s exposition when it asks you to take it seriously. The parallel narrative (which I won’t spoil) isn't really compelling either, but you can forgive the sloppy writing after realizing its the quest that counts, and the friends you make along the way.

It baffles me how little documentation there is on this game, but this isn't Legend of Zelda. It's Evoland 2. And it's a long haul game just like the rest of 'em.

This is something that future games should model for, but as of right now, it's one of a kind and it's standing with its shoulders high as a result.

One of the most impressive, memorable games I've played. Has a fully realized Chrono Trigger-esque story that maybe did it better.

It used a concept from the first game and took it to the next level. Way more things to do and activities to have fun and even get challenged.

Still can be tedious like the original, but the greatly expanded scope and cleaned up gameplay makes this fine enough.

a ideia inicial é mt legal mas não me prendeu muitoooo, eu queria terminar ele 💔

sorry but I bounced HARD off this one when I realised what the joke on the freemium "parody" entailed in terms of gameplay.

there's like this one boss fight that kept disorienting me that i physically could not play anymore.

really neat gimmicks though. loved the references.

Siendo una secuela, se puede ver fácilmente la evolución desde el primer juego. Sin embargo, se siguen viendo problemas y puntos flacos, que no me dejan darle más de 3.5 estrellas.
La premisa e ideas son muy buenas, son originales y es una oda a otros tantos videojuegos clásicos. Las referencias se sienten frescas y no demasiado forzadas, y el juego incluso rompe la 4ª pared numerosas veces, algunas con más elegancia que otras. Las diferentes formas de jugar basadas en referencias a otros tantos juegos se agradecen y son lo que motiva a jugar, lo mejor de todo el juego (Chrono Trigger, Bullet Hell, Profesor Layton, Street Fighter...), es con diferencia lo mejor del juego y es lo que hace que valga la pena jugarlo. Incluso echo de menos más periodos así y menos etapas de puzzle a lo Zelda.

Entrando en los problemas, hay errores muy tontos; el personaje es extremadamente lento y torpe, no puede ser que un personaje de un juego de acción-aventura se maneje como el de Stardew Valley al combatir. Esto provoca que ciertos bosses sean artificialmente complicados. (Reno, Plum...) A eso súmale que algunos bosses se sienten poco testeados; de una fase fácil a otra absurdamente difícil. A partir de las alcantarillas hay un pico de dificultad muy prominente, que después vuelve a bajar. O juegas algunos bosses perfectamente, o mueres.
Además, muchas zonas se alargan en demasía, no es necesaria la duración del título; si dura alrededor de 15 horas si no te paras demasiado, zonas como el Bosque Sylph o algunas de las zonas en 2D (como parte de la recta final del juego) decaen.
La música es repetitiva y no destaca demasiado, pero tampoco se puede pedir mucho más, es cierto que algunos temas son bastante buenos.

La historia es mediocre, un poco cliché y los diálogos dan un poco de vergüenza de vez en cuando; se sienten infantiles, lo cual no es algo malo o que se pueda echar en cara, pero no logra dar el dramatismo que se nota que busca. En algunos puntos incluso da mucha vergüenza, como momentos en los que los diálogos parecen una historia de Wattpad o el típico fanfic. Quizás el tema de los viajes en el tiempo le queda un poco grande, aunque el juego lo maneja de forma tan simple que no crea muchos problemas.

Es un juego con una gran inestabilidad. Un momento demuestra mal diseño o poca revisión de los niveles (directamente poco testeo), y justo después te encuentras con algo de gran calidad para la época siendo indie. Por ejemplo, la parte del laboratorio está llena de referencias (Mewtwo, Alien Isolation..., bien diseñada, buena música y buen combate) pero justo antes tienes dos bosses mal diseñados e injustos, con la misma música y con peleas frustrantes. En definitiva un juego mejorable y algo largo para lo que ofrece, pero teniendo en cuenta el pequeño equipo que lo desarrollo y el valor que tiene su idea, supera el adjetivo de mediocre.

The first 1/4 of the game felt painfully tedious, almost made me drop, but it actually gets pretty enjoyable once they let you freely roam the full map at your leisure.

The idea has charm, although the execution gets pretty wonky at times, it felt more appropriate for a smaller game like the first entry.

The constant bombarding of references isn't enough to carry these many hours of following a plot that i don't really care about.

jogo é incrivelmente bom melhora tudo do primeiro graficos , historia, gameplay , variedade de personagens com carisma uma boa historia e com um bom jogo de carta que foi uma melhora comparado com o 1.

As referencias tmb são muito boas tipo a do fire emblem que eu achei que foi a melhor entre outras.não vou da muito spoiler. E teve referencia a chrono trigger já aumenta a nota do jogo.

Por fim joguem evoland 2 , mas lembre-se em um jogo meio longo(não muito) depende do seu ritmo gostosa(o)

Part of Spring Cleaning 2023

I refuse to spend 20 hours of my life on as mediocre of an experience as this.

Es como comer pan de molde tostado pero sin queso ni nada

Really fun game. Much more depth than the first one. Huge variety of retro gameplay levels.

A game mostly interested in the meta level. The idea is charming but it's not enough to carry it through a pretty lengthy story. It all works well, but just doesn't show you anything interesting. Everything you encounter is trivial and makes you rather want to play the games this is based on. I would've liked to have seen more experimentation.

This is an incredible game with references galore. At no point playing this game was I bored or frustrated. It is a super fun experience and you should definitely give it a playthrough of your own.
The story is really good, too. The ending is a mind-(you know).

On paper, a sequel to Evoland, which was itself a condensed, tight manifestation of the idea of paying tribute to the RPG genre, sounded pretty unnecessary to me. However, after taking what was supposed to be a short look at this game as part of the Legendary edition, my surprise could not have been greater.

Playtime: 24 hours, with 2/3rds of all collectable stars, equipment upgrades and special attacks acquired. All cards and opponents fought and beaten. Played as part of the Evoland Legendary Edition.

+ a further development of its sequel central idea
+ the many genres and styles never stop being surprising...
+ ...and are competently implemented into a larger whole
+ gameplay gets more and more diverse towards the second halve
+ the more open structure of the second halve is
+ smart usage of the time travel concept
+ world maps are smartly designed and look great
+ the 16-bit action sequences are pretty great
+ puzzles are plentiful and rarely get frustrating
+ card game is engaging and a good motivation for exploration
+ the central quintet of heroes is engaging and sweetly written
+ the story holds more surprises than is apparent at first
+ the final boss is a real highlight and celebration of gaming as a whole

- there is no run button!
- seriously, the movement speed is dreadfully slow and really drags down the action
- the pacing in the beginning is slow and the first dungeon feels unfinished
- team members' special attacks are too slow to regenerate
- the 3D gameplay sections extremely rough and unpolished
- level design and object placement often seems random and unclear
- technical performance on Switch is all over the place and buggy
- 2D pixel portraits look washed out and lack detail, especially docked
- jump physics in 2D feel weird and lead to frequent deaths
- instant-death spikes are pure frustration and unnecessary
- Sylph Forest dungeon is undeniably tedious
- genre tropes are overused and rarely parodied
- players unfamiliar with some of genres presented may have a tough time

Magic Moments: Playing a 2D vertical shooter out of nowhere and changing into a fighting game - Street Fighter special moves included - shortly after. Recognizing a certain laboratory as a direct reference to Chrono Trigger and having a great time with the combat system. Entering an awe-inspiring zone with curved space-time and solving puzzles in two different dimensions.

This game might be one of the biggest surprises in my gaming life. After the rough beginning hours and the badly designed first 3D dungeon, my finger was literally hovering over the "delete" button. Shortly after, however, I stumbled upon the card game and had a huge "Inscryption" flashback that motivated me enough to take a second look at the game and give it a chance. As a result, Evoland 2 slowly but surely evolved into a cornucupia of surprises that handles not only a sizable amount of genres and playstyles in remarkable fashion, but also tells a rather sweet story with sweet characters and a great final stretch.

The amount of surprises and fresh ideas are enough to get over the initial hump and the technical issues, and the less you know before playing, the better. So go and play it!

The first game was a sort of proof of concept of the gimmick. This game... took it and did everything it could. And I think it really worked.
Most of the different genres included were done pretty well. I only had trouble with the TRPG portions, but that's mostly cause I suck at TRPGs. The art and music is all really good, and the concept was beautifully weaved into the narrative.
Speaking of which... the story is REALLY good. It actually blows my mind how interesting the whole story is. There's a lot of fun side content too. The only problem I had with it was the slight lack of polish, but it was never a huge issue. I love this game so much.

Gran juego de rol que viaja entre épocas mientras cumples todos y cada uno de los tópicos, pero con un giro único. Es cierto que gráficamente deja que desear bastante, y no tiene grandes diálogos, pero es un juego que invita a completarlo y a continuar saltando entre las distintas líneas temporales. Es como un hamburguesa. No te va a cambiar la vida, pero vas a disfrutar cada momento que estés en el juego, y para mi eso ya es mucho.

"Evoland 2" ist wie ein Besuch in einer Austellung. Man sieht zwar nette Sachen und darf vielleicht auch mal in ein-zwei Dinge reingucken, rangelassen wird man aber nie.

Als Sammelsurium von verschiedenen Hommagen werden zwar immer wieder Passagen in Gameplay und Präsentation an bekannte Titel angelehnt, mehr als einen kurze Demo erhält man aber nicht. Während ich bei Spielen wie "It Takes Two" das Gefühl bekomme, dass die vielen verschiedenen Spielstile immer mit dem Gedanken, wie es sich am besten mit den Grundelementen vereinen lasse, implementiert wurden, fühlt es sich im Sequel zu "Evoland" eher danach an, als hätten die Entwickelnden ausprobieren wollen, ob sie es denn nachprogrammiert kriegen. Das haben sie zwar, doch mehr als ein "Seht euch das mal an" kommt dabei nicht rum.

Es wirkt dann besonders seltsam, dass diese ganzen Gameplay-Ideen erst ab dem zweiten Drittel auftauchen und sich die ersten paar Stunden somit recht stark ziehen. Da hilft auch nicht der viele Text, durch den man sich klicken darf. Ich bin eigentlich immer ein Fan davon, Charakteren möglichst viel Hintergründe zu geben, und war deswegen zwar überrascht, doch nach ein wenig Zeit positiv gestimmt, dass sich "Evoland 2" dafür Zeit nimmt. Man hätte sich allerdings in einigen Dialogen kürzerfassen könne und dass den Figuren am Ende der Handlung keine wirkliche Abrundung gegeben wird, steht konträr zu der restlichen Einstellung des Titels.

Obwohl ich die ersten 15 Minuten vom Vorgänger als den Peak der Reihe ansehe, ist "Evoland 2" von beiden das deutlich bessere Werk. Es würde nur noch besser kommen, wenn es tiefer geschrieben und designt wäre, damit Jokes nicht nur auf "haha, töpfe zerschlagen weil zelda" hinauslaufen würden.

Una oda al mundo de los videojuegos. Repasa muchos géneros, contiene muchísimas referencias a títulos históricos y, también, a muchísimas películas de la cultura geek. Una experiencia muy disfrutable desde el punto de vista artístico.

En cuanto al punto de vista jugable, tiene muchas mecánicas puesto que encuentras fases que son un beat em up al más puto estilo Street of Rage hasta otras más pausadas del corte de Fire Emblem o Final Fantasy, que es muy interesante pero, debido a la brevedad de estas pantallas, no profundiza demasiado y termina siendo una referencia más que desde el punto de vista puramente jugable no son demasiado interesantes e incluso se hacen un poco tediosas en ocasiones. En líneas generales, fuera de estas fases referenciales, el juego es muy del corte The Legend of Zelda.

En definitiva, un juego interesante y recomendable si eres un gran seguidor de la cultura del videojuego, pero al que no recomendaría acercarse por temas jugables o narrativos. Aunque la historia cierra bien y es agradable de seguir.

Increíble, hace que su predecesor parezca una simple demo. Un montón de géneros y épocas de videojuegos a los que jugar y todo eso metido dentro de una historia interesante con viajes en el tiempo.

Really fun game. Love the theme changes!

10/38 achievements after 5h

I couldn't bring myself to finish the game. For some reason, the main hook of Evoland, the changing of art styles, is put into the backseat. Instead, the game focuses on its plot, which wasn't very interesting.

Its good.
VERY TEDIOUS at times but still a good game.
I like how it pays homage to all the classics without relying on their worst parts as difficulty ('cough' 'cough' Evoland1)
The only parts I outright hated were the platforming sections.
Like the first game it doesn't realize that not every part of those games was fun to play.