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A few months ago, when I was playing the rest of Fallout 4, I got to Nuka-World, found out that the premise of it is helping some raider gangs to build a bigger/better slave empire and I just kind of checked out of it. The game offers a quest to kill all the raiders instead of helping them, I did it, and my reward was the previously-enslaved NPCs glitching out and taking all their clothes off and then nothing else meaningful happened. I moved on with life. But now I felt a draw to go back. Maybe I missed out on something. Maybe within the rancid outer layer is a core that has something special. Maybe there is something here to point to that makes this awful DLC 'worth it.'

Dear reader, I am sad to say there is no such thing.

The Nuka-World DLC was made in response to fans at launch saying that they wanted more content with raiders and so Bethesda planned this out as a way to spend time with them and to add more depth to raider factions than what there was in the base game. And, see, that is a pitch I can get behind. Because in every Fallout game, from the isometric beginnings to the first-person present, the raiders are pretty much just murder junkies (and occasionally cannibals). They exist to fill a gap in the enemy progression and nothing more. Bethesda needed an enemy tougher than the random mutated bugs and critters but not as strong as the Super Mutants. And the raiders fill that gap. Fleshy bags of XP and loot that are pure evil that come from nowhere for you to freely murder the shit out of them without as much as a second thought as to who they are or why you're murdering them. The raiders are humans of pure function. So, the idea that you might actually get to sit down and talk to them and find out what's up with the raiders and why they are the way they are... yeah, sure, I'd like to see someone take a crack at that because no one really has so far.

Unfortunately, this DLC is a full product and not just a pitch. In practice, Nuka-World is a big map for you to go to with plenty of locations to explore and some very bare bones narrative to send you from one point of interest to the next. You arrive, are appointed leader of all the raiders and then you are almost immediately sent out to clear out the rest of the theme park of the various non-raider monsters and robots that have somehow completely confounded three rather large gangs. Each gang has a leader that you get one meaningful conversation with but even these are pretty disappointing. Instead of making raiders with depth, they just made different flavors of raider with fun coats of paint. Instead of generic murder junkies, you now have the Disciples (Original Flavor™ Murder Junkies), The Operators (Money-hungry Murder Junkies), and The Pack (Furry Murder Junkies). But that's kinda it. It's not like you get much background about who any of them are or where they come from or why they decided to be murder junkies. And after those initial conversations? They have nothing meaningful to say and will only send you on some classic Bethesda Radiant Quests to go murder people or enslave them. Cool.

Okay so it's a total whiff on the narrative end. But a theme park! Surely this is some cool locations with fun aesthetics! It's not just bombed out buildings or military bases or what! It's rollercoasters and fun houses and a zoo for some reason! And this all just... largely didn't do anything for me. The little bit of interest I had in it the aesthetic wore off fast, though, because this DLC has a lot of stuff in it and it makes you go to almost all of it. I recommend turning the volume slider for dialogue all the way down because the constantly looping theme park PA system messages about buying overpriced maps or how such-and-such a ride is out of order get old the third time they loop and get very old the eighteenth time they loop.

The one nice thing I can say about this is that they brought the Hubologists back and I think that's fun. I don't know how the religion from the West Coast games ended up in the Commonwealth but I'm not asking questions. They dose you with radiation and will give you way more lore than all three raider gangs combined before their heads all explode in a the best quest of the entire DLC.

Total ass DLC that is a huge missed opportunity because they just wanted to give you more. More locations to look at, more garbage to loot, more functional mechanical horseshit to wade through. As if the base game somehow didn't have enough. What the hell.

I think its impressive that Fallout 4 had 2 DLCs with full explorable locations, and in this case Nuka World was larger and more diverse location compared to Far Harbor. But I feel like it was also a more... generic set of content (and no Settlements, just small time questing).

Edgelords and Furries coexisting together at last

Não tankei, já estava enjoado de fazer as mesmas coisas toda hora e não curto a ideia de ser um raider, principalmente esses raiders broxas dessa dlc.

The zones/locations are probably the best part about this DLC. Its pretty big but the plot and factions here are so surface level, even for Fallout 4.

Interesting concept of 3 different warring classes of raiders trying to take over a theme park, fun weapons and smaller areas minus space world (pain). Just not much depth to it and poorly executed. If you're going for the tickets achievement for 100%, god speed

I don't get the hate. This is the best DLC Bethesda has released since FO:NV. It's well written, has a ton of content, and is huge. The system for developing raiding camps is how settlements should have been done, and I wish they'd revamp settlements to be the same. I really enjoyed this DLC.

its cool because it made nerds mad about X-01

I might be the only person who has this opinion but this is by far my favourite content fallout 4 has to offer, everything about it just has so much fun energy and style from the nuka park locations, the npcs and all the gimmicky nuka-cola and raider themed items. The npcs in general just bring so much enjoyment with their wild personalities and humor. They could've done more with raider settlements but its fine as it is. The story is whatever but its clearly not the focus and I'll always prioritise gameplay over story. I wish they did bigger dlcs like this one and far harbour because they're truly great.

This started off so well but completely fell apart in the second half. Exploring the theme park was great, but going back and forth between the Commonwealth and Nuka World in order to establish outposts and take over settlements is the kind of unnecessary and unfun busy work that was the base game's downfall.

The only good aspect to this DLC would be actually exploring the park and seeing all the nest stuff it has, other than that this DLC blows.

It was obvious that this DLC was mostly made because of the outcry about some players not being able for them to make their character take an "EVIL" path since the main character in Fallout 4 was a premade character.
So now you can kill, steal, and murder anyone you want and MOOORRREE. Unless you're like me who didn't want to make my character evil, so to my character (I made famed comic book writers Dan Slott.) this whole DLC and all of the other stuff like raider settlements building and other stuff would mean all my hard work would go right down the toilet. So by the end of this DLC, I had planned on just killing the raiders but then that leaves all of the other content locked out from me, which is Horseshit.

But the best part was I wasn't even unable to finish the DLC the way I was intended. Once I had finished most of the park, I was going to the last one "The Kiddy Kindom". Only I had one small problem, the mission wouldn't start, not at all. I tried using the console commands; I tried no clipping to the flag to see if I could get it. I even replayed 2 hours just to see if there was something I missed, nothing worked.
After about 1 hour of trying to fix the mission, I just said fuck it and killed all the raiders and finished the Walt Disney frozen head side mission.

Honestly, even if the game didn't break on me I still would have given it a low rating since it's still Fallout 4, and for some reason the writing had taken a dramatic drop in quality. But this one action dropped the fucking ball, this is such a game-breaking bug I'm shocked that after all these years they still haven't fixed it. Like don't you want your players to have fun with the new raider stuff, don't you think actually fixing something that hampers with the player's overall experience would help you. "Naaa just let modders to do it who gives a shit."
I am so fucking sick of Bethesda constantly getting away with this shit if they want to be treated like a big AAA developer they need to start acting like it and fix their fucking games.

THE best Fallout expansion. Nuff said.

It's just a set of themed dungeons. Bethesda wrote themselves into a corner by making this also have to be an evil expansion for settlement reasons so any story feels more pointless than usual. Porter Gage is cool.

Very respectable amount of content. You get a large new area to play around in with some unique setpieces and actual quests. You end up with a main quest that actually gives you some important choices, even though most of them end about the same way.

I do not give a SINGLE FUCK about what other people say. Because this is an amazing pack. The narrative is not horrible, but what really shines here is the AMAZING WORLD. This was one of the most creative things they could have done for a DLC, and its simply soo wells polished and detailed that it is really amazing.

Fallout 4: Nuka-World was the final DLC to be released for Fallout 4 and while I had a blast playing it, I honestly couldn't help but be a bit disappointed by it. While I think it's really good overall, the fact it came out after Far Harbor made me have a bit higher expectations for it.

Starting off with the good, one of the greatest parts of this DLC was simply just the environmental design. It was absolutely fantastic and fun to just explore the abandoned ruins of the theme park known as Nuka-World. What makes this stand out however is the fact that there are a lot of areas around the park that are still operational. There's Kiddie Kingdom which is a part of the park for kids with large candy looking attractions and rides infested with feral ghouls and trippy in-door areas with cool mazes, Galactic Zone which looks awesome for its futuristic take, however my least favorite zone because it's filled with annoying and generic robot enemies that you're so used to fighting that it becomes a chore to clear them out, Dry Rock Gulch, World of Refreshment which is my favorite area because it just has a crap ton of Nuka-Cola variants and flavors to stock on due to it literally being a plant for the drink with even a river of Nuka-Cola Quantum, and Safari Adventure. All of these zones were so fun to explore and were brimming with creativity from the artists working on this DLC. These of course weren't the only area to explore, multiple other locations across the map in Nuka-World were even away from the already large theme park to explore. While not as interesting, it's always a fun addition.

The whole beginning of the DLC was also really fun to play. You were lured to the theme park from the start and are forced through this gauntlet of challenges which was very fun to playthrough and since you aren't expected to survive, at the end you find the over boss of all three gangs in Nuka-World named Colter who challenges you to a one-on-one. However, a new companion named Porter Gage wants to help you take out the current over boss even though he's his current second in command. Funnily enough, you use a squirt gun to mess up Colter's power armor and ultimately kill him. Apparently all the gangs hated Colter and now you've become the new leader of all three of the gangs. The gangs are all pretty distinct. The Pack which remind me of a bunch of post-apocalyptic furry role-players, The Operators who are really just your run of the mill mercenary gang who's only really in it for the money, and The Disciples who are bloodthirsty maniacs. Honestly, they all aren't too interesting on their own, but have enough personality to be tolerable enough. The most interesting aspect is how all of them interact with each other and even you so you may gain their favor by doing quests for them or distributing a section of the park for a certain gang to control.

Porter Gage is also a great new addition to the companion roster of Fallout 4. While he is a raider, what makes him interesting is that he's not aligned with any specific gang and simply provides as a second in command or advisor for the Overboss (you). He's pretty good in combat, has some interesting interactions the higher you gain his affinity, and is a welcome character overall. There aren't that many evil companions in Fallout 4, so it can be pretty refreshing for players who want to role-play as an evil character without having to be scolded by most companions in Fallout 4.

Nuka-World also just has some of the best loot in the entire game. You can find plenty of great gear, weapons, and even a set of Nuka-Cola themed power armor if you're into that. One of my favorite parts about this DLC was finding all the new flavors of Nuka-Cola to collect, drink for varied combat uses, and even mix together for multiple stat boosts. Another thing I loved about this DLC was the new radio station known as Raider Radio with the new D.J. called Red-Eye. The guy is such a hilarious D.J. with some good songs written by the guy who voices Red-Eye and even some nice stories he tells. While Red-Eye is a great new additon, I wanted more of him. There's unfortunately only like 20 minutes worth of dialogue and songs combined.

While a lot of this DLC is great, it unfortunately falters in a few ways. One aspect I find to be a double edged sword is that this DLC really wants you to play as the villain. While that's not necessarily a bad thing since the main game was lacking in that aspect, it does leave most players who want to play a morally good character in the dark. There is a good path, but it unfortunately locks you out of plenty of good rewards for playing an evil path. I do find it really cool how you can command your raiders at the end of the main story's DLC to raid settlements in the Commonwealth. I hear this bothered some people, but it never affected me since I didn't really care about the settlement building in the main game.

The most disappointing aspect of this DLC was by far the main story. I don't think it was meant to be all that compelling to begin with and that's totally fine since it's supposed to be just fun, but considering it came out after Far Harbor made me have higher expectations. It was pretty much just "Oh, you're the new leader of the raider gangs and once we reclaim Nuka-World we're gonna attack the Commonwealth while this becomes a raider empire." I don't necessarily mind this since the good outweighs the bad, but they could have done way better especially since this came out after the amazing Far Harbor.

Overall this DLC was really good and I'd highly recommend it if you end up getting Fallout 4 especially along with Far Harbor. It's really fun, has a great and creative world to explore, fun quests, a cool new companion, and plenty of new secrets and loot to uncover. Just don't go in expecting a great story or any compelling decision making. It's more Fallout 4 and that's never a bad thing.


Very much a game of two halves here; I really enjoyed (some) of the theme park concepts and they made a nice change of theme from the base-game, but ouside of the parks was literally a blank nowhere land. Also, as I was on survival mode, I was locked to the hardest difficulty and the fucking grasshoppers could oneshot me; whenever I wanted to travel between parks, I would have to find somewhere to force an autosave and then sneak across the blank lands; if a grasshopper spotted me Id just load the fucking quicksave because there was 0 chance of my killing them. Why are they so OP and so everywhere! Nerf grasshopper pls

I don't fuck with raiders I just wanna go to some theme parks

dull and uninteresting even by FO4 standards

My favorite DLC for Fallout 4. The story is super lame as you're basically forced to be despicable. The varied and unique areas and enemies were enough for me to enjoy thoroughly it, regardless.

omfg this dlc is fucking awful thanks god I got it along far harbor and all the dlcs, far harbor for 5€ was worth enough now this shit I wish they had pay me to play it but because im a huge loser I played it from beggining to end because I wanted the 100% trophies. God

nice locations. mid story. good weapons and armor. overall my favorite. 9/10 better than the commonwealth areas IMO

I know I'm being too harsh on this because its the last thing I played after I knew I was burnt out with the genre, but after clearing the zones I just killed everyone and finished it at that.

Love the locale but severely held back by poor characterization and tedium within the questing.

Bit of a letdown after Far Harbor, but that was to be expected. As it stands, "Fallout: The Theme Park" is a fun enough ride to worth the visit despite my frustrations with the laziness of the storytelling and the undercooked raider feature.

Playtime: 5-6 Hours (Excluding Endgame)
Score: 7/10

I gotta admit the theme song for this DLC, always get me pumped! Fun DLC overall, with a cool theme park area to explore. I appreciated how the park was split up into 4 distinct areas with different themes. I mostly played this for the story content, after that you can take your raider gang and attack settlements you already took for the minutemen in the base game. I didn't really bother with that though. Overall though the story was a bit forgettable, to be honest.

In terms of story content it doesnt give much as most of it is just an annoying fetch quest. But it gives you a new land mass and allows you to be a raider to an extent. and if you dont want to be a raider this dlc is like 15 minutes long. Dont bother paying more than 5 bucks on this. The only reason Im bumping it up to 1 star instead of .5 is because of the handmade rifle being introduced which is basically an AK-47.

the raider thing feels really tacked on like oh now i can be a raider but also i'm the general of the minutemen and uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

also they retconned power armor AGAIN

Thankfully, unlike Far Harbor, Nuka World released in a functional state. This didn't do much to fix the already-present issues within the core game of Fo4, though...

Nuka-World marked the very end of DLC support for FO4, and it was billed as the most expansive, nutty, and fantastical addition to the game yet. And for the most part, it delivered on that front! But by the time you get to this DLC at the tail-end of the playthrough, you're sick and tired of the looty-shooty adventure of FO4. And here, nothing new is added to the core gameplay of FO4 besides new and interesting locations to shoot new and interesting enemies in. The main story is a joke, the raider factions are unfortunately underdeveloped... but the real draw of this DLC is the world.

Nuka World is unlike anything else in Bethesda's catalogue. The distinct and dense sections of the theme park are fucking fantastic... I love the galactic zone, the wonderland area, and the zoo part. But as I said, these areas are the exact same gameplay affair you've BEEN having in FO4.

There is one distinct addition it provides to the base game, however. And that is the option to... actually be evil! That's too little too late though!

By the time you can even make your way through NW, chances are you've already beaten the main quest, which has zero options for the player who wants to destroy everybody. This makes playing NW feel kind of counter-intuitive, as if you decide to bring the NW raiders into the commonwealth, your allied faction will just hate you. So even in this regard, NW kinda falls flat.

The actual exploration of the DLC is fun though.