Reviews from

in the past

newgrounds is the reddit of videogames

This game made me FEEL like Verbal ASE, beatboxer from outer space.

I have have worsened my carpal tunnel syndrome but at least I had fun doing it!

from the creative mind behind "whites only" and "rape simulator" comes the game that isn't fun

me when I am in an annoying person contest and my opponent is a fnf fan

es bien difícil hablar de FNF porque el factor cringe parece pesar mucho más que la posibilidad de plática sobre cualquier otro tema contingente al juego. entre que predomina la idea de valor-producto de cara a cómo debe presentarte, durar y jugarse un título rítmico, junto al hecho de que efectivamente FNF no deja de ser más que un esboce de un concepto, de golpe se trivializa el interés genuino que su propuesta ha despertado y que ya resulta inmediatamente reconocible en cualquier comunidad de internet. FNF es cringe, sí, pero seguir cayendo en la idea ya a estas alturas absurda de que lo popular no es sino la expresión inferior de otro 'verdadero' exponente de un género, en fin

para muches esto no es nuevo y son cosas que venimos viendo desde el PIU (lindas épocas de tener la alfombrita chota para bailar el DDR en una ps1 pirata), así que el tener la misma idea en formato breve y discutiblemente peor responsivo puede llegar a ser un lastre, pero que no nos quiten la lupa sobre lo que en verdad merece revisión: a FNF le importa poco cuán de bueno es como juego rítmico, sino ser el lienzo de un estilo

aquello que no consigue acaba estando tan en segundo plano dado que lo inmediato es enérgico, tanto lo que entra por la vista (la estética es inmediatamente reconocible y muy fácil de trasladar a cualquier personaje, pudiendo re-versionarse infinitamente) como por los oídos (la soundfont es transformativa e invita a convertir cualquier otra canción en su versión FNF), sumado a que la mera propuesta escénica, el ir y venir entre ambos lados bajo la cosmética de una batalla de rap que tanto simula como rememora a una boss battle, en fin, es puro ideal clásico de videojuego, cargado de una sensación de competencia que permite miles de configuraciones potenciales

lo dicho: FNF es un lienzo, uno donde multitud de artistas pintan con sus diversos mods, muchos bastante mejores que el trabajo original, que se trasluce en dinámicas de memes para compartir en redes (la mayoría muy malos, hay que decir). es espíritu newgrounds en un sentido más bien bondadoso, lo que a mi modo de ver, es una pequeña probada de lo bonito que puede llegar a ser internet en un momento donde ya ninguno de los sitios clásicos ha logrado dispersar la duda entre lo sagrado y lo profano

Dance Dance Revolution for the weird kids that watched Nickelodeon

If I ever have kids and I walk in on them playing something like this I'm putting them up for adoption.

I fucking hate zoomers. So many of them have CONVINCED themselves they actually grew up with newgrounds during its prime. NEWSFLASH: You didn't. This fucking game ISN'T good and isn't representative of that at all. This is a RHYTHM GAME with some of the worst music I have EVER heard. How do you manage that? How do you have a rhythm game with bad music? Actually pressing buttons on time is the least satisfying thing I have ever experienced. "OH BUT BUT MODS" NO SHUT UP GET GOOD TASTES

People would play anything to avoid a good rhythm game huh. Nice to see the Newgrounds spirit still abound though, this is definitely Monthly Front Page Award material for what it's worth. Modding scene seems very active so I'll definitely hold out some interest.

I'm not really into rhythm games, but I found this enjoyable enough, I even beat most of the game on hard mode. The songs are pretty good, especially week 3 and 4 in my opinion. Also, there's an Ace Attorney themed mod of this game and it's incredible, so it bumps up the rating by a star for me. It's a free game, so check it out I guess.

please play a better rhythm game

the only game that was ruined by mods

there is SO much wrong with this goddamn game i don't even know where to start

"I wish Newgrounds was still relevant"

The first finger curls on the Monkey's Paw

Hi guys, it's me, Team Funkin's Personal Crack dealer. I figured that it would be a nice time to sit down and write a proper review of the game of one of my most supportive clients, and since I'm here bored, sitting in the living room of my luxurious $2million mansion with my laptop, there's no better time like the present to do it.

First and foremost, I want to say that if you were one of the hopeful players that pledged to the overly ambitious kickstarter of a team of 4 guys, I'm really sorry, and I hope that you get your game eventually (although I wouldn't personally be on the expectation of it releasing soon lmao), but also I thank you from the bottom of my heart because now thanks to it, I have two state-of-the-art racing cars parked outside my crib, I really couldn't be living a better life!

Now I have sidetracked enough, it's time to properly review the current state of the game. FNF is an easily moddable rhythm game— wait hold on, someone is calling me I think my FBI agent isn't on board with me bragging about being a Crack dealer, I promise to finish this review later, just like Team Funkin promised they are working on the game and on the kickstarter physical rewards

genuinely the worst rhythm game engine ive ever experienced in my life. i feel bad for shitting on it cus i know this games for beginners and i have 300 hours across osumania, etterna and quaver but like. unmodded this game uses ARROW KEYS/WASD WITH NO OPTIONS FOR REBINDING? YOU LOSE HEALTH FOR PRESSING BUTTONS WHEN THERES NOTHING ON SCREEN? not to mention how awful latency and input dropping is. literally no one makes rhythm games like this anymore what the fuck is this. i know theres mods that fix this but you shouldnt need to mod the game to even make it playable

The controls made me epileptic

they gaslit band kids into giving them 2 million dollars to spend on crack

This game is alright but not worth the hype. Maybe the game could be more fleshed out as it gets more updates.

Yeah we get it kids like it and kids are annoying therefore thing kids like bad. I like the artstyle and music even if I completely suck at the actual gameplay. IDK play it if you like rhythm games or find something better I know jack shit about this genre

black panther for newgrounds fans

people are fairly harsh on this i think since it's the new craze and it's not mechanically up to snuff (did anyone play this thinking it was going to be some bemani shit? well ok i realise the irony in saying that given it being a ddr clone)

that being said i cant exactly rate this higher LOL, the songs aren't particularly great and it practically requires being modded to play comfortably. the appeal is just in seeing funny character designs go beep boop ba beep boop basically. which is an ok way to kill an hour or two really

despite the emotive characters, neat music, and stylish presentation, FNF has glaring issues with note placement in nearly all song charts that make it frustrating to play.

notes in most songs have questionable placement, with 16th notes being placed where they shouldn't be or constant beats having irregular gaps that don't match the song at all. playing FNF on lower difficulties also doesn't help much because all notes are from the hard map with seemingly random notes removed. less notes doesn't necessarily mean easier when timing is incorrect.

the maps need another pass over by more than one person, and the editor needs a hitsound so if a note is wrong it can be actually heard. if you have trouble hitting some notes in songs despite playing on easy, it's very likely the note isn't placed on the beat properly so don't blame yourself.

GETTIN' FREAKY ON A... wednesday night
YOOOOOOOOOOO WEEK 8 SLAPS! Man, I forgot how fun this game is! A few of the weeks have uh... subpar charting, but the games presentation and tunes kick ass. Plus it's pretty easy by rhythm game standards which means it's actually possible with my skills.

"This game is gonna get a fucking awful fanbase, I can feel it. But, I'll enjoy it while it lasts I guess."
- Me, late 2020

Why did the rating drop all of the sudden??

im gonna rip your nuts off after girlfriend finishes gargling mine down