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At a 30 minute run-time, there’s honestly not much to say about Prelude -- like the name suggests, it’s a prequel to the mainline Ghostwire: Tokyo game, acting as a set-up for its predecessor’s events ... .at least theoretically. The reality is a bit different, with Prelude being more akin to a small story that happens to take place before things than a genuine build-up or spiritual antecedent.

Like most VNs, it’s got a gorgeous, anime-esque artstyle chock-full of static characters composited against moving eyes and innumerable poses. Unfortunately, you’ll be hardpressed to enjoy any of them courtesy of the bewildering decision to enlarge the dialogue box to 1/3 the size of the screen (and no, not a single speech from any of the NPCs occupies even half its length). If that weren’t bad enough, the coders didn’t bother inputting color flips or directional swaps to indicate a change in speaker, meaning you’ll often get mixed-up on who’s talking during a dialogue.

Music and SFX are surprisingly diverse, though they don’t quite leave an impression due to the short playtime.

The story is fine, with the game doing a decent job individualizing each persona to the point where I was actually able to distinguish them apart.

Gameplay, as you may expect, is 90% clicking through conversations. There are a couple of moments where Prelude throws in some wrench borrowed from other titles, like a Pokemon-esque battle and Ace Attorney-type response tree, but it’s not a focus and should not be anticipated as one.

In the end, Prelude is an okay diversion, but given its shaky connection to Ghostwire, it ultimately lacks a must-buy impetus.

A moderately interesting but easily skippable little extra. Though I guess it's free so I can't complain too hard.

Presentation is pretty nice and has a couple really cool effects, and there are some (very) light gameplay elements to keep things from dragging. It also has some choices to be made, but they make minimal to no difference in the end aside from different dialogue (I guess it kinda adds replay value....?). Unfortunately, it is very short, so there is no real time to build any connection to the characters. It sets up some small points of interest for the full game, but they're mostly done in 3 text boxes, so there isn't much intrigue to build on either... It leaves this "prelude" feeling a bit empty. It's also very unpolished and feels thrown together, at times the transitions seem to hang a bit, the portraits are pretty inconsistent, and there are no basic features like a log. It would have also helped to have full voice acting, but the short voice clips are better than nothing.

I kinda enjoyed it I guess, here's hoping the full game is good.

Só joguei o prólogo então não tenho muito oq dizer

This is a horrible introduction to the main game.

Por lo visto el juego ni siquiera es asi, pero ojala hubiera sido esto un juego entero.

Pointless. It doesn't give you any reason to care about the main game and it's over so quickly after doing so little that I don't really understand why it even exists. It explains nothing, adds nothing, and doesn't make any of these uninteresting characters more worthwhile. At least it was free!

didn't care enough about the base game to care about this

Not particularly interesting in any sense of the word. The characters are standard archetypes and you don't really spend very much time with them and as a result never get to truly know them. The mystery surrounding the titular case file is uninteresting and ends in a very unsatisfying fashion. The artwork is fine overall, serviceable and nothing special, but the assets appear rather low-resolution. There are a few "gameplay" segments but they do nothing but remind you that you could be playing a much better visual novel. Even if you wanted to get immersed in the world of Ghostwire: Tokyo before the game's release, this VN doesn't give you a good sense of the game's world. Not necessarily bad, but give it a pass.

It's a better introduction to some main characters than the main game but the actual plotline seems very inconsequential. It's super short and free though so you're not losing much if you play it and don't like it

Cool style and good to see the angle the game is coming from, but IDK if I'm going to be getting Ghostwire at launch or not.

This wasn't really worth the time. It's short and there's very little interaction. The story and characters are weak too. It has a nice art style at least.

Intenta ser un preludio del juego, pero tanto los personajes como la trama son muy pobres y vacíos. Dura poco, y solo es leer una historia bastante deficiente.

Not a whole lot to say here. It's a free visual novel intro for Ghostwire: Tokyo. I figured I'd check it out prior to starting up that game, and this didn't really do anything for me as far as whetting my appetite for the game or even introducing me to the world in any serious capacity. At least the art is nice.

A pretty fun small prelude to game.
I played this after I have already finished Ghostwire.
It doesn't really tell a whole lot new, but I wanted to try it out.

Muito melhor que o jogo principal (não que precise de muito)

Neat little companion to the main game. Very short but there's a couple cool moments and I liked the writing. Definitely worth the time to check out for greater context on the main story - it's already paid off in the first 2 hours imo.

I didn't enjoy reading it tbh but backgrounds, voices and music were nice. It's decent for a short, visual novel prologue.

I think a free VN introducing you to the setting is a great way to promote Ghostwire Tokyo and let people figure out if they will be interested in the main game. I didn't finish the whole thing because the first 5-10 minutes were enough for me to know I wanted to just play the whole game. The writing is a bit rough though.

Ghostwire: Tokyo - Prelude: The Corrupted Casefile is a concise visual novel used as a prologue to the game Ghostwire: Tokyo.

This short visual novel is a free experience for all who want to buy or are already playing Ghostwire: Tokyo. Unfortunately, this visual novel isn't voice-acted and is quite short, only around half an hour to complete. Also, it doesn't explain much, it doesn't give us any information about either the plot of the game or the history of KK and his crew, aside from this one mission. Probably because we will find that out in the game, but as a prologue it doesn't do its job properly.

All in all, a short and quiet experience that is only backed up with soundtracks that can be found in the main game, since it's not voice-acted. What in my opinion every visual novel must have is an auto mode, but instead, you need to click or press for the next line.

Prologo bem fraquinho, termina em meia hora e mal serve pra conhecer os personagens.

Uhm it's alright I guess not much you can say about a 20m long visual novel meant as a prologue.

"manhole girls"
4,5/10 - Length
10/10 - Price
7,5/10 - Performance/Bugs
3,5/10 - Gameplay
4,0/10 - Story/Experience

Score = 5,9/10

I mean, as a free little visual novel prologue, it's fine. The art's nice, but that's about all there is to it. It's very short, and the "gameplay" segments they have are extremely bare-bones. It was clearly made with a limited budget, and its existence doesn't really ruin anything else, so only check it out if you want a little more background information before playing the full game. The credits are also longer than the entire game. Not really meant as a serious criticism, just a funny observation.

Do you want to start Ghostwire: Tokyo? But you also want to learn about it's characters and world and lore a little bit before starting the full game? Well, do NOT play Ghostwire: Tokyo - Prelude. Because it won't give you those things.

Yes, this "thing" might be advertised as a jumping in point for Ghostwire: Tokyo but overall, it's incredibly pointless. Let me tell you the playing time I have on my PS5 AFTER finishing it so that you have an idea of what you are in for. 22. MINUTES.

This is a 22 minute visual novel thing where you have very limited choices and you mostly read a wall of text. A wall of text that doesn't make much sense because there is no explanation for anything here. You get minor information about a character called "KK" but that's it. And I'm sure, at least pretty sure, that this information will be given to us in the main game as well.

I did not give it the lowest rating I can give but I still gave it a very low rating because just "WHY?" Why does this exist? It just doesn't make any sense. It's a complete waste of time, very boring as well so just, don't touch it. One final thing, you know how non-important this is? Xbox, who owns the rights to this game now basically, did not release this Prelude on their console. They didn't even bother. So why should you?

Strange piece of PR, but maybe more interesting than a usual demo. Until, that is, I remember that some demos (like the one for last year's Scarlet Nexus) combine similar introductions of world and story with the actual gameplay of the full release. The Prelude here is its own complete story, although some transitions feel abrupt. It also can't shed the feeling of simply being a marketing tool rather than a visual novel that someone would make for its own sake. Despite all that, I would probably play a full-length VN in this style, with these characters, and in this world.

Practically pointless. I haven't started the main game yet, but I'm quite confident that whatever development we do get for KK will be revealed in an interesting way. This was just way too short and while it introduced characters, there was just no depth whatsoever. Could've given us the same backstory with a 5-minute cinematic instead of a 30-minute visual novel.