Reviews from

in the past

This game is not very good but it is very funny. And things that are funny become good by default, so I suppose that means this game is good (kinda).

Plus, it's pretty fun to just fuck around in.

Meme game. Doesn't come with YouTubers reacting to it. 0/10

Top 50 Favorites: #47

Games I Like That Everybody Else Dislikes

Balances a thin tightrope between being absolutely bonkers batshit and repetitive mind-numbing boredom - the type of in-your-face, unabashed meme=game that the most annoying people ever used to make their entire personality back in the day (I was one of those people). Though I think this one actually has the benefit of time having passed on its side; because at this time my generation was definitely guilty of taking one (usually bad/stupid) joke and running it into the ground for years until it becomes insufferable. At least now memes only last, like, <2 weeks and not 2+ years. So I actually like this a whole lot more now that it isn't a total dead horse being beaten over and over again - what used to read as trite band kid humor in a sea of similar one-joke-ponies now has a funny, inventive, and seriously unique charm to it. Still think only having two levels on release is paltry but given how much ragdoll-fueled mayhem you can cause within them with tons of neat characters I think it's excusable, especially after the DLCs. Three stars in 2014-2018, four stars from 2019-onwards. Good fun.

Goats are lame, the goose is the new king.

jogo divertido e engraçado de jogar co-op.

cant believe they made a game about The Bouncer

You know when something is funny because it's just dumb enough but it somehow worked? That WAS Goat Simulator.

Then they did the next typical thing where they somehow started taking it too seriously and tried to make it more than it is.
The fact that there are more in this "series" makes this first one endlessly less funny - like a comedian who keeps the same shtick for too many years.

Truly a moving experience. A story unrivaled by many with characters you truly could connect with. In an industry full of unrelatable, near god-like characters, Goat Simulator dared to challenge the industry standards and brought us a grounded, unconventional, emotional experience that left me crying for more as the end credits rolled.

All I remember is laughing my ass off with a friend over an npc we kept bullying, it's a stupid game with stupid non existent mechanics but man was it funny back then. Those ragdoll physics got the best of me. I only played the mobile version however, and it looks like it was milked to death based on the few glimpses I've had of the dlc, rereleases and whatnot.

Can be fun for 30 minutes or so, then it gets stale. It really is just a YouTube bait game


I swear you could see the teenage mutant ninja turtles in this game but I will never find it again.

This game has a very special place in my heart. I was a just a kid when it came out - I thought it was the funniest thing ever, and my parents made me a Steam account so I could play it. I've put a ridiculous amount of hours into it over the years. I remember eagerly awaiting each DLC, and whenever one came out, I would dive into it as soon as I got home from school. This game is very nostalgic for me and always fun to revisit, even though the ragdoll physics don't send me into laughing fits like they did back then.

I remember watching YouTube vids of this back in 2014 and thinking it's super funny. I decided to try it out to see what it feels like, and it became quickly apparent that I'm eight years too late to the party.

I can't remember if this game was dumb fun or just dumb.

got banned from the discord never been the same since

"my life a videogame" yea nigga GOAT simulator

I don't know why I expected anything else from the Youtuber meme game

looooooool so buggy loooooooool

have you ever seen a joke stop being funny the literal instant you get to start walking

in spite of the cute poster I really have to rate it this low