Reviews from

in the past

I remember trying this game one the 3DS eShop, and I am pretty sure most people, like me, tried it because of Smash Bros.

And much like any other people, I played it for a while before concluding that: ""YO THIS IS KINDA MEH!"

It is a cute little title, with cute sound design and with charming characters and premise. There are enough decent aspects of it to turn it into beloved Famicom classic.

But GOD, even compared to other arcade titles, this is a really janky one: the unfluidity of the controls and the addition of ICE PHYSIC lead to you making wrong jumps all the time, with levels that turns literally unforgiving after the first 3 levels.... the addition of a timer to all of this Sisyhus climb does help either.

That said, it's not a really awful experience.... and mostly because I grew attached to Nana and Popo thanks to Smash..... I am not honestly able to completely hate it.

It does its job, even if just barely. Sometimes I kinda hope the Ice Climbers will get the "Kid Icarus: Uprising" treatment and return with a banger sequel on modern consoles.

I fucking hate this game this is why my wife divorced me

Alright this is kind of awful BUT the victory theme slaps so much (especially the orchestrated version in Melee) that I can't outright hate the thing.

Playing on Nintendo Switch.

I think this game is being criminally underrated by the good people of Backloggd. The victory music after every level slaps and the difficulty makes it so when you complete the level it feels legitimately rewarding. It's the first game I've played for the NES where I didn't feel like I was forcing the fun out of it.

I will say that the control scheme is awful even though I think that is what makes it so rewarding when you succeed with it. I'm also not a fan of the idea of clubbing seals as a part of a family game but oh well it's just a product of it's time and you can barely tell they're meant to be seals half the time.

I think I will misinput and jump into the ceiling 50 times as a polar bear approaches

Can be a fun time in short bursts if you’re in the mood for a very simple arcade style platformer. Holy hell though the jumping and the way you ricochet off walls is infuriating. Really makes you appreciate how well Super Mario Bros. or even just Mario Bros. controls. The really awkward movement in this game can make for interesting albeit probably frustrating challenge if you’re in to that sort of thing I guess. Doubt I’ll ever pick this one up again.

Ok, the jump momentum is horrid. Never felt bothered by the slippery since after all it is indeed an ice climbing.

It's one of those very early NES games, so don't expect anything lasting long.

The Ice Climber word of the day is "clunk"

I tried this game for a little bit and it absolutely sucked. Terrible controls, boring levels, and filled with frustrating enemies and death pits

Nintendo please give these mfs a new game, they have potential for some new mobile game at least

I enjoy the vibe of this game, but the jumping is just horrendous.

wow they made a whole video game about the smash bros character

Really bad, even for the time/console. Would never want to replay.

This game sucks. Bad controls, awful jump physics, platforms dont have collision boxes on the sides and very little stage variety. There's a reason the series ended here.

Combines light elements of Breakout and Frogger into a platformer with mixed results. Mostly the block breaking just doesn't really add anything other than a chore here.

Fun little platformer, but it is a bit repetitive. More fun with another player. The game suffers with the janky control style but that same janky control style is also what makes it kind of interesting to play (mastering it is an interesting challenge) since it's otherwise so basic.

3.5 - Good: Good but not a standout

I don't mind the stiff jumping, it was fun to climb up and see new kinds of fruit.

Ice Climber is a unique vertical action/puzzle-platformer that packs quite a challenge. Unfortunately, its physics and trajectory mechanics hold it back a lot, making it a frustrating piece of NES history.

The graphics are colorful and appealing, but everything else wears out its welcome fast. The controls are sluggish, and the jump feels awful from the moment you press A. Once you've played one level, it's likely you've had your fill like I did.

Imagine paying like $40 for this back in the day

I say with no exaggeration that this is some of the worst physics I've ever seen in a video game.

I can tolerate the ice physics, since it's literally in the name. But if I land on a platform, maybe let me land on it! It was already a pain in the ass to get on it to begin with with that shitty jump. But you just had to clip me through the floor didn't you?!

i feel like the only person in the entire world who can actually play this bit yeah pretty mediocre

A ideia do jogo é boa, uma pena que as mecânicas sejam tão ruins que tiram toda a diversão de jogar né. Joguei até a Montanha 10, não aguentei mais que isso.

Nintendo games from before they became the go-to adventure publisher are so often overlooked or actively maligned.

I love these little games.

Ice Climbers Walked So Celeste Could Run

It wasn’t too bad, was somewhat annoying at first. But once I got the hang of how the game played it was alright. Not something I’d want to really replay though

You would think a game about jumping up can't do a lot wrong, but this game somehow still manages this.
It's core mechanic (jumping) is so awful that it makes you wonder that it is from the same company that later on made one of the best known plattformer series.

When replaying for a review at some point I didn't even bother finishing it anymore, because the game wasn't even fun with reverting or save stating every successful jump.

And don't remind me of those stupid little yetis repairing the floor, whenever you managed to punch a hole from a moving plattform into it, that you'll miss for the next 20 jumps because jumping simply sucks in this game.

The jumping is pretty terrible. Even the walking is bad. Its not a bad concept for a game it just feels clunky. When you die it feels like the game cheated you instead of like a fair loss. I only got to like the 5th mountain but that's enough for me. I don't want to play more than that really.