Reviews from

in the past

Se não tivesse falas problemáticas eu poderia terminar e até dar uma nota maior, mas frases como as abaixo impossibilitaram:

Mulher diz para Bond: "Eu posso fazer alguma coisa se vc me desamarrar" e Bond responde: "Em circunstancias diferentes eu pensaria duas vezes sobre isso"

Mulher diz para dois homens negros: "Tira as mãos de mim seu macaco"

Essas são frases que não devem ditas em lugar nenhum, independentemente do tempo, mas infelizmente em um passado como 2001, eram vistas como piadinhas. Eu não gostaria nem de reproduzir isso aqui, mas fico com a sensação do dever de avisar sobre o conteúdo do jogo.

Ele até tem uma jogabilidade interessante ao mesclar as partes de ação e até mesmo direção nas fases com veículos e a dificuldade as vezes é meio esquisita ainda mais por conta dos checkpoints serem totalmente fudidos de sem noção, pois as vezes é morrer e voltar a fase toda ou metade dela.

A história não chama atenção, é um clichê bem louco e pouco explorado ou aproveitado, ainda mais pq eu simplesmente não gostou nem um pouco do tema clonagem, então levarei isso em consideração também.

A experiência estava sendo agradável até então, obviamente tinham algumas piadinhas nível James Bond, mas as duas frases que citei aparecem em sequência na penúltima fase do jogo e ambas quebraram o sentimento que eu tinha construído até então e a minha vontade de terminar. De 3, minha nota cai para meia estrela que é a nota que eu uso para tragédias que não dão para completar.

I don't think anyone remembers this game, but the multiplayer on this was so fun for the sole fact that you could grapple anywhere and stick there, leading to some really fun stealth scenarios.

Not as good as I remembered. Does too many things, all too briefly, and using the Bond music cue for every time you do a Bond-like action wears super thin real quick. Definitely novel coming back to an era when things like standard dual analog controls weren’t ironed out, though.

still somehow stupidly fun

It's okay for a FPS released on 2001. It has its moments but general a mediocre game.

made me sick of that theme lmao

It took like 20 years for multiplayer FPS developers to finally learn that a grappling hook is a good time

A decent attempt, but has absolutely no sense of challenge or difficulty and the levels are all built, seemingly unintentionally, to basically eliminate your ability to play them any sort of stealthily.

Pareil que mon avis sur Nightfire. Les phases en véhicule sont moins chiantes par contre mais les phases FPS moins passionnantes. L'histoire se tient un peu moins aussi.

If you missed out on playing multiplayer with your friends I feel bad for you.

It kinda stinks!

Play Nightfire, it’s way better

My childhood Bond game. Loved the Aston Martin Bucharest mission.

This review contains spoilers

Not the most exciting story ever, with some fairly basic missions. However, nice to see that the format changes for some of these with some driving missions etc.

The worst part is the last mission when the 'boss battle' really just relies on you waiting a few minutes for Bloch to blow open the exit and blow the place up. You wouldn't even know you've finished the game!

Certainly flawed, with wonky controls and UI, short levels, some cringey setpieces and a lame plot with some of the most forgettable villains in Bond history, but overall still pretty respectable. I can't say it's better than GoldenEye, but it's definitely not worse. I played this on Dolphin, but own the PS2 version for the total, 100% completely and entirely sole purpose of actually playing.

One of the weaker Bond games. Campaign was forgettable, weapons were boring, story was uninteresting, multiplayer wasn't worth your time. Seemed like a learning experience for the 6th Console Generation, which would ultimately lead to far better games like Nightfire and Everything or Nothing.

A quite fun singleplayer campaign and superb local multiplayer.

I bought this game to hack my PS2

Going back to this, the controls are just awful. However, I have a lot of great memories from this game. I think this was the game that developed my fascination with the grappling hook mechanic. I would take this to the local YMCA and we would play deathmatch split screen after school for hours.

This was also the first game I realized that my brother gave me an unplugged controller to play. I distinctly remember us playing the campaign together, but it wasn't until much later when I was older that I found out the campaign is single player.

Technically this was my dad's game, but he would occasionally let me try. I would usually die immediately.

Drink a Martini and turn off your brain for a bit

007 Agent under Fire is certainly one of the weaker bond games but it certainly is a fun time if you are trying to beat it in one sitting. I was not expecting a magnum opus but what was there it was fun and a good time. It certainly has no challenge as you progress through the story. I had to turn up the "Difficulty" and every mission I was getting the Gold Status lol. Story and Villains were pretty run of the mil and forgettable which is unfortunate but their presence is cheesy as hell. You can prob find this game at the bargain bin for less than 10 USD and you will have a good time if you know what you are coming into.

No split screen multiplayer game has ever lived up to this for me personally. Grappling hooks and Photon Cannons ftw

Es uno de los juegos del famoso agente secreto británico (vaya frase) que no está basado en una contraparte del séptimo arte, y gracias a eso, puede ofrecer una experiencia fresca y sin limitantes. Agent Under Fire es un buen título con varias características que lo hacen resaltar y una historia digna de James Bond, con espionaje, engaños corporativos, mucha acción, mujeres y villanos que cumplen con su papel. No es nada del otro mundo, pero tampoco roza la mediocridad, simplemente te mantendrá entretenido mientras dure la campaña principal gracias a la variedad de escenarios y mecánicas implementadas. Si eso no es suficiente, el modo multijugador también ofrece una muy buena experiencia, soportando hasta cuatro jugadores en pantalla dividida. Es una buena opción si te gustan los FPS, y este está cargado de espionaje y estilo.

To my biggest surprise, Agent Under Fire is a very entertaining Bond FPS, that shows how much potential is in this character when it comes to video games.

Agent Under Fire is very short, and I appriciate it, because the overall design of the missions are top notch. Some of the levels feature multiple paths that you can take, using your gadgets to zip around with a grappling hook, hack doors and terminals or even destroy locks with laser. The variety is awesome, and while some levels are super short, they are good filler before the actual missions. There are on-rail segments, vehicle levels with actual open ended designs, and the game even tries to motivate you to replay missions, as there are scores when you finish them.

The scoring system watches the time of completion, how many enemies you dispatched and Bond moments, which can be triggered in each mission. These basically serve as a collectible, but they are interactive. You need to do something that would be considered "Bond enough" and the iconic theme starts to play out for a few moments, with an icon popping up in the left corner to make you feel even more like a super spy.

Sadly, the story suffers from being as generic as a Bond story can get, but when a game is this entertaining, I do not mind it at all.

After the sour taste of the PS1 era, the PS2 era of James Bond looks promising!

Not the best James Bond game... hell not even the best James Bond game on the PS2, but it is still a silly goofy good time. Filled with one liners and cheesy pickup lines. This is a James Bond game through and through. The combat is pretty arcade-ey and there are multiple ways to approach every level. I had a fun time playing through this one again, super short and sweet to the punch.

The noise that triggers when you do a "Bond" move is ear piercingly loud though, and they couldn't get Pierce Brosnan's likeness till the next game. So it still seems like super off. Fun time though.

It felt like playing a bond movie at the time and it was fun then but aged poorly now due to aged controls.

An incredibly average FPS with some fun multiplayer options.

Buggy as all hell and only really talked about because you need it to install freemcboot on a ps2 meme card.