Reviews from

in the past

I love this game. I like the creatures in each world. I like the idea of changing into things. I really liked how Rare was doing these crazy ideas during microsoft era. Kameo could have been really good, and I think a sequel or something would just do it. The fighting system could be revamped into something way better than it is, cause right now its kinda simple. There are synergies between the elementals, but its clunky to actually do those things. The world needs to be bigger too, like an actual open world. The elementals would all need interesting movement options to go along with that, but it could be so dope. Kameo is still good, but i could picture it being so much more.

probably THE most underrated game i can think of. i love you chilla

The opening level, exploring the Enchanted Kingdom, going to the Badlands and being greeted with an ongoing war, visiting the first two towns and solving sidequests using your wits and powers, their corresponding action stages... I think the first two thirds of the game are great stuff and showcase Rare's strengths as game developers. They were aiming to deliver an 3D action-adventure platformer effectively blending something more akin to 3D Zelda with a Rare flair, and you can definitely see that with the transformation gimmicks, and some of the puzzles being effectively an optional collect-a-thon, but they also wanted to throw in some combat mechanics that make the player find synergies between transformations and adapt to each scenario or horde, and it's honestly pretty good and can lead to some cathartic moments when you're going full on DMC in this mf.

However upon entering the third town (which is a pain in the ass to navigate) and discovering that its Elementals are two of the most circumstantial of the game, plus the game kinda just running out of ideas for interesting layouts, make the last third a bit of a letdown. Not helping the situation is the fact that Thermite, the last Elemental, is so OP that in the final stretch I rarely used any other Elementals unless necessary. Feeling so powerful makes for a cathartic climax, yes, but I prefered when the game wanted me to be creative or kept me switching between transformations, which was the bread and butter of what made the first two thirds so fun.

The game almost manages to end in a good note with some spectacular setpieces in the last level, but it gave us the most uninspired boss fight of the entire game as the final encounter. Man, that was a letdown.

The first two thirds I would rate as a perfectly good 7, but the last third just loses focus on what are the game's strengths and so it ends up being a very close call between a 6 or a 7. There's a lot of potential here for a sequel, and Rare seemed to think alike, but alas Kameo 2 didn't take off as a reality. In the meantime, despite some mixed feelings and a lot of room for improvement, I did appreciate Kameo a lot, and thinking that it was supposed to be originally a GameCube title makes some of the things it pulls off even more impressive.

Kind of neat concept; everything in this feels like a throwback to 2nd tier Gamecube 3D platformers. The slight stink of jank means I may not finish it, but I want to revisit at least a few more times.

A fantastic action adventure with a lot of gameplay variety! The game has a great pace to it, giving you new forms pretty frequently, which is great as keeps things fresh. Switching between the many forms is really fun as each brings different gameplay to the table and can be expanded somewhat, which is fun. The game also looks great, was super impressive so early in the 360 generation. My only complaint is that there's no post game so once it's over it's over.

Eh. Didn't really do too much for me.

some uhhh interesting control choices were made here

Pssst, nobody needs to know that this was my first Rare game, okay?

It was a very fun adventure.

This was fun and charming, loved playing this. It's weird and sad it never got a sequel but hey that's Rare for ya.

i played it and replayed it everyday nonstop for months as a kid. i can probably blame it for my fixation on drawing funny monsters. i recently replayed it on gamepass and the final boss really fucking sucks but everything else is fun most of the time except when the physics puzzles just get a little too tedious

I've always wondered what a Zelda game would be like if I was playing as Ben 10...
Honestly a really fun concept for an adventure game that is sadly let down by some frustrating mechanics and aggravating low points. Game looks really nice at the very least

I'm blown away by how excruciating this game is.

Everything about it is laborious, like a relic of the worst elements of 3D platformers made years prior, with none of the charm. The controls feel like you're swimming through molasses and had me double checking to make sure I didn't accidentally turn off game mode on my TV.

Lead designer George Andreas later stated they should have scrapped Kameo and started over, and I have to agree. Its troubled development really shows and it's hard to believe Rare could make a game this bad.

Es un juego de aventura, acción y exploración en donde Kameo la protagonista puede transformase en varias criaturas con diferentes poderes elementales, lo interesante de esto es que debemos de saber cómo y cuándo utilizar estos poderes para avanzar en la historia, sobre todo con los bosses a los cuales debemos de vencer usando todo nuestro ingenio.
Me he divertido bastante con esta esta joyita de Rare, explorando los mapas y buscando todos los coleccionables, lo único malo son los controles y la cámara que no han envejecido para nada bien pero igual te recomiendo que le des una probada.

jogo do lançamento do 360 pouco conhecido. Jogo cara da Rare

a decent platformer by a studio known for incredible ones

Hot take: Rare's first few games with Microsoft were better than their last few with Nintendo.

You want this game, you just don't know it

I can't tell you how hard I laughed when I found out Thorn's voice actor is the voice of daddy pig

Cool platform/adventure game. Still needs a sequel.

A unique game with Kameo being a fairy girl with the ability to transform into Monsters of distinct abilities, having fun, unique worlds and beautiful designs for both the monsters and the world of Kameo. Kameo herself being very cute and yet cool in design. Also this game has a lot of smart game design with having to use your monster transformations in order to solve puzzles for certain areas. This game is an amazing gem that sadly never received a sequel but I highly recommend anyone to check out.

We all know what to expect from games that are launched alongside brand new consoles, and that isn’t very much really. Launch titles usually are just a handful of games that kind of give us a taste of what the new console is capable of and nothing more. Kameo was just one of those games with beautiful graphics (for its time even) fun gameplay, and well that’s about it. Kameo fails to develop a really good story and characters to be in that story, but what there works and it’s enough to keep you hooked for the 5-6 hours you spend playing this.

Kameo is an elf (they can fly now?) whose sister betrayed their kingdom and woke an evil troll named Thorn. The whole game is about you setting elementals free and using them to work your way to Thorn. There are 10 elementals all together and each of them is well designed and very unique in their own rights. Kameo is a platformer developed by Rare so you kind of knows what to expect here. Surprisingly (for a Rare game) Kameo is fairly easy and the only frustrating moments are bugs or design flaws more than mechanical issues with controls or cameras. The game is peppered with collision detection issues and just overall errors. These don’t hinder the play but tend to make you more frustrated than you should be. Anyways, most of the game consists of you switching between these elemental creatures and using them to kill enemies and solve (simple) puzzles. For example, the first elemental you’ll get is Pummelweed; he is a plant who can go underground and uppercut and do jabs. You may need him to get under low hanging doors or walls or use him against specific enemies. A second creature you get is Ash; he is a dragon that came shoot balls of fire and you can use him as a flamethrower.

Some enemies are more weak against him than others so there is a strategy that comes into play here. Elementals can be changed on the fly via the four face buttons and attacks are done with the triggers. You can go into your Wotnot (book) and assign different creatures to your buttons. Of course, you have to catch these creatures by finding shadow trolls and defeating them in a manner of throwing light trolls at it. Once the troll is defeated you absorb your elemental (and get an achievement!) Your main goal is to rescue your family members and this is down with epic boss fights (that can be TOO tough). At the end of each level, you get to fight a huge boss that involves using certain elementals (usually the ones you’ve most recently captured).

Now you can upgrade your creatures powers by finding fruits around the world or buying them with coins. These powers are needed to become more powerful and help you through the entire game. Of course, finding all these fruits is nonsense knowing Rare so just finding the ones you come across is sufficient. The game also sports a co-op mode so you and a buddy can have at the baddies in this game, or you can do a time trial mode or a “level-by-level” mode where enemies get increasingly harder. I find all these modes uninteresting since once you beat the main game you’ll be pretty sick of this game, to begin with anyway. The game is very repetitive even though there are multiple creatures to play as they all end up being the same in the end.

The only really awesome part is mowing down thousands of trolls with a charging horse in the Badlands (between levels you do this to save shield generators) which really showed off how many enemies can be shown on-screen at the same time. I have to admit though the enemy AI is pretty decent so don’t get the game wrong there. There are some downloadable costumes for Kameo, but for some reason, the game never recognized these I have no idea why. If you skipped out on this launch title I suggest you go pick it up for less than $10 pretty much anymore.

I used to see this game popup in the gaming magazines all the time, and I always wanted to play it, but I didn't have an Xbox at the time. When I finally had one, I forgot about it. After so many years, to say I'm disappointed is a understatement. Kameo is not bad by any means, but it's not memorable. It feels generic. The story is basically irrelevant, there's no epic moment, at some point the game just ends. For instance, I can't even remember the soundtrack and I just beat it. Technically it feels two generations behind, like a remake of a Nintendo 64 game on Xbox 360. I'm not sure what was the consensus back then, but here, it's easy to understand why Microsoft stopped investing on Rare.

it's a weird game, but I enjoy it

the nostalgia hit favourite Xbox 360 game ever.🧚❤️

one of the first videogames i ever played, which makes it pretty cool

This game is way better than what I'd heard. The visuals were pretty damned good for the time too.

Un juego que me pone muy nostálgico, volvería a re jugarlo algún día.

fuck yeah inject that nostalgia right into my veins

I think Microsoft thought they had their own Zelda franchise in the making here