Reviews from

in the past

This game manages to make the difficulty ramp up by doing more than just increasing the BPM of the songs/number of presses you need to do, and it also manages to have a story that on top of being pretty good (tho the dialogue feels a bit rough at times, which is probably a translation issue more than anything), actually mashes with the gameplay in a really cool way. The gameplay's awesome, the music is phenomenal, there's even a song from xaki, one of the composer for the hit visual novel Umineko: When They Cry which is a reason to play the game by itself if you ask me fr


This game is exactly what I wanted after playing Ghost Trick. Something with a funky and spooky aesthetic featuring dead animals. Its mix of platforming and rhythm-based timing created some super memorable levels and boss fights.

A convoluted, morbid, schizophrenic story about a doomed test rat trying murder its human handler and finding friendship and appreciation for life along the way. I don't know how the developers decided to merge this story with this gameplay design, but I'm guessing it was early on because the rhythm mechanics are integrated into the story, even though it's a little tough to discern what it's all about most of the time.

I dig this game because it provides a sense of control that's not really like anything else I've played. Most rhythm platformers are so linear they might as well be conventional rhythm games, but this one's gracious enough to give you a refreshing selection of movement options that are all useful and even behave differently depending on what resources you've expended. Due to the rhythmic nature of the hazards, being able to suspend movement or move slowly can be just as important---it's surprisingly robust and instinctual.

The design of the stages feel loose and open, which again, isn't what rhythm or even modern precision platformers usually go for. This ends up complimenting the design; it allows for experimentation, optimization, and expression on the part of the player. No, the levels aren't not that complex and they aren't themed all that well, but moving around them on the beat is a consistently interesting and free-form endeavor.

It's a nice surprise because I was expecting the usual: a conventionally designed game with story or presentation quirks. It's a more pleasing inverse: a quirky and original design that probably could have been a true classic if it was presented in way that was as tight and original as the gameplay.

They transplanted boost-era Sonic into a rhythm game, and it kind of rules.

Couldn't get into the gameplay, but the soundtrack is godlike. Go listen to it now.

I LOVE FAKE TYPE AND DYES IWASAKI!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! please let me get the full game soon (I played the demo lol)

if I had to recommend one game that I think definitely passed under people's radars, it'd be Mad Rat Dead. and it's almost criminal that it'd come to this with how good the game is!
such an interesting take on rhythm games and platformers, the controls do take some time to get used, and it certainly won't be everyone's cup of tea (I remember some parts being REALLY hard) but man is it cool!!!!
the game just oozes with style through it's cutesy/gorey artstyle, beautiful backgrounds, a soundtrack that KICKS ASS and a charming story that definitely caught me off-guard with how invested in it I ended being and how good it was overall.
definitely what I'd call a hidden gem!


okay that was a good game. great story, fantastic music, genuinely enjoyable levels. i think sometimes its a bit too finicky? like the homing attack specifically, and bosses feel like they werent designed with the rhythm aspect in mind. but overall, a great game

also, as someone with a heart transplant myself, i love the representation

good game i don't like the controls

the music and visuals are sooooo fucking good. the controls could be better but its ok. rat explosion

I love when someone cracks the code and manages to pull out a rhythm game that is something besides pressing buttons that appear on the screen.
This one is up there with patapon and crypt of the necrodancer as "the only relevant rhythm games since Parappa the rapper"

Unas ratas chillando nunca habían sido tan buen instrumento. Un claro ejemplo de como la exclusividad se hace cagar la popularidad de algunos juegos.
Passion in Blue god.

A very fun game - just beware, hard mode pulls no punches for unexpected patterns. Having 100%'d the game, it's a fun game and worth your time/money if you're into rhythm games or platformers.

And to reference GGST, listen to your heart, not the voice in your head.