Reviews from

in the past

ima be honest i’m only in this for the big breasted elf lady i saw in the fifth game

it's "fine" in its best moments. nothing too special or original at all. it's clearly inspired by cave story, which is totally acceptable, but the inspiration is mostly just in the graphics and music versus how the game feels to play. cave story has a smooth movement system with some momentum and multidirectional aiming and everything, while this doesn't. it's start and stop movement that just feels awkwardly stiff.

there's multiple weapons with different use cases that i can appreciate, but they all feel super weak and switching between them with just one button is clunky and annoying.

checkpoints are few and far between. with just 5-hits til you're dead, it's pretty annoying to replay the same section and over-encourages playing safely to the point that it's hard to enjoy the combat at all. this is especially a problem with the final section of the game, as it's one long segment with a full heal at the end, but no save before the final boss, so if you do die to that, you're SOL and have to replay the whole final section again.

i just wanted to play this as im interested in getting into the series especially with the most recent release that is allegedly a banger. i like going in order in a series regardless of quality of early entries, so i am ultimately glad i played this, but i really think you can probably skip out on this one.

Se esse jogo fosse realmente um arcade, que eu tivesse que gastar uma ficha a cada morte, eu sairia de lá devendo uma casa pro fliperama

Every other Momodora:

Kaho/Momo: Time to stop the evil curse and kill these monsters with the power of my sacred maple leaf!

The first Momodora:

Isadora: Time to break into a temple and kill these monsters with the power of my sacred maple leaf and this gun I found.

more annoying than anything

A cave story inspired linear platformer with some neat ideas. Execution is simplistic but i still enjoyed it until the end.

The art and tone are really the highlights here, as it plays extremely rough and is very of its era when it comes to indie platformers. I came to this to prep for Moonlit Farewell as I began the series with Reverie, but to be honest other than the cute girls, little of the appeal of the newer entries reaches back this far.

I suggest using a turbo button, as I absolutely tore up my fingers before caving and setting one up. I'd probably enjoy this more as a harmless little early experiment if playing it wasn't causing actual physical pain.

Cool to see the origin of a great series, but very rough game. Feels a lot like an arcade game, with all the clunk that implies!

no controller support is also zzz. The controls on keyboard are also pretty bad (arrow keys and then all 6 of your abilities smushed together onto QWEASD so you just keep misclicking)

Bonitinho, claramente um começo simples, mas não bom o suficiente pra valer o stress, dificuldade bem suspeita e no geral, não muito divertido

I couldn't defeat the final boss,
there is good inspired of cave story, but the game is so much difficult,

i love the newer games kinda wanna see where it all started, very reminiscing of cave story, soundtrack is nice, im just not in the mood of playing it on the keybord

I have never played cave story in my life

jogo MUITO dificil!! E apesar de dificil o jogo n te da vontade de continuar tentando, muito por conta do game design e combate que não são bons, oq acaba deixando o jogo bem punitivo. E essa gameplay só n é pra mim, da pra ver a evolução q a serie de momodora teve e prefiro muito mais um metroidvania que um mariomaker da vida sdkfsk

Just humble beginnings for an indie dev. Not much to say. It wears its inspiration on its wrist and doesn't try to be much.

""Momodora I is the first game in the Momodora series. It's very old and really unpolished, so it's advised to play the sequels instead."
Yeah, this description doesn't lie. At least the rest of the series is distinctly better.

Extremely brutal difficulty, infrequent save spots and point-of-no-return level design. I've heard the newer games are actually good, but skip this one.

Não tava de forma alguma nos meus planos não finalizar esse jogo, apesar das inúmeras vezes que senti vontade; persisti e cheguei até o chefe final. Gostaria muito de dizer que foi graças a ele que não deu pra concluir essa curta e injusta jornada, mas infelizmente (ou felizmente), nem ao menos consegui iniciar a luta.

Foram duas vezes, onde o game me obrigou a resetar o level por causa de bug. Mas to me adiantado um pouco, primeiro é importante entender que essa obra é estruturada por setores com X quantidades de fases, onde o único momento que tem um save, é ao adentrar um novo setor. Ou seja, se em um setor existem 5 leveis, cuja atravessei-a se da por atravessar a tela, e você morrer no último, o jogo vai te mandar pra tela de menu e quando der load, vai tá no início de setor tendo que refazer absolutamente tudo.

Meio rogue-like até, porém com a questão que não existem upgrades que se mantêm contigo, além das famigeradas armas que encontra pelo caminho e que só são salvas, ao chegar no próximo setor. Contudo, não seria um problema se esse joguinho aqui, não fosse tão injusto e das milhares de mortes que consegui, grande parte foi puramente por culpa do jogo. Entre pulos imprecisos, esponjas de dano e inimigos posicionados fora do campo de visão, a vontade de abandonar o game se torna constante.

Chega a ser preocupante o quão frágil é a protagonista vs a quantidade de vida que tem os inimigos, não tem lógica nenhuma o balanceamento desse negócio. Fora armadilhas serem quase hitkill, fazendo tudo precisar ser praticamente perfeito se não você morre. E mesmo com a variedade até boa de armas, ainda não são o suficiente pra aliviar esses problemas, pois não facilitam tanto assim a jornada.

Dito tudo isso, fica um pouco evidente a minha recusa de ter que refazer o último setor do jogo inteiro de novo (pois já devo ter refeito umas 20x pra mais). Porém, como eu havia dito, já aconteceu duas vezes um bug que me obrigou a resetar; a primeira foi uma plataforma que impedia a personagem de passar mesmo tendo espaço, aí quando recomeçava o setor, não rolava mais. A segunda foi eu não conseguir avançar os textos da boss final, logo não pude lutar contra e tive que resetar.

Espero que as demais sequências sejam boas, pois o começo só por deus.

It's worth looking at to see how the Momodora games started off, but other than that, this ain't worth it.

It's cute but a little rough. Recommended only if you wanna see where the series started or if you're in the mood for a cave story fangame

A little game inspired by cavestory with high difficulty.

ech, its hard to recommend. it feels super loose to control in that really bad way you dont want your sidescroller to feel, the hitboxes are super weird, the save points are all on really annoying places where you can go entire sections without one when you really need it and theres no way to recover health midway through a section so hope you just dont get hit. also you get kicked to the main menu every time you die, which you will be doing a lot of, and its like too strong a deterrent to keep going.
if you like the franchise and want to see where it started its fine enough but its not really a game id recommend to anyone.
the music is good at least.

Cute indie game with a fair amount of charm but ultimately very barebones. On top of that it's unnecessarily difficult at times, to the point of tedium. There's only one boss so the gameplay can get repetitive even considering how short it is lmao. It doesn't help that once you get the revolver you have almost no reason to use the other weapons. Also, fuck them for not putting a checkpoint before the final boss. I didn't know you had to use the maple leaf to deflect and felt so scammed. I think the collectible items were fun but they didn't do anything which kind of sucked, especially the pause fairy- it didn't even do what the description advertised it do! Whatever though, the foundations are definitely laid for what will be a great franchise here. This early, rough installment just isn't super fun unfortunately.

jogue isso se vc realmente odeia a sua vida ou é tão pobre q n consegue pagar pelos demais jogos da franquia

It's unpolished indeed, enemies have far too much health, levels are too long and the hitboxes for enemy bullets and your character are far too big (but not the ones for your bullets for some reason?), which makes it really, really frustrating to play. Charming, but I decided to drop it instead.

é legal ver as origens doq eventualmente vai ser RUTM, mas como um jogo sozinho, ele não faz nada para se destacar, é essencialmente cave story mais linear e curto, e a dificuldade é gigante de dificil, não vale a pena jogar.

I played through all of this on various days while substitute teaching (don’t tell anyone). Very simple and straightforward. Cool designs. But while some of the platforming areas are interesting to puzzle out, the game is not very fun to play. I got to the final boss arena and ultimately just decided to watch a video of the final battle rather than struggle through it myself. I am somewhat curious to see how the series evolves but it won’t be a priority for me.


Jueguecillo inspirado en Cave Story con estética guay y muuuy dificil.
Es cortito y la zona final llega a frustar, pero para echar 1 horita está bien.

Me lo he pasado pero porque dura una hora los enemigos tienen demasiada vida y no me entero de cuando me pegan bueno si tienes una hora y ya has jugado al cave story no esta mal