Reviews from

in the past

thesis: yoko taro is often listed among the foremost auteurs of the medium but the reality is his strengths lie in a kind of prototypical 'video game' method of work, borne out of necessity, that prioritizes collaboration between a consistent set of screenwriters, an unorthodox style of design targeting emotional resonance, and a plethora of unique flourishes specifically aimed at facilitating the empathy, immersion, and connection of its players (researching drakengard 1s development makes this especially apparent - it's arguably not even a yoko taro game in the usually defined sense of the term). his works, when in production, are thwarted frequently by compromise, limitation, and sacrifice - stumbling blocks, all in service of eventually reflecting a well-trodden title which charms on the virtues of its rustic artistry. wear and tear and a heart of gold. this style of development, marked by haste and experimentation and fueled by pure zeal and love for the craft, perhaps reveals why the pillars of video games, the codified monomythic genres and the primordial archetypes and the frequent allusions to popular work, so often impress themselves upon yoko taro games, and why so often his work succeeds in connecting to people where other talent may struggle. the video game of it all, if you will. incidentally, this collaborative style allows for a large breadth of potential interpretation and analysis afforded towards his work, and ive long maintained that a YT game is at its most interesting when it's not about what he intended for it to be about. did the tragedies in nier gestalt sometimes fall flat for you? me too! thankfully that's not what the game is about, at least not to me. in sum: the work of many, each willing and able to leave a fingerprint on the mosaic of development, enriches the product in the long-run, creating a full-bodied textured work of art and contributing immensely to the humanity at the core of these games. if any given chord strikes you as dull, a separate melody will enchant you - that's the nature of YT's games. they're artisan because of what they value and because of how they achieve their mission statement, and especially because of their passion, always demonstrated by the little details in these games. passion will always reveal itself, but so too will a dearth of passion reveal itself.

proof: nier re[in]carnation
if these games worked because of a certain je ne sais quois shared by the collaborative nature of a team in a trying work environment, i don't think my prospective next project would be a game in an exploitative genre where a new team of writers handled an endless barrage of one-note vignettes while YT sat back, nodded halfheartedly at his desk, and tried to string every vignette together using an overarching plot catering to obsessive drakennier fans. just my two cents

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first of all it's not a video game. removing the gacha elements only makes this more clear. the only mechanic is Number Big? if number big, you win. if number not big, pay up. in its final pre-cancellation form they let you skip that and in so doing only reveal there was never anything there in the first place, it was alwasy only a series of whale checks in front of that sweet sweet yoko taro lore you crave. the craven cynicism of it all is existentially destructive for the work, as taro's already tiring eccentricities of hiding crucial details in the least accessible of places now become vectors to leverage for the direct exploitation of his audience into a gambling black hole. better hit the pulls so you can upgrade enough bullshit to see the dark memory that reveals the connection to drakengard 3 that makes everything click into place!! don't want to be left behind!!

but that is known. the game is a gacha and more than that it is a bad one even by the exploitative standards of a blighted genre that shouldn't exist, and that's why it's shutting down. nier reincarnation will forever live on as a series of youtube videos where fans can experience the story fairly close to how it was originally intended, and that's more than you can say for japanese exclusive yorha stageplay number squintillion. so how is that?

bad!! very bad!!! the game takes one of the weakest elements of the nier games, the sidequest and weapon stories all having the exact same tragedy monotonously drilled into your skull over and over and make it the entire game. no weiss and kaine bantering to prop all that up with a jrpg party of the greatest oomfs ever pressed to a PS3 disc, no experimental presentation of combat and level design, just storybook tragedies presented at such arch remove you don't even learn the character's names until you check the menu.

it is ludicrous. it is hilarious. there's one where a kid joins the army to get revenge on the enemy commander who killed his parents, only to as he kills him discover with zero forshdaowing that the commander is his real father and his parents kidnapped him as a child. there's one where a perfect angel little girl's father is beaten to death by his own friends so she runs home crying to her mother, who is in the middle of cheating on him, and is like sweet that owns and leaves lmao. they do the who do you think gave you this heart copypasta!!! and you'd think with such ridiculous material that it would be played with a coens-esque A Serious Man type wry touch, but it isn't at all, it's thuddingly earnest throughout as every tragic story plays out to overwrought voice acting and a haunting sad piano.

it is impossible to take seriously, and by the time the twelfth playable character has experienced a tragic loss and succumbed to the anime nihlism of I'll Kill Them All, another more fundemental question arises: what does all this lore actually give you, as a function of storytelling? the yokoverse is an intricate and near impossible thing, spanning multiple decades and every kind of storytelling medium imaginable, and reincarnation references damn near every single page of it, grasping onto the whole thing and framing it as a sprawling multiverse of human conflict across infinite pasts and infinite futures, with decades of mysteries to unravel and connections to make and characters to ponder and: why? for the exact same No Matter How Bad It Gets, You Can't Give Up On Hope ending that every anime RPG has? that automata already did? the plot is vast and intricate but the themes are narrow and puddle deep.

the more nier blows itself out to greater and greater scales the smaller it feels. in earthbound you fight the same ultimate nihlism of a the universe and then you walk back home again. and you say goodbye to your friends. and you call your dad. and it makes me cry like a fucking baby every time. the original nier, for all its faults, had that specificity. that sense of a journey with characters you loved that overcame the generic nature of its larger plot. here, you heal all the tragedies and fix all the timelines and everyone continues to live inside the infinite quantum simulations that will never end as you strive to find a way past the cyclical apocalypses past and future that repeat for all eternity, and i feel absolutely nothing. a world of endless content and no humanity. how tragic. how so very like nier.

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Yep finished the story and got the "ending" finally. (SPOILER WARNING)

Was the story worth it for all the torture of boredom it gave me?

You see before I say my answer I wrote here tons of paragraph after paragraph with describing my feelings after every chapter but after reading it I realized I said the same things from my previous review but with only more expanded version.

So... You see. I removed that and Shortened because of it. So short version is, If you care about the Lore so much, you are gonna enjoy this game. But If you like a main story that have proper build ups and pay offs...

Heck NO.

Because this is just a shounen story that the friendship defeats the evil saves the day, that's all. Also a bad one for me. I felt No one had chemistry with each other, other than Fio and the monster.

After the depressing events of the automata somehow this game's events feels so out of place with it's forced "sad mini copy paste stories" and tacked on super duper happy ending.

Correct me if I am wrong but this game literally implies 2B rather than fighting with her life depended on it, could had just run to the red girl and scream "let's be friends!" Then everything could have been get solved magically (⁠•⁠‿⁠•⁠) ?

No thanks.

Dares to ask the ultimate question: what if SinoAlice didn't look and feel like a Facebook game from 2011?

No, for real, this is literally just SinoAlice but with a bigger budget and explicitly tied to the sigh Nier franchise. It actually has a good localization this time, along with a more engaging core narrative and better music, but it's still an auto-battling gacha game.

I feel like Yoko Taro has been phoning it in ever since Automata took off. These days, Drakenier fans seem more interested in lore dispensaries than actual stories, and that's exactly what they're getting here. I guess he's just supplying to meet demand at this point.

Reincarnation is certainly off to a better start than what I played of SinoAlice, but the humor and heart that made Yoko's console games stand out is barely present (if at all) in these mobile products. Both of them seem to boil down his writing to the grimdark tragedy porn he's often accused of with none of the fun dialogue, strong character development, or neat gameplay twists that elevated his past works into so much more. I'm going to try and see this one through to the end unless it gets too miserably grindy, but I can't say I like the direction these games seem to be going in.

EDIT: Just kidding this shit is so boring I dropped it midway through Chapter 3. Might return to it if they ever patch the loading to take less time than the "gameplay."

This was way more compelling when I was playing it on my japanese phone vpn prior to the English release, understanding maybe 40% of the (dreary and predictable, it turns out) fable anthology storytelling, trying to fill in the blanks with my own sense of mystique and ambiguity, and enjoying the zoned out uninvolved music visualizer combat with the relief of not being able to monetarily invest in the gacha elements at all. Well now I played it w the full glory of intelligible language context and yeah it's kind of an insult on all accounts!!

love the idea of the jrpg goth western visual touches this occasionally hints at tho, and some of the character art and music still soothes me despite not surprising. Bummer those are wrapped in a predatory piece of shit mostly just spinning its own wheels

This is the best mobile game of all time and a true masterpiece. No other mobile game will provide me with 2B’s butt.

One day, in the distant future, Square Enix is going to realize that maybe this game deserves as much love as the other NieR games and treat it with proper respect.
One day, NieR Re[in]carnation is not going be remembered as the "NieR mobile gacha game" but as an entry in the franchise that deserves the same love as the other games in the series.

One day it will get a proper rerelease, on consoles and PC that actually preserves its story contents, enhances the gameplay and possibly removes the gacha parts entirely.
I know what you're thinking and I agree, if it's not impossible it's at least highly unlikely. But, I guess you can say it's my coping mechanism about this situation, I want to believe it will happen anyway.

Last thing: some the NieR/Drakengard fandom is split between those who believe this is NieR 3 and those who believe it isn't.

The truth is, it is NieR 3 and to me it's why it sucks

Staring at the login bonus screen realizing I have not engaged with any "gameplay" from this game for two weeks and have to admit to myself that I'm out. I was in the hospital. I have been sick. I have had no brain. I have been, in retrospect, in the perfect situation to get the most out of this game. It doesn't ask much of me, and I don't have much to give at the moment. A match made in heaven! But my behavior has shown that even when at my lowest, I would rather do literally anything else, and oftentimes nothing, than ever "play" this game again.

For additional context, I am at a hurdle in Chapter 10 that would require level grinding. Except, this game is getting discontinued, so I am awash with resources. "Level grinding" would take literally 2 minutes of me going into a menu and making some numbers go up while some consumables go down. I could make like 5 mistakes investing in the wrong stuff and it wouldn't matter. I could probably max out one dude and solo the story mode of this game. I could probably take 10 minutes to read how the combat system of this game actually works and trivialize it.

But thinking about doing any of that makes me seriously consider with recent experience if I would rather have an IV reinserted in my arm than ever touch this game again. Which is probably the clue I need that it's time to write this out of my system and move the fuck on with life.

I can't help but think of my review of DLC for the original NieR and how language gives substance to vapor in the realm of ideas. Here, NieR Re[in]carnation is NieR: The World of Recycled Vessel, but blown out in every dimension, wrapped around itself, an ouroborus eating the tail of its future child. It is such a profound perversion of gaming as an entity that I sound hyperbolic to accurately describe how incredibly awful it is. Because when a game concept gets a couple things right, there’s a handhold from which the pain of its existence feels novel, fixable. But when something is truly flawed at its core, in every structure of its being, is evil in its conception, execution, and existence, it becomes dreadfully dull.

I've played a couple mobile games now, and apart from some of the Netflix offerings, they've all been evil. But the ways they've been evil have been... mixed? Like they have a touch of humanity in them that got corrupted somehow. Like there could be a version of them that was capable of loving me. But NieR Re[in]carnation hates me in a multipronged attack that is simultaneously so inert I almost didn't recognize it as violence. I wish I had written about all of its follies and injustices when they were fresh, instead of writing about them now, after I've let them wash over me, let myself marinate, let hope turn my anger into indifference. It perfectly matches the pattern of an abuse victim becoming complacent as they learn to be helpless.

NieR Re[in]carnation game has a 3D world. You can walk around in it. It doesn't matter. It's a hallway. Like literally is only a hallway. No gameplay happens there. It has an "auto" button that has your character walk down the hallway by themself. Do you know for how many hours I resisted pressing that button? That I wanted to have some gameplay in my game? I clung so desperately to the hope that there would be a maze, something, anything to justify the existence of this fully realized HD world of hallways and my ability to control my movement in it. But no. Trying to play the game was only a waste of time. Not pressing the auto button was a waste of time.

So, wherefore art thou hallways?

When I wrote about Cats & Soup, I was jolted when I realized that the game world was not the cats, but the menus overlaid on the cats. That the cats were a pretense and the game was the menu. I could buy that the world of the hallways was the pretense of NieR Re[in]carnation, and in a way they are, but then where is the gameplay?

In truth, NieR Re[in]carnation is layers of pretense that never gets to anything.

I have to marvel at the ingeniousness of the triviality. At the same time, this is not the work of a human being. This is the inhuman efficiency of attention hacking only possible by multiple passes within an organization that has memetically learned from other organizations.

Let’s start at the surface. There are hallways. The hallways are a pretense to getting to “levels”. These “levels” have stories in them with light interactivity, very simple visual novel elements. The stories in the levels largely have nothing to do with the world in the hallways. Maybe they converge later than when I stopped playing, but I’m hours in and my god can I not care if I’m wrong. But all of these stories can be skipped, because there is combat. So all the storytelling is set dressing to the combat, itself a pretense.

I have to interject here that the stories are bad. They are vague, simple sketches, nothing more than premises and flavors. But separate from their vapidness, they are bad stories. They are mean, they are droll, they are dour, full of cruelty and irony and melancholy. There is no love. Relationships exist only to exert pain on others. It will say “these people loved each other” only so it can relish in someone’s death and maiming, in the survivor’s suffering and guilt. They are uniformly dreadful in tone, only broken up by the spice of convoluted incomprehensibility when sci-fi and magical elements are introduced. I could spend paragraphs tearing apart each and every one if I was live blogging my experience with them, but thankfully they have been culled from my memory banks. Imagining anyone sees these stories as “rewards”, or worse yet, “incentives”, to engage with this game - I can’t even imagine watching these on youtube without finding the autoplay ads more interesting.

Then we get to the combat, and realize how much the storytelling doesn’t matter, because whatever you fight is abstracted into black blob monsters that have no physical presence or reality to the story of the level. So you might think, ok, this is it. Everything else was a pretense for this combat system - until you see that this game is an autobattler. Combat can happen entirely without your input. In fact, you often get rewards for pressing an attack button ONCE during a battle. Because the game needs artificial incentivisation for you to engage with the only game-like gameplay the game has to offer. Even as it also has a fast forward button, and an auto-battle button. And if you get far enough into the game, you get things called “Skip Tickets”, that let you repeat a battle for experience points / rewards for leveling up your dudes without having to actually experience the battle again at all.

Early on in the game, when I was still in tutorial land, and hadn’t even gotten to the gacha system yet, the tutorial character said “Don’t worry, this game plays just like most others.” I at first thought that phrase was hilariously useless to me, trying out one of these gacha games for the first time - it told me jack shit! But the more I learned about this game, the more that phrase has just borrowed deeper and deeper into the pit of my gut, blossoming into a kind of disgust that would melt any business executive that came into contact with it.

Because the combat system itself is a pretense for - the gacha system. Spin a roulette wheel and get weapons and characters to use in combat. Some are shiny and have big numbers that make combat easier.

Now, I tried this game after the premium store was closed, because the game’s end is imminent. So I have no idea what the monetary value of any of this bullshit would be. Nobody tell me or I might become a terrorist. But. I just have to say.

The gacha pull animation is … kinda lame?

Abstract boxes turn into coffins that slam down and turn into .jpg’s of Ebon Spears and Emerald Bracers and everything about the colors and the environment and the music is just so… without gravitas, without playfulness, without anything that I can imagine incentivizing another pull. I have enough premium currency for like, 10 or more gacha pulls, and separate from the decision paralysis of there being a million events going on the for the game’s end, after my free daily pulls, it’s been such a boring experience that I’ve actively ex’d out of the summoning menu and often logged off of the game because its so dull. I cannot believe this is where the money is supposed to be made.

And that’s when I realized the gacha system itself is only a front for where the true addiction is supposed to lie - the character upgrade menus. You upgrade characters. You upgrade weapons. You upgrade skills. You upgrade teddybears. (That is not a joke.) You upgrade instances of characters. All that take varying amounts of money, experience, currencies, resources, and most importantly, time.

I thought I’d be mad that the gacha system has ridiculously low percentages for getting the good shit. I thought I’d be mad that getting a cool character is only the beginning - that you need to get their low drop rate multiple times to fully upgrade them. And like, yeah, that’s pretty evil, even without considering the compounding evil of charging real world money every time. I don’t want to underserve that. It is morally indefensible. Maybe I’m only less worked up because I have no idea how much any of it used to cost. But I can relate to the time. The insane amount of time that is required to fiddle with all these numbers to get past combat encounters to clear story episodes to walk down more hallways. All journey, no destination, but you’re not traveling with friends, and you’re not going to make any. This is a journey that can only be completed with misplaced investment into a beautifully drawn delusion.

I feel so incredibly dead inside thinking about how there are people who like this game. I read about this game’s existence and thought, “oh neat, I’ll get to play a gacha game without all the gacha elements hanging over the experience, and in the NieR series that I’ve been playing through!” And it had fans, and they loved it, and expressed so much concern for this game’s preservation. How there was so much art, so much story that needed to be preserved for the future. And a part of me really wanted to experience something magical about a shared experience with a piece of art that will never be possible again.

But after trying, sincerely trying, I’m just scared. Because this game fucking hates me. It hates you. It hates everyone. I can’t even tell how personally it hates people, because I don’t know how much it can even conceive of humans as people. It hates me for wanting to find an experience worth having within it, even as its loading screen begs me to appreciate the vistas of its hallways and listen to its soundtrack with headphones. Why does it do that? Why is it so desperate for me to think of it as art?

Because it is not. It just fucking isn’t. Artists worked on this, but this is not art. This is not even video game as product. This is not even video game mechanic as health insurance website design. This is a concentrated psychological attack. It has many beautiful elements to it wrapped up in an IP that begs you to think about the interestingness of its ideas more than its content, begging you to find value in what it has to offer as well. All a trick, a ruse, to get you nice and inoculated to being dead inside to get stuck in its number go up factory work.

I can see the thread for how investment happens. The visuals for walking through the hallways are interesting enough you want to keep going. The stories are delivered piece meal, so you might as well see what the next section looks like. The combat doesn’t require much mental effort, so you might as well grind for a bit. Any individual element sucks, like really sucks, but not in a way that hurts, that causes pain. So if you’re used to getting something out of one of the forms of engagement being teased here, you press on. And then you’ve made a habit, and then you’ve learned some of how the loop works, and then you get curious what kinds of side quests you could do, because you want some control over this experience again. And choosing to do a side quest over a main quest is really the most purposeful engagement you could hope to get out of this app. And then there are enough resources and numbers to manage with art that’s just pretty enough to look at that it keeps on happening.

I hated Cats & Soup and thought it was evil, but I could get it. I could have sympathy for the societal forces that could make one want to give that game some time. But this one? Naw. Playing this game, loving this game, you have been hacked. I want to give you hugs and milk and cookies and a 3DS and / or PS Vita so you know there are good things in life.

If anyone defends this game because it has Lore™ pertaining to the DrakeNieR universe I am going to implode.

Played this a while ago and this is literally Raid:Shadow Legends with a NieR-Skin. The same auto-play combat with a trillion systems to fake a sense of progress and the same exploitative gacha system aimed at the most vulnerable players make this a miserable experience and I'm very sorry for anyone losing time to this disaster of a timewaster. If you want the (really not that great) story, just watch the segments on Youtube. I'm so very tired of these types of mobile game that offer nothing and want all of your money and all of your time in return. I cannot stress enough how much of a miserable experience it is. How a character called "Mama" coerces you into "playing" this thing might have been funny if the game wasn't, you know, actually exploitative.

Stunning art and music, and some of the trademark enthralling story and presentation, but gameplay is awful and the gacha mechanics are a no-go for me.

nier reincarnation foi desligado hoje, dia 29/4/2024, esperei até hoje para logar ele e... foi uma jornada e tanto.

Assim, não se enganem, eu não amei jogar esse jogo e muito menos jogaria um jogo gacha desses se não tivesse o titulo nier estampado nele, afinal, nier, drakengard e as criações do yoko taro no geral tem um espaço enorme no meu coração, e apesar de saber de todos os inúmeros defeitos que não fazem desse aqui um bom jogo, pra quem é fá maníaco assim como eu, a história e todo o lore de reincarnation é um prato cheio.

Pra começar, o jogo nos introduz a uma situação totalmente nova no universo nier (parecido com o choque inicial de diferença entre nier de 2010 e o automata). Estamos em um futuro distante que parece não ter muita conexão com a franquia, mas após horas de confusão, um combate automático horroroso e milhares de gemas gastas para conseguir personagens, com o passar dos capítulos e das belíssimas "histórias corrompidas" vão surgindo conexões com nier automata (o qual reincarnation é uma sequencia basicamente direta), nier replicant, drakengard 1 e 3, e surpreendentemente, os que agora são confirmados como partes separadas e únicas do universo de drakenier, nier automata 1.1a e nier replicant 1.22... (sim, o anime e o remake são histórias próprias)

nier reincarnation faz um trabalho ótimo em explicar a existência de diferentes versões das mesmas histórias dentro do lore do universo, conectando pontos que até então eram soltos e explicando muito do que até então era especulação, atenção também para a trilha sonora que é impecável, a quantidade de referências e de conteúdo nesse jogo é genuinamente impressionante.

Mas ok, você deve estar se perguntando o que é que tem de demais nesse jogo então pra eu estar gastando meu tempo falando sobre um gacha que eu mesmo já disse que achei ruim, na verdade, ele foi tão ruim e teve tão pouca adesão que acabou saindo de serviço em apenas 3 anos, então pra que eu estou aqui falando dele ?

Bom, nier rein conseguiu algo que eu achava inimáginavel, a franquia nier sempre foi sobre narrativas que usavam a mídia de video games ao seu favor, e reincarnation segue a mesma premissa, ele incrivelmente conta uma história que só poderia existir em um jogo gacha, pior ainda uma história que funciona justamente pq esse jogo estava prestes a sair de serviço e se tornar uma mídia perdida. A história de reincarnation é sobre memorias, sobre guardar memórias, sejam elas boas, ruins, de amor, ou de raiva, de luz ou escuridão, de seus entes mais próximos ou de toda a humanidade, e sobre lutar para que essas memórias que guardamos com tanto carinho não caiam em esquecimento e sejam apagadas para todo o sempre, é sobre desejar que existamos para sempre na memória daqueles que amamos. É a história de um mundo que sabe que esta fadado a acabar e quando não há mais nenhuma esperança de salvação ele fala diretamente com você, jogador, e pede para que, no fim de tudo, você pelo menos se lembre dele com carinho. É a culminação de 3 anos de histórias e atualizações do jogo que agora lutam para não serem perdidas, exatamente como as histórias e memórias que os personagens de dentro do próprio jogo lutam para guardar, é uma quebra de quarta parede insana, e algo que nunca achei que iria presenciar na vida.

Com certeza nier rein não foi um jogo perfeito, longe disso, e eu não to tentando fazer com que você, seja lá quem for que teve saco de ler tudo até o final, aprecie o jogo tanto quanto eu, só queria explicar porque que, pra mim, ele foi uma experiencia que eu não vou esquecer nunca.

Please, make it offline. It's absurd having awesome ideas and gameplay (beside the gacha component and the power creeps that gives) for a soon-to-expire product.
It's a freaking videogame, not an edible product you get from your grocery store.

As vezes parece que vai e não vai, ai quando vai ele volta e parece que nem foi, não gastei nenhum centavo nele ao menos.

you know, I downloaded this game 2 years ago thinking ill cry a lot, I thought I would love this game, but I did not. This game quite genuinely has no upsides, the combat is like xenoblade’s but make it a hundred times slower. The combat is not engaging at all, the story or actually stories are garbage, the “characters” are boring, they’re just nameless randos, im sorry i even hated the music, it literally sounds like something a neurodivergent 5 year old would make in garage band on the phone his mom gave him so he can stay quiet while she’s having a work meeting on zoom. terrible final entry. what a disgrace to the drakengard series.

It's always morally correct to make fun of gacha games.

More like NieR: Auto[play]a.
Desolate in every sense! Combat is purely numerical and exists solely as power gates - simply upgrade your units, weapons and companions, then breeze through this battery vampire of a .apk for a few more missions before you need to upgrade again. OR u can Pay a humble fee for a chance to win epic units for you to also waste upgrade resources on :)
I just feel so wise and numb to the Twisted Mind of Yoko Taro. Grim "tragedy first" writing that passionlessly beelines towards an arc's desired sad outcome, a soundtrack that is essentially just spacy yoga music, vast post-post-magical-apoc environments that serve absolutely nothing. Sad to see Akihiko Yoshida designs wasted on this.

"Yoko Taro milks his loyal customer base edition"

"You wouldn't touch or even get near it if it didn't had the "nier" in the title".

Played until the "sun and moon" last chapter and my review gonna be according to that.

Let's start with the obvious question. Why did I start a gacha game and even had expectations for it? It's because yoko taro considers this game the third nier game from what I understand. He tweets about it and even add elements from this game to nier automata anime. So I had thought maybe there is important things going on in it? Also people was saying it's best time to go in because of the rewards they give before servers gets closed. So I jumped in and 15 hours torture started.

"Main story? What the hell is that? Here is 80 different no connected mini stories. Have fun".

In a franchise that is known for it's emotions and unrelenting drama, yoko taro choose to make a game that is just about "random mini sad story collections". And wastes a lot of the promising concepts just to fill the gacha content quota with making them less then 20 minutes that makes you unable to connect in any emotional form whatsoever.

Now I am gonna say there is small hopeful lights here and there, for example if you look at act 1's story seperately from ministories and just look at it as a "poor girl Fio's sad adventure" you can actually feel it's nier emotions at it's core.

It's too bad that you have to seperate %75 of the game to see that core tho.

And that's the problem. You can throw %75 of the main story to garbage and nothing would change. No... Actually maybe main story would be even better without all those unnecessary cut ins with forgettable mini stories.

But that's not all. This game have the worst gameplay in the entire yokoverse. Even worse than drakengard 1 with it's awful camera. Yeah imagine that.

Why? Because drakengard 1 had a point to give at least. This game has not. You can delete all the combat moments of the game and you would lose NOTHING. Yes. That means you can convert all of the game into a visual novel and nothing would have been lost. It's just a auto battler after all. And an uninspired and a timewasting one.

"But you didn't finish the game!" Yes I didn't. Maybe it actually gets important? Or not. I don't even care anymore. I am not even sad for it's servers closing. This game loves to waste your time with all those mini forgettable stories and GRIND moments. Because it's just an another "gacha game" not an another proper "the game".

"What do you mean with grind? Didn't you say game rewards a lot right now?" Yes. And you can level up everyone from the moment you started to 60. But after that? Ohhh it wants you to waste your time with getting bazillions of materials to unlock it's second and third rate for unlocking next level rate requirements. So essentially you are locked into playing daily missions and one by one level up every goddamn weapon from the SLOWEST goddamn menu ever that makes you think if it's designed to make you go CRAZY with every single upgrade have UNSKIPPABLE ANIMATIONS.

Then why should I care after all if itself dedicated to waste my time? I don't think I would lose "anything" with watching a summary video before next nier comes out. Because in it's core I am essentially playing a visual novel with forced grinding. A really badly paced, no... a nonexistent paced one.

And lastly if the next nier or whatever is even slightly similar to this game yoko taro is just no more to me.

Just watch the summary of it on youtube and done with it rather than wasting your precious time with it. So you can experience the worthwhile ones without all the timewasting.

Edit: I found a big playlist:

Vou tentar ser o mais breve possível nessa "review" mal escrita, porque esse jogo não vale mais um segundo sequer do meu tempo e esforço.

Nier Reincarnation é um gacha e é ruim, e morreu não foi à toa. Só terminei o jogo base porque era um desafio jogar mais de 30 minutos disso por dia. O combate é terrivelmente chato, repetitivo e cansativo, onde não exige literalmente nenhuma interatividade do jogador, é basicamente tudo full auto, onde os personagens fazem absolutamente tudo sozinhos e você só fica assistindo e perdendo seu precioso tempo e gastando bateria do seu celular. E quando você não tá assistindo um dos combates mais bostas já feitos, você apenas fica assistindo a personagem principal andando em linha reta pelo mapa, que geralmente é composto de cenários genéricos de ruinas, e a única "mecânica" sequer de gameplay que existe nesse jogo é pra fazer você gastar seu dinheiro e tempo tentando ganhar personagens e itens mais fortes pra conseguir avançar na campanha, resumo, aquela clássica asquerosidade de gacha que você já conhece. Então pra preservar a minha sanidade mental decidi TALVEZ ver o resto da história dessa porcaria de jogo no youtube num futuro nada breve.

Mas pra não dizer que absolutamente tudo é terrivel, a trilha sonora é ótima e a direção de arte durante as histórias é bem charmosa e bonita, inclusive algumas poucas dessas histórias são bem escritas e impactantes, com alguns personagens muito interessantes e cativantes, como o Deimos e Akeha.

Enfim, às 6 horas (que pareceram 15 horas) que passei jogando Nier Reincarnation foi uma das experiências mais miseráveis que já tive com a mídia, e eu quero que todos os fãs de Nier vão pra puta que pariu.

If you're a Nier fan hear me out:

1) THE STORY IS EXTREMELLY GOOD, it's way worth watching it, it's on pair with the other 2 Nier games, this IS Nier 3, not because Yoko Taro says so, it's because the game's blatantly clear about it.
But most importantly, the story of Reincarnation fills all the holes and doubts in the Nier lore, I literally can't picture a 4th Nier game unless it's thousands of years in the future, but...

2) Gameplay SUCKS, it's not a good game, even for gacha standarts...
The gameplay it's just mash buttons or put auto-mode and make big numbers, if you have low numbers, you can't access Nier lore and have to go to make some pulls or use your sweet credit card.
And when I say you have to use your credit card, I mean you have to use it A LOT, because the grinding required to pass some stupid walls to continue the story is ASTRONOMIC. How ASTRONOMIC? Well, first wall can ask you for 5000 cristals and second wall ask you for 12000 OR 18000 OF THEM!!!
And don't think about using an emulator, yes you can use Macros to make grinding automatic and make sure you get those cristals (because yes, not only you have limited attempts but the fights not always leave you cristals, only the hardest quests guarantee you some) but due to it's gacha nature, your play time is limited with stamina, and it takes 24hs to refill it.

My recommendation:

- First (and this is optional), read the 10H mini-novel "A Much Too Silent Sea".
It's not mandatory, but it gives you context, it's like watching Ant-Man 2 to understand why in Endgame Scott was trapped in that machine.
Here's 10H novel:

2) Watch, the story on youtube. Again THE STORY IS REALLY WORTH WATCHING, but do not lose your time playing this thing.
The story is divided in 3 seasons and is already finished. The story of the 3 seasons together last almost 20hs.
I'll put the videos for all the seasons down below.
Shout out to BuffMaister for his hard work.

Season 1 Story:

Season 2 Story:

Season 3 Story:

And finally, it's a shame that Yoko Taro decided to make the 3rd Nier game a gacha... If this story was made in any other game format (aside of a light novel) it would easily be a master piece on pair with the other 2 games.
It pains me that a story this good and this beautiful won't be discovered for a lot of people because of this greedy and poor decision.

Disappointing doesn't even cover it. The worst of gacha combined with the most phoned-in story Taro's put to paper, with a pace so ploddingly slow you'll fall asleep before you even unlock the main menu. Extending draken/nier's weapon stories to be a main mechanic backfires in a huge way.
Barely interactable, your avatar runs from one level gate to the next, the game begging you to put money into its loot roulette. There's no strategy, not even any real play: ultimately it's just a money vacuum.
Gacha is a poisoned well. Even the games that are entertaining (world flipper, love live, bandori) would be better without it, and Nier represents the very worst. A desolate, sinister creativity pit, it's sole purpose to empty lonely Japanese salarymen's wallets.

The more I played this game, the more I hated it for what it is. It's story, art and music are all that you expect from a Nier game, it's quality is on par with some of the best games offered in the market. However, this comes bundled with a lazy and absolutely shallow gameplay consisted of battles which autoplay and rely only on your setups gained from the gacha and upgrade systems. Apart from that, the game ends in a month from now(April 28th) and this story may be lost forever, which is a sin since this really is Nier 3, it is post-Automata and it summons lore from Drakengard and both previous Nier games, answering some questions and gives a lot more in exchange. It's a bittersweet piece, in the end.

Gameplay is basically non-existent (and through that at least slightly less painful than Drakengard 1 /hj), music is great though the OST lacks in variety. Biggest strength is definitely the design of the cage, which constantly blew me away, despite its simplicity.

But sadly this game consists of more than just walking along those beautiful corridors: it wants to tell a story as well - or at least it tries to, while it often feels like it doesn't REALLY want to. Characters, one of the biggest strengths in previous games, are one-dimensional and mostly disappear into the background aside from their individual weapon stories that make up about half of the game: and they're barely any more interesting than the weapon stories in previous games, just now stretched out over an entire chapter each. Predictable at best, hilarious at worst. The rare good idea is quickly suffocated by the extremely stilted presentation.

The main story of Sun and Moon, the second story arc, was the only part of the game I felt went in actually interesting directions, conceptually. The story between the two siblings still mostly falls flat for me in the end, but telling this story from two, intertwining perspectives was a short glimpse of an interesting idea - something that could've been turned into a proper story for a proper game.

Then the final arc, The People and the World, comes along, with a "power of friendship" main story, carried entirely by tons of lore drops that make all the TRUE NieR fans go "WOOOAH, LORE!!!". Because this IS the real NieR 3 after all - how could you disagree, when it has all this incredibly """important""" lore that answers all these questions? At least, that's the sentiment I've seen online recently, one that might just be the final nail in the coffin towards my alienation from the NieR-community.

Here's the thing: what defines the "importance" of this game within the series? Sure, it answers tons of questions, it confirms so many of the theories I had for almost 10 years… but at some point, I just had to ask myself: "so what?". I was really invested in the lore of this series for the longest time. And now all this buildup for all these grand mysteries lurking in the background, carefully planted over the course of multiple games: it all culminates in the answers being thrown in my face in between the actual plot. All this LORE barely matters to the events of the actual story, much less so to the characters themselves. They just accidently stumble into documents and glorified flashback sequences and go "wow, I have no idea what any of this means", just so players can go "YOOO, THAT'S THE THING FROM DRAKENGARD!!!".

I think at some point many fans of the series have stopped to understand what made Yoko Taro's games so special, and why he handled world building the way he did. Over the years, I've seen more and more people complain about how the lore is "too spread out" across different types of media, and how all of it should've just been in the games themselves instead. But no: those details and backstories weren't originally left out of the games to get on people's nerves and sell more books and manga: you think anyone bought those before Automata became the success that it was? You think this was all planned out as a clever marketing strategy? No, those details were left out because THEY DIDN'T MATTER. The lore was always hinted at, there was always this certain air of intrigue to how big and incomprehensible the DrakeNieR multiverse really is. Instead, the games focused on the characters inhabiting that world - never understanding it fully, much like us.

I always loved crafting theories around the lore because it was this hidden background element: something I had no chance of ever fully grasping. First and foremost, however, I was there for the stories Yoko Taro decided to tell. That becomes all the more obvious, now that we get a game in the series he didn't direct - one he only supervised to make sure it stays accurate to the lore, while an entirely new team of writers came up with the actual, individual character stories.

This is the result: paper thin vignettes drenched in lore. So much new knowledge, yet so little value. I never cared less about what the world of NieR might have left to offer.

Yoko taro what are you doing mate

Painfully bland and constantly trying every trick in the book to make you waste time while bombarding you with shallow and worthless rewards

God I hate mobile games

Yeah I did the first two chapters of the main story and I'm not coming back to this probably. Gotta love that music as always but once I booted it up and was greeted with the typical 100 currency gatcha nonsense my eyes glazed over. The actual game part is mind numbing too, it absolutely plays itself moreso than any other gatcha I've seen, and that's saying something. Gatcha really doesn't even work for the Nier series whatsoever, after doing some pulls with the starting gems and getting a bunch of literally who random nobodies with no personalities I was just left wondering who on earth would care enough to spend money trying to pull anyone who isn't one of the 7 or so main characters from Replicant/Automata.

Gotta say though the fact that the narrative of this seems to be about walking forever through an endless grind in an area literally called "The Cage" is pretty funny though. I choose to believe for my own sake Taro knew what he was doing there and didn't give much of a shit about this

o que que dinheiro não faz com alguém né? é decepcionante pensar que um jogo de gacha pra celular e que vai fechar os servidores online e offline pra sempre no dia 29 é realmente Nier 3.
parece que não se esforçaram pra absolutamente nada a não ser a história, a gameplay é repetitiva, o combate nem é o jogador que joga e quanto mais eu jogo, mais desgastado eu fico de tão horrível que isso é, e é triste pensar que uma historia tão linda com personagens tão incríveis tenha ficado preso nesse pedaço de estrume que nem sequer existir vai mais.
eu cansei, de verdade. é muito melhor só assistir um video no youtube da historia do que perder tempo da sua vida com isso. se não tiver nenhum port, nenhum remake, ou nada parecido depois do seu fim pra compensar o desastre que esse jogo foi, Nier 3 é a maior decepção que eu já pude ter com um videogame

It's a damn shame that this is a stupid gacha game.... The story, characters, music and presentation are all wonderful but as soon as you get to playing the game itself, it's a complete slog. Please, no more mobile games Yoko Taro.......

I decided to give this game 1 star, 2* was too much. Artstyle aside it has NOTHING worth mentioning, it's a predatory gacha game with autobattle and sudden walls to keep you from playing the story if you don't grind. I understand making events that are hard and require more careful team building, but THE MAIN STORY? Are you serious? Just because my numbers are not crazy high?
I'd rather watch the story on YT and never touch this garbage again