Reviews from

in the past

Joyfully tasteless like a massive fart that begins with an explosion of pure chaos, gradually receding as it fills the room with its stench, petering out into nothing but laughter and disgust. I know people get angry hairs on the backs of their necks when others compare video games to movies and use words like “auteur”, but I think it’s fair to say that Tomonobu Itagaki filled a role in the 2000s Gamerworld that was similar to that of Michael Bay’s in the the 2000s Movieworld: all stops pulled out at expense of any pretentious good taste, maximising the potential of computers to delight insane teenage boys worldwide. The inclusion of Playable Rachel in Sigma somehow finds a way to crank the dial on what was already there, allowing you to control a bikini sexbot of the classic Dead or Alive inflatable mold, strutting around The Vigoorian Empire with an iron thong up your arse that makes your walk cycle look like you shat yourself, balloon boobs flailing in wildly different directions every time you land a mechanically-sound-and-tactile Square, Square, Square, Triangle ground combo. This shit is practically gift-wrapped for a painfully horny kid on their 14th birthday, lol. Painfully, painfully awkward to be seen playing this edition, a mortifying ordeal of being known. Imagine showing the tentacle boss to your grandmother! It would fucking kill her on the spot, right? Big jets of polygonal blood spraying all over your shame. Game Over.

Still absolute mad fun to play, though. Don’t get me wrong.

PC port is THE WORST port I have ever played, do not buy it. On PS4 the game is fine and I enjoyed it somewhat outside of the crushing difficulty, but I got softlocked in chapter 6 where I get instakilled as soon as I spawn at a savepoint, and having already played a few hours on PC I can't bear to restart yet again.

When modders thought about "we have fixed the game" but actually they made it worse. This is what ng sigma really feels like.

Having been trying out the higher difficulties on this version I have to lower by half a star. If you can beat Master Ninja on the PS3 with THAT controller you are a gaming god. That shit is just not made for Ninja Gaiden. The PS3 controller was already a big piece of crap on release but rotate-Y is going to shred your analog stick.

Also it's interesting how almost every new addition to Sigma is terrible on the enemy front. There's a second, terrible Dynamo fight, a Gamov fight that sucks, motorcycle guys, and fucking mermen. It's no wonder that the director of Sigma would direct NG3 because he is bereft of any good ideas.

Pretty good but why do I have to play as a woman for three entire chapters

A sidestep rather than the step backwards Sigma 2 is to NG2. Most changes are admissible. Not necessary but not unwelcome either. Some arenas are different, there's some extra fiend challenges, some areas & encounters have new formations & enemies... A few puzzles get simplified and a mini boss or two is added or reworked. But Rachel missions honestly suck, it's not even half has fun as Ryu with the war hammer, only upside is some aren't too long. Mission mode is also switched up a bit.

Given that NGB is a great game to replay on higher difficulties to see new types of enemies, attacks, changes in exploration... it's not the worst to play like a remixed version of it. And includes some nice additions like dual katanas but overall so much is passable or unwanted that it ends up not as good. Worse, while it's presented nowadays as the definitive edition of NG, it doesn't fix some problems NGB had but instead creates new ones of its own.

But it still has the core gameplay and feels at least like 75% of the main game; it's not a terrible thing to start with or even try out despite having played black.

Rachel: a smile would be nice
Ryu: nothing to smile about in my life

sigma adin ross i show speed ohio gyatt rizzler fanum tax kai cenat sigma w

It's NG, so it's still good, but they have really altered the soul of what makes Ninja Gaiden so compelling. I know the adventure elements are controversial, but they kind of define the experience of NG, that Ryu isn't just a human blender but also intelligent and quick on his feet. While QoL changes like in-air bow shooting is a welcome change, I just couldn't recommend someone play this over Black.

If you can play NGB, I wouldn't recommend this. Most changes are stupid.
But if you don't have an XBOX or don't want to use an emulator, it's still worth a try. There are some user-friendly improvements as well as resolution enhancements.
7/10 for PC action game fans.

Pretty good fun that is bogged down by some annoying bullshit enemies and fairly frustrating camera control. Yet somehow despite my issues I still finished the game with a Head Ninja rank. I rather enjoyed the music and visual flair, as well as the openness of Tairon and how almost Metroidvania-y it could be at times. I found the boss fights particularly to be really fun too, but most of them were too easy (I HATED those worm fights though, especially Magma Worm).

I also enjoyed Rachel's missions. Her playstyle was fun and distinct enough from Ryu's to be a nice break, but I wish they a bit longer and that she had more to do plot-wise.

Overall, I had a pretty nice time. I want to try playing NGB sometime in the future though to see if I end up enjoying that more.

One of the best action games I've played. It's tough and punishing yet mostly fair. Take the mechanics to heart, learn to utilize your combos techniques and ults, and fight smart. I enjoy that the game's more about being tactical and efficient than flashy. Ninja platforming was fun to play around with.

Main complaints:
- camera design is very functional but far from the best
- levels felt larger than they needed to be and had a lot of backtracking puzzles that kill the vibe of being a fast methodical ninja imo
- aerial bosses need more punishable attacks or should use those attacks more often than they do (looking at you Alma)
- could do with less small enemies. bats have too many spawns, wasp fiends like to stay out of reach and ignore guard, and ghost fish exist. tbh just remove ghost fish

Overall, phenomenal game that isn't without its flaws. Can't wait to dig into Sigma 2

Man, you know those games that you just kind of lose the drive to play part way through and gradually chip away at over the months? Ninja Gaiden Sigma was kind of that for me. I dedicated early 2022 to getting the great Ninja Gaiden 2 and absolute dogshit NG3 off the backlog, after having played Ninja Gaiden Black in 2020. In addition to having to work a soulcrushing warehouse job, Ninja Gaiden Sigma, the PS3 remaster of the original title, fell to the wayside and I'm only just finishing it now.

"But hey, Ninja Gaiden Sigma is just Ninja Gaiden Black!" I hear you call. "Why even bother giving it a separate review?" Well, Ninja Gaiden Sigma might look like Ninja Gaiden Black to the unasumming eye. It's got the same crunchy, visceral sound design, the same weighty, brutal and satisfying combat, the same mostly crappy bosses, the same tendancy tell you to go and fuck yourself with things like the unreactable grabs and the Ghost Fish. At its core, the average player would think they'd just played a straight one-to-one remaster of Ninja Gaiden Black, with a few extra bells and whistles.

But alas, Ninja Gaiden 1 and 2's Sigma rereleases aren't just the series' variant of Devil May Cry's Special Edition rereleases. Rather, they serve as incredibly strange sidegrades to the titles in question, with additions and subtractions across the board. They also aren't helmed by the original director, alledged creepy sex pervert, and current NFT grifter, Tomonobu Itagaki, who was pretty outspoken on his less than positive feelings about these versions of his directed titles.

Rather, they're both directed by Yosuke Hayashi, who isn't any stranger to the series. He worked on the enemy AI for the 04 release, is listed as a project lead on Black, and would go on to direct Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword for the DS, and then serve to absolutely shit the bed when the time came to direct Ninja Gaiden 3. He was also one of three directors on Metroid Other M, but on the plus side, he also went on to direct Nioh, so he's had some good and bad days.

So, what's NG Sigma got for itself to call its own? Well, there's the dual katanas that would later go on to be in NG2! They're super fun to use there, and super fun to use here, so that's neat. You can cycle through and use potions on the fly, which is super handy because anything to do away with additional menuing in a game like these is nice. Also means that you're way less likely to die from getting grabbed because of the game preventing you from pausing when you're getting caught by a nigh-unreactable, untechable grab. If you're playing the Vita version, or the Master Collection release, you also get additional accessories to play around with, mostly allowing you to increase attack in return for lowered defence or vice versa. Nice for the players who might need to take a few extra hits, even better for the pros who can effortlessly tear their foes to pieces with nary a scratch, increased damage be damned.

But then there's the attempts to readjust the foundation that Ninja Gaiden was built upon, with changes to the level design. Various puzzle rooms are tweaked if not outright replaced with simple fights, which might seem like a weird thing to complain about in a game where the combat is the defining feature, but it's coming at the expense of the original vision of Team Ninja, and Itagaki. There's also a lot more shops and save points littered around the game, but I don't mind that too much. I think that the original kept its save points where they were for a reason, but I'm also the kind of guy who saves any time a save point is around. Nice for people like me to have as an option.

But ya know what really brings Sigma down? Rachel. Originally an NPC and fanservice jobber in Black, she now gets 3 tacked on stages that you have to play through whenever you're going through the campaign. I'm usually all for extra playable characters in action games, provided they all feel unique and fun, and Rachel really isn't. She's only got one weapon, her big ass hammer that Ryu also gets, and lacks the ability to wall run, Izuna Drop, or be fun. Her stages also fall into just being retreads of stages Ryu already ran through, which is only a bigger issue. She's the kind of content where you can tell it was thrown into a rerelease to say they had more content, except she isn't relegated into her own small side campaign or being unlocked upon completion to be used in a repeated playthrough, like Vergil in DMC3 or Jeanne in Bayonetta. Just crammed into the main playthrough with zero rhyme or reason, and that's a shame.

I also really wish Sigma addressed the single most annoying issue I personally have with NGB that could've easily been remedied here; which is the lack of both level select and New Game Plus. Every playthrough, on every difficulty, you've gotta start back at mission 1 with base Ryu, needing to collect all 50 Gold Scarabs and Life of the Gods, and level up all your weapons from square one. It's one thing if you're looking to climb the difficulty levels to experience how NG changes even its most basic combat encounters up, but it's another beast if you're choosing to brave the weather of Ninja Gaiden's kind of awful ranking system and chase all the Master Ninja rankings, as you've basically got to save scum through the entire game if you miss a single MN rank. Even if you're just wanting to replay a specific chapter in your own time, it's no dice.

It's a shame, and something that would've really helped in Sigma's favour. There's definitely a certain mistique to being able to tackle the higher difficulties on a fresh save file, to be sure, and I think it should always be an option in an action game. Let those players who want to push both the game's mechanics and their own skills to the fullest, give them the ability to flex. But in action games, a NG+ feature has been standard since Devil May Cry 1, and stage selects since Devil May Cry 2. Just skipping over them, especially when 2, Sigma 2 and 3 gradually went on to include these features, feels like a really strange oversight in a game with a mission by mission structure. As great as any action game having a mission mode with a ton of unique and specialised encounters is, and Sigma especially has them by the truckload, it isn't quite the same as being able to pick Mission 19 in DMC5 and just going to smack up Vergil.

I probably came off super harsh towards NG Sigma throughout this review, and I want to stress that it isn't a bad game at all. Far from it, it's just a worse way of playing Ninja Gaiden Black, and the main crux of the issue really is Rachel's few levels serving as really annoying pacebreakers that put me off from giving it quite as strong a recommendation as I would NGB. A lot of the other changes I can take or leave and aren't going to be noticed by a new first timer, and there's a few issues that are more just holdovers from the original release and are disappointingly left unaccounted for.

Would I recommend you snatch a copy of Black and play it on the Xbox Series X? Yeah, if that's a possiblity for you. But Sigma isn't a halfway bad way to experience the OG NG if you're unable or unwilling to buy an Xbox to just make it your Ninja Gaiden machine. Personally, I wish a perfect world existed, where both versions of the titles could exist in perfect harmony, with both vanilla and rereleases of 1, 2 and even 3 all bundled together in a snug little collection, so new players don't have to buy a console they otherwise might have no interest in, or fumble with emulators in hopes of maybe getting them to work. But, either due to missing source code, Team Ninja seeing these as the definitive releases of the games, in spite of fandom disagreement, or just being easier to port, the Sigma releases are all we've got. It is what it is, and what it is, is kind of a bitch.

A game about a sigma male that gets bogged down by segments where you're forced to play as a woman.

Jokes aside, Sigma is still very good; the Rachel stuff is really weak, and I do miss the stuff that was cut out, but it's still Ninja Gaiden at its core. Play this one after Black, it's probably a bit more replayable since it focuses way more on the action side of "action-adventure" of Ninja Gaiden.

What if ninja gaiden was vivisected and remade into a lame port?

Ninja gaiden sigma is everything i despise in a port it understands very little about what makes the original a concise challenging experience but what's make it bad compared to the original? well its quite simple.
sigma instead of choosing to elevate the already excellent and tight foundation of ninja gaiden black instead goes back on its design choices and throws it in the fucking dumpster the game destroys 90% of the bosses alma awakend literally lacks her back hitbox and spirit doku's AI was completely butchered he seems to spasm out whenever he gets close.

The art direction and OST have taken a massive hit as well. tairon went from looking like a vaguely middle eastern village to looking like fucking london lmao the first chapter level is now set in autumn for some strange reason they also removed the waterfall in that area because ?? Tairon under alert also suffers a strange art direction choice as the skybox is bright as hell for some reason in black it was a nice early sunrise look showing the passage of time in a authentic way, and it seems they knew this as the very next chapter has the correct skybox albeit a lot darker.

They somehow managed to fuck up the excellent pacing of black as well for some reason they decided to throw in random Rachel chapters during the game in an extremely awkward manner I'll be brief on Rachel as there's not a ton to say about her (and it seems the developers thought this as they gave her half a move set) but frankly her inclusion here fucking blows Rachel in the story is a joke character one who jobs endlessly to basic bitch enemies and just sort of exists the new chapters don't help with this as the story placement of them is extremely boring and brief much like her character.

The pacing in the ryu levels is also butchered quite a bit in a very strange decision the entire game just lacks puzzles for some unknown reason the only puzzle I noticed left was the monk safe and that was a simple counting puzzle there's no pyramid puzzle nothing its gone for absolutely no reason other then they thought casuals would get filtered by them (they're right).

Now you would think that at the very least the new additions would be very welcome to ninja gaiden right? wrong. The new weapon the dragon claw and tiger fang is an absolute joke of a weapon the recovery on it is extremely poor and it seems like the game doesn't know how to handle it because you end up whiffing a ton of hits for absolutely no reason now this might be a master collection issue (as that port alone has thousands of them) but it seems like it's also in sigma as they fixed nothing about the game in the master collection.

One of the new additions/QOL is also quick heals now you would probably think that this is a welcome change? absolutely not quick heals undermines the entire point of potions and elixirs, They could turn the entire tide of a fight in a single move and you were encouraged to consume them in small amounts as the game barely gave you any and if you consumed them foolheartedly you would have to restock and that would cut into your essence supply that you would be better off spending on weapon upgrades it was a very well designed system and it was a good balancing act but now because the game also gives you an abundance of elixirs (gates of hell literally has a elixir after every room) you end up with more then enough essence to spend on upgrades and occasionally restocking this undermines the entire balancing act.

Also shout out to the composer completely butchering his tracks here they sound way too quiet and lack any punch the original OST had oh and they didn't bother changing the FMV music so you can hear the original alma awakened track before it transitions to that absolute dumpster fire of a remix.

It is absolutely incredible that team ninja even considers this version a replacement for the original two due in no part to them completely losing the masters for black and vanilla and its frankly an insult that this version was even considered acceptable by anyone could itagaki have saved this port? maybe but lets not deal in hypotheticals in the end sigma is an absolute mess and a extreme downgrade from the classic title.

Se supone que esta es la versión inferior del juego pero la verdad ni me importa, el juego está zarpadisimo en bueno igual. La forma en como están estructurados los desafíos son una mierda tho, si quiero empezar con Master Ninja no me hagas pasar por el mismo desafio 4 veces la concha de tu hermana.

Play Ninja Gaiden Black if you can otherwise it's better than nothing

Even when I finish a chapter it's more like "thank god that's over" than "wow that was awesome". Slippery platforming, annoying camera controls, objectification and nonsense as a rule (uncomplimentary) means I ain't sweating out the other half of this game.

I'm optimistic for NG2. Apparently they just take out all the bad stuff from this one.

É desafiador na medida certa e os combos são bem satisfatórios de se fazer, sem contar o parkour que é bem legal.

Mas sem dúvidas é o jogo que tem os pior controle de câmera que existe. Ela se embanana toda durante os combates, parece que você tá lutando bêbado. As mecânicas embaixo d'água são travadas e o controle do arco e flecha no modo mira é tenebroso.

O enredo é bem legal e entrega o mínimo que se espera de um hack n' slash.

Finally got to enjoy Ninja Gaiden in its easier version since I couldn't get past level 2 in the original Xbox version when I was a kid. It's a great game and in retrospect I can't believe the OG Xbox was able to handle this back in the day. Lots of verticality and rewards for exploration, had so much fun with the easy yet sometimes challenging hero mode.

(Played the PC version that isn’t exactly the same as Sigma as far as I know)

The first time you take control you are already in a battle. No button prompts, no combos explained, just smash the controller, play, discover, have fun. If somebody told me they did the Mario 64 thing of not developing a proper game until the main character felt amazing to play in an empty box I would believe it. This is so playful that, despite feeling designed to be able to go through with your first weapon only, they throw like a dozen of them more, why not, more toys.

There is no good action game with a moveset only, and the first 3 chapters of the game make sure to demonstrate how to make a top action game. The first common enemies are ninjas resembling Ryu, and will hunt his ass at every chance, actively and reactively. Not only will the enemies keep retaliating, but the surroundings will raise the tension too. In here constrained spaces have a special meaning, since yes, you are surrounded with deadly ninjas, but you are a ninja yourself, use that wall on your back and jump on it, run on it, redefine 3D action. And it doesn’t stop there, enemies won’t be waiting sitting, turning a corner could be a potential trap with a guy backflipping his sword towards your neck. The game even manages to play with your expectations, there is a section in chapter 3 where after killing some dudes from a distance you have to go where they were totally defenseless, with a single potential hit sending you to the void.

What is in chapter 4 and beyond then? The game losing inspiration. As new enemies are needed to keep the action fresh, ideas struggle. The most conventional enemies that supposed a big threat not long ago begin to be dispatched easily as a routine, expected after fighting the same guys a hundred times and with less challenging environments in every iteration. Worse than that, some demons seem to be incapable of holding up with Ryu’s incredible speed.

But when the game totally runs out of gas is at the middle of chapter 7. In here there is a scene where Ryu accidentally activates a curse. We see the dead rising, really big zombies accompanied by really big weapons. So, what is the defining characteristic of these guys that want to kill our lightspeed moving character so bad? That they move slowly. Like really slow, the slowest enemy that I can think of in any action game ever. It would pose some threat if you had to fight like surrounded by 10 of them I guess, but since this is the only time in the game where you can relax and prepare as many fully charged attacks as you want, Ryu’s deadliest technique, they just walk very slowly towards their death. Fortunately, after many endless fights with those guys, they stop appearing, but it has been made evident that inspiration is totally gone.

For the remaining 12 chapters, apart from bosses that already ranged from bad to very bad, the game introduces: bad first person shooting sections, bad water sections and even a bad 3D Zelda inspired dungeon gets its place too. Meanwhile some of the best new enemies are, new versions of old enemies but weaker? The best thing that can be said about the new things that keep being added desperately is that they don’t last too long, but a continuous sequence of the same lack of inspiration ends up tiring the same way.

I like how the game moves, a lot. I'm even thinking right now of playing again when I know that I will be let down after a few minutes. I just wish that the game constructed around such a character was just as good.

crowd laughing
gun shot
body falls to the ground
crowd laughing harder

que ricas las minitas de este juego 9/10

A very good (much better than people give it credit and certainly much better than the Sigma version of Ninja Gaiden 2) version of Ninja Gaiden that makes a few mistakes in regards to pacing by adding a couple of levels where you play as another, much less interesting character. If you have the choice, absolutely play Ninja Gaiden Black over this, but regardless of the missteps this version of the game makes, the core combat is still absolutely stellar and well worth your time.

This game made me want to commit violent acts upon unsuspecting individuals.