Reviews from

in the past

Another dull licensed video game, nothing to see here.

Another just played for the 1000 achievement points. That's how half of my 2008 and 2009 was played, just for the the points.

Wonderful in every area except for its quick time events which can get quite annoying.

But beautifully captures the visual essence of the series and makes for such an immersive PotC gaming experience.

The game may have been shit for many.... BUT WE HAD FUN PLAYING IN THIS HOUSE!!

I'm weirdly nostalgic for movie tie in games. At the time, everyone hated them. Yet, I can't help but feel a bit of happiness when I see a random movie tie in game from previous consoles. Pirates of the Carribean, only one on the console thankfully, is a quite decent action adventure game. You play as Amber heard's ex husband on an adventure through parts of the movie? To be honest, I haven't seen the movie, BUT the game does look nice. The areas are all detailed, colourful and varied, and I really enjoyed exploring them. Gameplay is a mix between hack and slash, platforming and some elements of puzzle soliving, with a few collectables thrown in there. The gameplay is simple but varied and the levels do feel realistic. The game also has quite a nice plot with some great cutscenes. Did they get Legolas to do the voice lines? No idea. But the story was interesting and didn't feel tacked on. There is a quite unique duel system to the game, in which you sword fight one on one which was enjoyable and worked well. I also like the variety with different weapons and enemy types. Overall it's a game which appeals to both adults and chilren and will keep you entertained through it's short campaign. It's nothing incredible, but we rarely see games like this nowadays and I do miss them.

From now on, I'm gonna be calling every QTE ever a Jackanism

Nostalgia moment. I loved this game and I have great memories of that times 😇

Mostly unremarkable but occasionally unreasonably competent.

An awful movie tie-in game. Nothing here worth reccomending

Overall this is a pretty standard movie to game adaptation. What really saves it is that the motion control sword fights on the Wii. There are plenty of characters for you to duel your friends with.

I think i remember it being alright????

This along with Assasins Creed made me lose interesst in modern games for a long time.

Played the Wii, Xbox 360 and DS versions.

Wii: 3/10. Awful combat design, lip-syncing and boss fights.
Xbox: 6/10. Bizarre design choices and bad level design combined with some moments of awesome.
DS: 5/10. Tinny music and bad story (including drowning if entering any water source), but good minigames.

The pirates of the Caribbean theme song is pretty epic

This game is far from the worst thing I've played but it's just not very fun to be completely honest.

The game doesn't look all that impressive, the gameplay is dull, and you'd be much better off just watching Dead Man's Chest and At World's End back to back instead.

Maybe the worst movie tie-in game I've ever played? Didn't get far.

I had the CD and played it often as a kid, can't remember most of it now other than that I liked exploring the cities & islands and how much I hated the quick time events.

Entertainingly bad if you're a fan of the movies

Was the game shit or was I too young and bad to progress? probably both


There are two very different ways for me to look at this.

I can either say it's an interesting alternate telling of my favorite entry in my favorite series of movies ever with some very unique ideas, changes to how certain setpieces play out and a fun way to intergrate POTC into an action game with Jack Sparrow's shenanigans via QTE's and a decently good soundtrack of which some of the tracks went on to be used in the much better Pirates game that came afterwards.

Or a bland, dull, run of the mill licensed kids game with simple and repetitive combat, subpar visuals, reused assets that are more noticeable than my lack of a life and hit or miss voice acting that is on par with something like the Shark Tale game on the same console in terms of quality.

And frankly I don't know which one to pick, but fuck it. I like Pirates of the Caribbean and they gave me Pirates of the Caribbean for a coupla hours so I see it as a win in my book.


Mais divertido do que deveria ser pra um jogo infantil.

the time attacks were you got to press the right button insanely fast is very unforgiving you will find ur self having to repeat alot of missions due to this if ur going for every unlock able anyway