Reviews from

in the past

Fun online 3rd-person shooter set in the Plants vs. Zombies universe. The modes and mechanics of the game are impressively designed with different classes on both sides (plants and zombies) that are reasonably balanced and work well.

Graphics are colorful and the art direction is great combined with well-designed and fun animations.

PopCap Games Inc, circa 2012

"it looks like pv2 was a success, whats next for the franchise?"

"third person shooter"

"dude stop suggesting shit like this"

"no trust me its gonna work"

Super fun and creative!! I know the gameplay might be considered basic to some, but I have way too much fun unlocking customization and playing as these characters to not enjoy the hell out of it.

imo still the best garden warfare game it just felt more balanced also isn't trying to be this overwatch type thingy

also i have the platinum for it cause iam a bawler like that also a lot of free time as a teenager

What if I said this was one of the best shooters of the decade...

This game might be in my top 3 of all time not gonna lie. The amount of hours I had on this game were absolutely absurd and I loved everything about it. All of the classes were fun, and there were tons of variants for each class. I love how creative the devs got with this game and how well everything always felt, looked, and played. Perfection

Muy divertido de jugar con amigos o solo
(Creo que la nostalgia me esta cegando)

Its a dead game now, but back then it was almost perfect casual shooter.

Rainbow Six Seige but awesome

“It was dumb to make a third-person shooter of pvz” no it wasn’t, shut up loser

I LOVE THIS GAME! This game is fantastic and for its time, is such a fun concept for a hero shooter. It was definitely ahead of its time and extremely creative in every way. Every character felt unique with plenty of characteristics and customization. Playing as 8 different classes with plenty of skins with new and unique abilities and shooting styles. Plus, the soundtrack is banging with good map diversity and plenty of game modes. The game mode highlight is for sure garden ops, being a wave-based boss coop game mode with unique perks every wave to keep things feeling fresh with plenty of difficulty. A great game in every sense.

They took a very simple but charming game, and actually succeeded in turning it into an incredibly fun third person shooter. The entire game is dripping with creativity, and the characters feel special and fun in their own ways. It perfectly nailed the combination of having enough room for silly fun as well as for skill expression.

PvZGW is one of the greatest team-based shooters out there, it had tons of replayability, with a survival mode, and countless gamemodes for online play.

It’s just a real shame EA couldn’t stop wanting more and more.

There's many circumstances where games can offer extremely fun and addicting gameplay by just being well structured, offering a lot of content unified with good gameplay, this creates an organic relationship between game and player. One of these cases can, absolutely, be attached to Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare.

The game is extremely well balanced, there's no OP character that's just annoying to see on a match or the character that no one uses because there's just no point on doing so, all 8 options have their advantages and disadvantages, all of them being unique, creating a great feeling when you discover your favorite to play. Characters also have variants that impact gameplay, which is the highlight of the game, it's always great to unlock a new variant and use it to see all the changes compared to the original counterpart, and maybe seeing it becoming your favorite to use.

Unlocking systems are fair and satisfying to go after, of course you could just pay to get mostly everything, it's an EA game, but doing so won't make you get any sort of advantage, because skill is more important than everything in this game, recapturing the well balanced aspect again. Customizations are really cool and nice to mess with, always a fantastic feeling when you complete a page from the sticker book with all the customizations for a character, and there's a lot of them for you to immerse yourself in this universe and customize your character the way you feel like it.

The aspect of Plants against Zombies is really well done, tons of different modes to put this concept at proof, shout out to Gardens and Graveyards for being the absolute best idea ever for a game like this. Also the classic formula of waves from the original PvZ game was really well translated and adapted to Garden Warfare in Garden Ops, a blast to play with friends, although it can get old pretty fast.

Soundtrack is fantastic, memorable intense tracks that get you pumped for action or just slow catchy vibes for you to enjoy. Maps are great with amazing map design, where players can get really creative creating their own places to hide, cover, shoot etc. Visuals are good with unique art direction, gameplay is fun and can be enjoyed by everyone, it's the classic formula of easy to learn but hard, and very satisfying, to master.

Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare is a love letter to the franchise, adapting it the best way possible to a multiplayer third-person shooter, sure it has problems, every game does, could have a little more variety on the content and some gameplay modes could've been better, some of them are completely absent of players because they're just not so interesting, but by the end of the day, the game serves with majesty it's purpose, a fun ride in a garden with zombies for you to pop up, or vice versa.

One of my favorite shooters of all time, Can’t believe it’s been 10 years. I have countless memories of playing this game together with friends trying to do Garden Ops on harder difficulties, grinding Team Vanquish lobbies, and a lot more. This and GW2 are peak fiction and I’d love to see a real third entry someday. (Battle for Neighborville doesn’t count)

Damn what a fun game, has so many different characters and maps, truly sad that died too soon and EA just decided to keep making sequels trying to improve it instead of reworking the game

If this game was popular to this day, I would play the living shit out of it. One of my favourite shooters thanks to it's fast paced gameplay and unique gamemodes with gunplay.
The Maps were huge with long playtime and interesting locations that were different from every other beta shooter.
How you can change the class' skills and skins so easily with a generally great progression system so every game was different.

A really solid hero shooter. The animations on the characters add a lot of charm and the gameplay is pretty fun. Very solid

A great surprise. Despite all the odd microtransactions, here lies a pretty solid game.

spent countless hours on this, one of the best shooters I've played to this day.

Com certeza eu nunca vou me divertir jogando um shooter igual eu me diverti nesse aqui. Plants vs. Zombies: Garden Warfare é um negócio insanamente divertido e foi ótimo enquanto durou.

A diversidade de gameplay que você pode ter nesse jogo é sensacional, com 4 classes de zumbis e plantas de cada lado, e cada uma ter inúmeras variações... é impossível não se agradar com pelo menos umas 10 delas. Além disso, mais aplausos às centenas possibilidades de customização dos personagens, cuja obtenção dos itens era por um preço bastante justo e agradável de correr atrás.

O desbalanceamento era pouco perceptível entre as classes, mas bem evidente entre determinadas variações (tipo uma Come-tudo e uma Carnívora Elétrica, ou um Arqueólogo e um Biólogo Marinho). Sobre os modos de jogo, a Operação Jardim é uma experiência clássica adaptada do primeiríssimo título da franquia, denotando uma aliança sublime de desafios e empolgação. Todos os outros modos me parecem tão divertidos quanto, mas com um destaque especial para o Jardins e Cemitérios — o qual acredito ser o favorito da maioria, ou não, sei lá.

Creio que os únicos pontos negativos que me recordo eram telas de carregamento relativamente longas (principalmente no Jardins e Cemitérios), e alguns bugs recorrentes de renderização do mapa. No mais, foi o único shooter que realmente me deu prazer em jogar, possivelmente porque também foi o único que eu sabia jogar, como também ainda é.

Quite literally peak of my childhood gaming with friends. This is those warm summer nights where you stay up late and you're all laughing hysterically. Begging to host Garden Ops lobbies knowing full well I'd tank the run because my internet sucked or I'd be called down for my tea. This was my first shooter and it'll alway have a fond place in my heart. It's an amazing re-imagination of the Plants VS Zombies concept and has a real all-star cast of characters that feel unique, fun, and surprisingly well balanced (or was it that we simply didn't care if they weren't). These days pack opening is a tired concept (and a predatory monetisation strategy) but back then there was something so exciting and satisfying about completing the sticker book to unlock new characters, desperate to do it all without spending a penny of my pocket money.

childhood masterpiece i think everyone should have played. I gotta tell you, it was perfect. perfect everything down to the last minute details.

O charme que esse possui é algo que muitas franquias invejam. Pode sim ter muitas coisas faltando e uma simplicidade desnecessária em outros quesitos mas o que esse jogo decide fazer ele faz muito bem

I actually never thought I would enjoy a multiplayer shooter disguised as PvZ as much as I did... Gardens and graveyards was such a fun gamemode

Surprisingly good despite the weird combo of a third person shooter and a tower defense franchise. I still love how they revealed this with the spoofed battlefield 3 trailer