Reviews from

in the past

Only play it with SDLPoP port with time limit disabled and quick saves. Deliberatly hostile to the player, which might been a neat design in 1989, but, unfortunately for the game, humanity already figured out how to make good sidescrollers by then. Intentionally made the most sluggish and unresponsive character in a history of videogames, which makes Simon Belmont look like a modern prince of persia in comparison. Besides novelty of controlling a character with debilitating physical disability game has nothing to offer: no music, all levels feel like randomly generated, laughable combat which tricks you into thinking that differently color coded enemies have different behaviour (which is a lie).

Ottime idee a suo tempo, che hanno dato avvio a un sottogenere a sé (cinematic platformer) e ispirato platformer 3D come Tomb Raider.
Particolare riferimento a:
"shadow man" che, seppur con azioni scriptate, fa da temporanea semplice nemesi del giocatore e cerca di ostacolarne in modi inattesi l'avanzamento;
animazioni notevolmente fluide, realizzate attraverso il rotoscoping (cosa che restituisce anche un inusuale senso di realismo);
il level design, in relazione ai movimenti eseguibili dal personaggio e al danno da caduta (realizzando dunque un vero e proprio puzzle platformer);
emergenza di uno stile di gioco più cauto rispetto ad altri platformer contemporanei e precedenti, nel rispetto della necessità di sopravvivere;
un sistema di combattimento corpo a corpo, per quanto semplice (basato solo su parate e stoccate).

Vista la natura del gioco e la sua collocazione storica, ci tengo particolarmente a tenere in considerazione i grossi limiti tecnici imposti da Apple II (su cui è stato inizialmente realizzato e lanciato).

La versione SNES è quella più corposa e complessa, godendo anche di fondali ottimamente realizzati e un comparto grafico più moderno. Tuttavia, differisce fin troppo dalla versione originale: livelli molto più lunghi, aree totalmente nuove, veri e propri boss (anche originali nel design) oltre Jafaar. Vale quindi la pena provare la versione Amiga o Apple II prima di avvicinarsi alla versione per SNES.

I don't think I ever got past the 3rd screen, and not for lack of trying

As the start of the cinematic platformer, this was pretty neat to experience. . Controls remarkably well, not too hard when you get used to the unique feel (mostly), and it's pretty short to boot.

This game is a classic for a reason, truly deserving of its success and legacy. Although it can feel very alien coming from a more twitchy platformer like Mario, the slow and deliberate style of Prince of Persia works very well once you're calibrated to it. The controls are consistent and reliable, which is crucial. The rotoscoped animation is timelessly beautiful, the puzzles and exploration are satisfying without being unreasonably difficult. Great stuff.

Prince of Persia looks incredible and has a very unique feel, but the level design is very "gotcha" and requires a lot of trial-and-error. Although the prince moves sluggishly, I did find the movement to be satisfying in its own way. Similarly the sword fights were very exciting once I got the hang of them. But I can't bear the thought of exploring dungeons with nearly invisible traps that require either foreknowledge or a tedious examination of every pixel of the environment.

O jogo continua sendo um primor de beleza artística. Eu considero um plataforma estratégico: cada tela requer uma abordagem bem pensada pra atravessar. E ainda acho o combate elegante.

Played through this on my cousin’s Mac desktop. I was young enough that when you get chopped in half, that scared me. Sword fighting felt great, and the fluidity of the rotoscoped style.

Cuando era pequeño este juego me transmitía un aire de peligro, misterio y aventura increíble. Es un auténtico golpe de nostalgia.

Muito complexo para uma criança, eu havia desistido por causa dos controles.

Time + geometry conspiring to put hair on your chest.

This iconic game has sword fights that put many modern games to shame.

El primer juego del príncipe que camina por las paredes y que lucha con movimientos acrobáticos fue desarrollado para DOS, y nos pone en el papel de un joven aventurero que debe sortear numerosas trampas, peligros y enemigos para salvar a la princesa de Persia y acabar con la tiranía del malvado Jaffar. Con un gameplay bastante básico que se centra en la exploración, la cautela y un poco de acción, Prince of Persia era uno de esos títulos que retaban al videojugador, ofreciendo una experiencia reconfortante que deja huella. Uno de los buenos juegos de antaño, y origen de una de las sagas más famosas de videojuegos hoy día.

No saber caminar el videojuego

The og Apple II version of this is so gorgeous it's insane. And so beautiful to play something that feels handmade and from one unique artist. To me the difficulty and jankiness compounds that feeling. Stubborn as a diamond.

Game is fun as hell. Wish the shift button on my keyboard actually worked though

Eis que você é um jogo de plataforma sincero, desafiador e gostosinho.

Que jogaço. Não dá pra acreditar que esse jogo é de 89, muito a frente do seu tempo. Um dos melhores na minha opinião.

saw this game as a kid on a browser games site and i thought this was a fever dream cus of how ominous the game looked but now finally getting to play it i personally think it's surprisingly cool and kinda thought out (still infuriating as any super old game) i appreciated it