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The term demake gets thrown around kind of a lot nowadays to just mean "remake I don't like" but I always thought of it to mean remaking a game on weaker hardware. In this case, we have Ristar for the Sega Game Gear, which is far weaker than the Sega Genesis.

TBH? It's by far the most impressive deconversion of a game ever made, to the point I much prefer it to the Genesis version. All the levels I disliked such as the water levels are replaced with new more straightforward levels like a cool rainbow level (be sure to play the Japanese version of GG Ristar!) or bomb disposal level. I just enjoy not having to play with the swimming physics again.

The music and graphics are a bit of a downgrade of course, but GG Ristar punches far harder than its weight class would suggest. I could listen to its version of the OST for ages

Also, even the English version retains the story from the Japanese original which was changed in the English Genesis release. Very neat! But I think the coolest technical achievement is how they managed to replicate the ending effects on Game Gear!

It's the same Ristar you know and love, only with all the filler bits removed and replaced with mostly more interesting things imo. The new collectibles are really fun to casually walk through and I appreciate how many extra things there are to grab such as enemy shields and spears. Easy rec for fans of the original.

I really liked a lot of the new takes on stages, and the two new bosses were a treat! Huge fan of the Energizer Bunny being in this one and having an attack that reminds me of a Mega Man boss.

Fell apart at the end though when they throw 3 bosses at you in a row that all have really stupid changes to be harder than in the original game. The final boss isn't even the hardest in the game, and that's really saying something if it took me nearly 20 minutes to kill it.

I should note that the final boss only killed me once. Its hitboxes were so finnicky that it just.... took 20 minutes. Sheesh.

Oh well. It's fine otherwise aside from that doodoo final segment, par for the course for low budget games I guess.

The 8-bit version of Ristar on the Game Gear is if anything even more impressive to look at than the Mega Drive version when considered within the restraints of it's hardware, looking as good or better than many games on 16-bit hardware. Much like the graphics the controls are completely uncompromised too, Ristar controlling near identically to how he does in the 16-bit version. It also mostly doesn't suffer from the same mean difficulty curve towards the end apart from a cruel final boss rush, the levels following a similar path to Sonic the Hedgehog 8-bit with a mix of direct ports, alternate levels with the same themes, and completely original worlds which ends up making Ristar 8-bit worth playing even if you've played the original.

A solid port that goes the Donkey Kong Land route with adding new levels & bosses to replace some of the content from the Genesis version. The music is the best on the Game Gear but comparing it to the Genesis soundtrack, its like comparing a steak dinner to a kids meal (the new compositions are great, however). Was expecting the Game Gear resolution to be an issue with the game since that is the usual for most of it's library but I was pleasantly surprised by the game not suffering from screen crunch at all. They definitely designed this game around that limitation.

Overall, Ristar GG is a neat little companion piece to the Genesis game and I recommend playing it if you're hungry for more Ristar. Lord knows he probably won't come back with a new game anytime soon.

Would also check out the SMS conversion romhack in case you want that extra screen real estate, but I can assure you the Game Gear resolution is fine as is.

Pretty cute little platformer. I do think the screen-crunch can be annoying sometimes I enjoyed my time regardless.

I did feel like the final boss's lightning attack is way too goddamn fast and feels like trial and error at points. I'll check out the Genesis version sometime down the line.

Ich möchte anmerken, dass ich das Spiel per GG2SMS-Hack auf einem Master System gespielt hab, mit entsprechender Vergrößerungen des Bildes. Leider hing das Spiel bei Level 3-1, wo scheinbar am Ende ein Vogel auftauchten sollte, was vermutlich dem Hack geschuldet nicht passierte, wodurch ich nicht weiterkam. Das will ich dem Spiel natürlich nicht ankreiden, nur werd ich deshalb auch keine Wertung abgeben, da ich das Spiel weder abschließen noch regulär verlieren konnte. Wenn ich aber eine Wertung abgeben würde, wären es 4 Sterne. Ich war echt beeindruckt, was hier aus dem System geholt wurde, und dadurch auch etwas traurig dass es keinen echten Master System-Port hat. Grafik und Animationen sind spitze, die Musik gut, und die Greifmechaniken, die Ristar auf dem Megadrive ausmachen, fantastisch umgesetzt. Ich bin wirklich überrascht, wie viel man aus dieser Mechanik auf dem alten 8-Bit System rausholen konnte. Etwa gibt es einen Gegner, der einen Speer zurücklässt, wenn man ihn besiegt. Diesen kann man greifen um ihn dann zu werfen. Der Speer bleibt dann an der nächsten Wand hängen, und man kann den Speer durch die Greifmechanik nutzen um weiter hochzuklettern. Auf nem Game Gear bzw. Master System. Was hingegen etwas nervig war, war wie schnell Gegner wieder gespawnt haben. Man dreht sich nur kurz um und schon sind sie wieder da. Aber das hat mir jetzt auch nicht die Lust an diesem echt guten Spiel geraubt.

Played for RetroAchievements. I haven't played the original but just from screenshots I think the 8-bit style really suits this game. It looks great on Game Gear, and it's pretty fun. The final boss is unfair until you know what to do at which point it's pretty easy, and I wish it had some kind of save system (it has "passwords" which are just cheat codes, but no saving passwords? Hello???) but other than that it's super fun. Lots of completionist stuff to do too, at least with RA; will definitely go back to this someday.

Move over, GG Aleste 2; step aside, Sonic Triple Trouble; back up, Greendog the Beached Surfer Dude: This is the real Game Gear killer app.

Ristar GG's accuracy to both the original mechanics and feel are endlessly commendable. The few compromises it makes in content don't impact the joy of exploring its vivid world, and its new stages feel like they could fit right in with the tone of the original.

This is actually how I experienced Ristar for the first time, over a decade and a half ago on this abominable thing. I never got farther than Sonata act 1 back then, but it quickly cemented itself as this ethereal, mesmerizing developmental experience.

I got this game around Christmas of 2003 when I was 7 years old and just discovering sega's back catalog of games. I'd already played ristar on the Genesis and adored it to no end. I even remember an older cousin and I popping in the boss rush code from gamefaqs printout I had prior to even having the Genesis game and him just annihilating everything up to kaiser greedy without much experience with the game otherwise. That's how special the game is to me, lol.

As for this 8 bit version, it follows the same philosophy as Sonic 1 8 bit in that it has the same general structure but a handful of different mechanics and levels. Ristar GG features an exclusive pirate ship stage and two exclusive bosses. The snow stages also revolve around picking up bombs and hauling ass to various checkpoints before they explode....not to mention this weird time rabbit boss that is able to freeze time and bounce about while you're stunned.

What makes this version particularly impressive is how much it was able to keep in tact from the 16 bit version compared Sonic's GG outings. Swinging poles were pretty much Ristar's equivalent of the loop-de-loops of Sonic, and they weren't sacrificed in this port. There's plenty of opportunities to swing about and launch yourself at high speeds despite the limited hardware- even in the aforementioned exclusive stage.

Again, I can't say in good spirit that it's the better game over its 16 bit counterpart, but it's still worth a run if you enjoy the source material.

super fun platformer, worth a play still

The level designs are simplified compared to the Genesis counterpart, which is to be expected for the Game Gear. But surprisingly swinging from pole to pole felt more fluid/easier and you have more control over where Ristar goes when flying. I also really liked that you can pick up some weapons dropped by enemies and use them.
Take the graphics and level design of the Genesis and the easier controls and more tools to grab/use of the Game Gear and there could have been a really good sequel.

A pretty solid conversion of a great game. The Genesis version is still superior, but I can imagine this being a solid alternative at the time.

A deeply impressive Game Gear version of the Genesis' best game. It still looks and plays incredibly well and a lot of the little extra animations such as Ristar's idle actions are still present. Planet Freon has been largely reworked and now features a boss fight with a rabbit in an hourglass while Planet Undertow has been replaced with the single stage Planet Terra. My only complaint is that Greedy's black hole instant kill attack is much much harder to avoid here because of the narrower room and the fact that you can't hold on to the enemies you grab. I got the hang of it eventually but it took a lot of trial and error and at least doubled my playtime just from the boss fight alone.

Much like the Sega Genesis version, this may actually be the best game on the system. I admittedly haven't played many Game Gear games though so this opinion may change but this is going to take some beating.