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in the past

Keika Hanada is the only person that could make an april fools game that is both a meta meme game but also a laser-guided grief missile. A very odd, very specific story that is full of contradiction - it's so clearly a parallell story to Fata but it also so definetly isnt. The characters are Yakuza Ishin'd with them playing seperate people - but they also clearly are meant to draw on their original counterparts. It reads as extremely autobiographal, yet that doesn't add up.

Seventh Lair is a game that is clearly made for maybe less than a thousand people worldwide. It is almost explicit about that in it's own text. For everyone else, it's anything from ignorable to a downright managling of a work that is very impactful to them.

Still, even if you disregard the meta weirdness, Hamada remains just the absolute best at writing a story that will absolutely rip your heart out. The "life of a creator" chapters of Seventh Lair captures such relatable thoughts and emotions, as good as the peaks of Fata Morgana does. And I bawled my fucking eyes out.

tear-bait garbage, genuinely one of the worst things I've ever read

Novetacle writes something unrelated to FataMoru Challenge (IMPOSSIBLE) (10 YEAR ANNIVERSARY SPEClAL)

The Original Fata Morgana is genuinely a masterpiece, creme de la creme, top 1 pieces of fiction I have ever experienced. Requiem For Innocence was a needed expansion of the original story that didn't quite fit on the main project. Reincarnation was pushing, especially with the change in art style and voice acting but whatever, I can excuse the milking of the series if it means I'll get a chance to see my favorite characters again, but this... This is just an embarrassing attempt at getting a quick buck from your fans.

Let me assure that despite sharing portraits and names with the characters from the IP, Seventh Lair has fuck all to do with Fata Morgana. It's a dogshit Sword Art Online-tier isekai story in the blandest generic JRPG Maker game featuring ear piercing chiptune music where the characters from the VN act as "actors" for the characters for 7th lair in a lazy attempt to not do anything from scratch. The allusions to the characters from the original VN do nothing but tarnish the legacy of the original and lessen both this story and the one before it. Jacopo is not an internet forum troll, Mell is not an NPC, Maria is not a transgender woman, and the fact she flat out tells Not-Michel that he would never understand the struggle of being born in the wrong body is so bafflingly hilarious that I can't fathom that this comes from the same team that gave us the original FataMoru, or the people who gave these characters better current-world personifications in Reincarnation.

Genuinely sad over giving this a low rating when it's related to my favorite IP, perhaps this could have been a touching story had it not been a complete asset flip with the most cliche, emotionally manipulative dialogue scenes ever made.

This is what happens when you milk the cow too much, an awful game that totally ruins Michel's character. Seems like the author self inserted here and there; the humor is BAD and overall everything's really lame

game i got into because of april fools fata morgana content came out crying NOVECT you did it again,,

me forty minutes in: haha jacopo called someone a boomer

hanada keika standing right behind me with a metal bat:

i enjoyed it for what it was, but it's just okay. don't read the english TL, it's bad

It's hard to top the masterpiece that was Fata Morgana, but this was still a solid entry, even if it hit a lot of the same plot beats as its predecessor.

Seventh Lair is a weird one, and honestly I'm still kinda conflicted about a lot of it, but overall I think it does more that I like compared to some of the questionable stuff. This was released as an "April Fools game" so I don't really think it's worth getting too up in arms about it, but I don't think this being a spin-off of The house in Fata Morgana is really doing it any favors. For a bit I was kinda worried it would try to tie itself into the Fata Morgana in some canonical way, but thankfully it's made clear by the end that this is just an AU, so I'm cool with some of the cast being out of character, considering they're just depictions of the original cast.

The writing has some low points, particularly I don't care much for all the Isekai stuff, the music in those sections kinda such, and most of the jokes are pretty generic, and also MAN did they do the Yukimasa proxy here dirty, it's honestly really dirty just how watered down his character has become, so yeah that part didn't really do it for me, and it's a shame how much time it takes up though.

With all of that said though, I weirdly ended up kinda loving this? While not touching upon them much, I adore how this game tackles struggles many people struggle with in the internet age, from loneliness, to hiding behind a mask, to gender dysphoria, it's really cool getting to see that kinda thing in a visual novel like this, and I particularly really resonated with the struggles of the main character struggling to find a planform and desperately wanting people to actually invest themselves in his art, he knows that in the vast reaches of the internet it's pretty much impossible, but also that some people HAVE succeeded, and that jealousy really hit dangerously close to home for me. It all comes to ahead with the final twist and the sequence thereafter, which was heartbreaking as hell. Keika Hanada ones again proves themselves to be the undisputed king of tragedies, and the one here is unironically almost up to par with some of Fata Morgana's best, which for an "April Fool's game" is insane. I do kinda wish they would've made a specific song kinda bad on purpose, that would've hit REALLY hard I feel, but still I get the vision, and it end up great in my opinion.

So yeah this is still kind of a really weird one, but I enjoyed enough of what it did to think it was worth my time, and I can't wait to see what Novectacle has in store for us in the future!

I was completely ready to just not write anything about this game but seeing it with only 93 plays I just can’t log this and move on. If me writing this even gets one more person to play a game written by Keika Hanada it’ll have been worth it.

Despite only being around 4 hours this game says a lot with its runtime but with the main message of it all being about the creation of art. How art acts as a reflection of a personal part of the artist at the time of its creation. Even if later on the intensity inside the artist takes a different form that work forever captures those emotions for others to feel. That’s what makes it such an immensely beautiful and uniquely human thing. Although it is easy to see games as just entertainment Seventh Lair is a poignant reminder that behind each game no matter how big or small there are people behind them trying to create something meaningful. And, at the end of the day, that work may not resonate with you personally but to complain about that would miss the point entirely. That’s why I can’t promise you’ll love this game but I don’t think I’ve ever played a game that felt more genuine. So, if you have $7 to spend on a visual novel from 2013 I can’t recommend it enough.

fatamoru fans really can't be happy

Seventh Lair is an April Fool's visual novel that takes the characters from House In Fata Morgana and places them into a new world with new backstories.

I normally don't care for parody/joke visual novels but I loved this, and it does include the usual sincere/heartbreaking Fata Morgana magic later on. Look past the somewhat rough presentation and fan game feel of everything, and you'll have a good time with great characters and a story that isn't as one dimensional as initially presented

honestly if i lost a bad bitch like that i woulda done the same thing michel my brother🫡

This VN released on April Fools, except the joke was that it wasn't a joke at all and that it was gonna be just as emotional and well crafted as Fatamoru, despite being a much shorter story.
Well played

Had absolutely no business being as funny in the first half and compelling in the second as it was for an April Fool's release. Genuinely might like it more than Fata Morgana lol. Can't help but feel the inclusion - thankfully minor - of the Dutch Decapitator was out of place though (disliked the Beast character in Fata Morgana too). OST banged

theres somethings i can't defend but also theres somethings i CAN !!

Wow, I booted this up and was immediately disappointed. The English translation is a trainwreck. It's extremely stiff, using the most basic tropes to translate phrases, completely disregarding standards and character voices set by the previous game in the series. And when the gameplay is entirely reading, the text being unreadably bad is kind of inexcusable! It's an insult to the incredibly high quality of the script in the previous two games. I may return to it later for completion's sake, but my enthusiasm to devour it ASAP has been absolutely drained.